bzoj2588 -- 树链剖分+主席树





 1 #include<iostream>
 2 #include<cstdio>
 3 #include<cstring>
 4 #include<algorithm>
 5 #include<vector>
 6 using namespace std;
 7 #define ll long long
 8 inline char nc(){
 9     static char buf[100000],*p1=buf,*p2=buf;
10     if(p1==p2){
11         p2=(p1=buf)+fread(buf,1,100000,stdin);
12         if(p1==p2)return EOF;
13     }
14     return *p1++;
15 }
16 inline void Read(int& x){
17     char c=nc(),b=1;
18     for(;c<‘0‘||c>‘9‘;c=nc())if(c==‘-‘)b=-1;
19     for(x=0;c>=‘0‘&&c<=‘9‘;x=(x<<3)+(x<<1)+c-48,c=nc());x*=b;
20 }
21 char S[30];
22 int Len;
23 inline void Print(int x){
24     for(Len=0;x;x/=10)S[++Len]=x%10;
25     while(Len)putchar(S[Len--]+48);
26 }
27 #define N 100010
28 vector<int>g[N];
29 struct Ls{
30     int w,f;
31 }l[N];
32 struct Node{
33     int l,r,s;
34 }c[N*80];
35 int Ans,i,j,k,n,m,x,y,a[N],Top[N],Rt[N],f[N],d[N],s[N],Son[N],w[N],Num,Cnt,L;
36 inline void Dfs1(int x,int F){
37     f[x]=F;d[x]=d[F]+1;s[x]=1;
38     for(int i=0;i<g[x].size();i++)
39     if(g[x][i]!=F){
40         Dfs1(g[x][i],x);
41         if(s[g[x][i]]>s[Son[x]])Son[x]=g[x][i];
42         s[x]+=s[g[x][i]];
43     }
44 }
45 inline void Insert(int Last,int& x,int l,int r,int y){
46     c[++Cnt]=c[Last];
47     x=Cnt;c[x].s++;
48     if(l==r)return;
49     int Mid=l+r>>1;
50     if(Mid>=y)Insert(c[Last].l,c[x].l,l,Mid,y);else Insert(c[Last].r,c[x].r,Mid+1,r,y);
51 }
52 inline void Dfs2(int x,int Tmp){
53     Top[x]=Tmp;Insert(Rt[f[x]],Rt[x],1,Num,a[x]);
54     if(Son[x])Dfs2(Son[x],Tmp);
55     for(int i=0;i<g[x].size();i++)
56     if(g[x][i]!=f[x]&&g[x][i]!=Son[x])Dfs2(g[x][i],g[x][i]);
57 }
58 inline bool Cmp(Ls a,Ls b){return a.w<b.w;}
59 inline int Lca(int x,int y){
60     while(Top[x]!=Top[y])
61     if(d[Top[x]]>d[Top[y]])x=f[Top[x]];else y=f[Top[y]];
62     return d[x]>d[y]?y:x;
63 }
64 inline int Query(int x,int y,int z,int p,int l,int r,int k){
65     if(l==r)return l;
66     int Mid=l+r>>1;
67     int S=k-c[c[x].l].s-c[c[y].l].s+c[c[z].l].s+c[c[p].l].s;
68     if(S<=0)return Query(c[x].l,c[y].l,c[z].l,c[p].l,l,Mid,k);
69     return Query(c[x].r,c[y].r,c[z].r,c[p].r,Mid+1,r,S);
70 }
71 int main(){
72     Read(n);Read(m);
73     for(i=1;i<=n;i++)Read(l[i].w),l[i].f=i;
74     sort(l+1,l+n+1,Cmp);
75     a[l[1].f]=Num=1;w[1]=l[1].w;
76     for(i=2;i<=n;i++)
77     if(l[i].w==l[i-1].w)a[l[i].f]=Num;else a[l[i].f]=++Num,w[Num]=l[i].w;
78     for(i=1;i<n;i++)Read(x),Read(y),g[x].push_back(y),g[y].push_back(x);
79     Dfs1(1,0);Dfs2(1,1);
80     while(m--){
81         Read(x);Read(y);Read(k);
82         x^=Ans;
83         L=Lca(x,y);
84         Ans=w[Query(Rt[x],Rt[y],Rt[L],Rt[f[L]],1,Num,k)];
85         Print(Ans);
86         if(m)putchar(‘\n‘);
87     }
88     return 0;
89 }


时间: 2024-12-27 21:40:43

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