

To install and configure the Compute hypervisor components

1.Install the packages:

yum install openstack-nova-compute sysfsutils

2.Edit the /etc/nova/nova.conf file and complete the following actions:

In the [DEFAULT] and [oslo_messaging_rabbit] sections, configure RabbitMQ message queue access:

rpc_backend = rabbit

rabbit_host = controller
rabbit_userid = openstack
rabbit_password = RABBIT_PASS

Replace RABBIT_PASS with the password you chose for the openstack account in RabbitMQ.

In the [DEFAULT] and [keystone_authtoken] sections, configure Identity service access:

auth_strategy = keystone

auth_uri = http://controller:5000
auth_url = http://controller:35357
auth_plugin = password
project_domain_id = default
user_domain_id = default
project_name = service
username = nova
password = NOVA_PASS

Replace NOVA_PASS with the password you chose for the nova user in the Identity service.

注意:Comment out or remove any other options in the [keystone_authtoken] section.

In the [DEFAULT] section, configure the my_ip option:


Replace MANAGEMENT_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS with the IP address of the management network interface on your compute node

In the [DEFAULT] section, enable and configure remote console access:

vnc_enabled = True
vncserver_listen =
vncserver_proxyclient_address = MANAGEMENT_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS
novncproxy_base_url = http://controller:6080/vnc_auto.html

The server component listens on all IP addresses and the proxy component only listens on the management interface IP address of the compute node. The base URL indicates the location where you can use a web browser to access remote consoles of instances on this compute node.

In the [glance] section, configure the location of the Image service:

host = controller

In the [oslo_concurrency] section, configure the lock path:

lock_path = /var/lib/nova/tmp

(Optional) To assist with troubleshooting, enable verbose logging in the [DEFAULT] section:

verbose = True

To finalize installation

1.Determine whether your compute node supports hardware acceleration for virtual machines:

egrep -c ‘(vmx|svm)‘ /proc/cpuinfo

If this command returns a value of one or greater, your compute node supports hardware acceleration which typically requires no additional configuration.

If this command returns a value of zero, your compute node does not support hardware acceleration and you must configure libvirt to use QEMU instead of KVM.

Edit the [libvirt] section in the /etc/nova/nova.conf file as follows:

virt_type = qemu

2.Start the Compute service including its dependencies and configure them to start automatically when the system boots:

systemctl enable libvirtd.service openstack-nova-compute.service
systemctl start libvirtd.service openstack-nova-compute.service
时间: 2025-01-01 12:17:27



控制节点 Before you install and configure the Compute service, you must create a database, service credentials, and API endpoint. 一.创建nova数据库并授权 1.登陆数据库 mysql -u root -p 2.创建数据库并授权 CREATE DATABASE nova; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nova.* TO 'nova'@'localhost


控制节点 Before you configure the OpenStack Networking (neutron) service, you must create a database, service credentials, and API endpoint. 一.创建neutron数据库并授权 1.登陆数据库 mysql -u root -p 2.创建数据库并授权 CREATE DATABASE neutron; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON neutron.*


OpenStack计算服务是基础设施即服务(IaaS)系统的主要组成部分.OpenStack计算服务使用Keystone来执行其身份验证,使用Horizon作为其管理接口,并使用Glance提供其镜像服务. 一.OpenStack 计算服务包含的组件 图1.1. OpenStack Nova组件 二.OpenStack计算节点基本环境配置 1.配置主机名和网络信息1.1配置主机名 [email protected]:~# vim /etc/hostname compute1 1.2 配置IP地址

Oracle VM + centos7.1+openstack kilo 多结点安装教程---neutron的安装(3)

声明:最近在进行openstack的kilo版本的安装,发现现有的网络教程非常少,而且多数教程并不能安装成功,故写此教程.openstack的安装较为复杂,本教程并不能保证在不同环境下也能将其安装成功.个人安装教程,也难免出错.同时,安装是在虚拟机环境下,真实安装环境需要进行更改. 转载请声明出处: 作者:张某人ER 原文链接: 第五部分 neutron的安装 (3) 在计算节点

Oracle VM + centos7.1+openstack kilo 多结点安装教程---neutron的安装(2)

声明:最近在进行openstack的kilo版本的安装,发现现有的网络教程非常少,而且多数教程并不能安装成功,故写此教程.openstack的安装较为复杂,本教程并不能保证在不同环境下也能将其安装成功.个人安装教程,也难免出错.同时,安装是在虚拟机环境下,真实安装环境需要进行更改. 转载请声明出处: 作者:张某人ER 原文链接: 第五部分 neutron的安装 (2) 在netw

Oracle VM + centos7.1+openstack kilo 多结点安装教程---neutron的安装(1)

声明:最近在进行openstack的kilo版本的安装,发现现有的网络教程非常少,而且多数教程并不能安装成功,故写此教程.openstack的安装较为复杂,本教程并不能保证在不同环境下也能将其安装成功.个人安装教程,也难免出错.同时,安装是在虚拟机环境下,真实安装环境需要进行更改. 转载请声明出处: 作者:张某人ER 原文链接: 第五部分 neutron的安装 (1) neutr

Oracle VM + centos7.1+openstack kilo 多结点安装教程---keystone的安装(3)

声明:最近在进行openstack的kilo版本的安装,发现现有的网络教程非常少,而且多数教程并不能安装成功,故写此教程.openstack的安装较为复杂,本教程并不能保证在不同环境下也能将其安装成功.个人安装教程,也难免出错.同时,安装是在虚拟机环境下,真实安装环境需要进行更改. 转载请声明出处: 作者:张某人ER 原文链接: 第二部分 keystone的安装 (3) open

Oracle VM + centos7.1+openstack kilo 多结点安装教程---基础环境配置(2)

声明:最近在进行openstack的kilo版本的安装,发现现有的网络教程非常少,而且多数教程并不能安装成功,故写此教程.openstack的安装较为复杂,本教程并不能保证在不同环境下也能将其安装成功.个人安装教程,也难免出错.同时,安装是在虚拟机环境下,真实安装环境需要进行更改. 转载请声明出处: 作者:张某人ER 原文链接: 第一部分 基础环境配置 (2) 下面设置contr

centos7 openstack kilo版本一键安装

最近在学习openstack的使用,由于是出于学习的目的使用的是all-in-one方式,在此记录在centos7系统是使用all-in-one方式安装openstack kilo版本的步骤. centos7系统使用新的接口命名方式,在安装openstack前需要修改接口名称 修改接口名称: (To restore the old naming convention, you need to edit the /etc/default/grub file and add net.ifnames=