Notes: Principles of fMRI (Coursera)

course link:

? Three fundmental goals in fMRI:

localization (brain mapping approach: task comparison, brain-behavior correlation, information-based mapping);

connectivity (functional connectivity (seed-based), effectivity connectivity (DCM), multivariate connectivity (ICA, PCA, graph theory));

prediction (use the brain activities to predict something such as behavior)

? fMRI data structure:

TR: temporal resolution

Sturctural images:T1, WM<GM<CSF (longitudinal relaxation)

Functional images: T2* images

T2: teanscerse reliaxation

? fmri data structure

Field of view (FOV): to what extent of view in each direction we can see the brain

Slice thickness

eg. If the FOC is 192 mm, matrix size is 64 mm (the area of each slice), the slice thickness is 3 mm, then voxel size: 192mm (FOV)/64 (matrix size)*3 (slice thickness) = 3*3*3 mm voxel size (the last 3 means slice thickness)

hierarchy: Experiment-subjects-session-run-volume-slice-voxel

? Statistical map: the colors indicate reliable, non-zero effects

? Reverse inference: observed brain actives -> the feeling

One fallacy: if P->Q, Q, therefore P (true only if P is the only factor leads to Q)

时间: 2025-02-01 16:38:56

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course link: ? T1 time WM = 600; GM = 1000; CSF = 3000. ? Time term TR: how often we excite the nuclei; TE: how soon after exciation we begin data collection.

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