OpenCV Tutorials —— Mask operations on matrices

Mask operations on matrices are quite simple. The idea is that we recalculate each pixels value in an image according to a mask matrix (also known as kernel). This mask holds values that will adjust how much influence neighboring pixels (and the current pixel) have on the new pixel value

蒙版操作或者核操作 ~~

The first notation is by using a formula, while the second is a compacted version of the first by using a mask. You use the mask by putting the center of the mask matrix (in the upper case noted by the zero-zero index) on the pixel you want to calculate and sum up the pixel values multiplied with the overlapped matrix values.


void Sharpen(const Mat& myImage, Mat& Result)
    CV_Assert(myImage.depth() == CV_8U);  // accept only uchar images

    Result.create(myImage.size(), myImage.type());
    const int nChannels = myImage.channels();

    for(int j = 1; j < myImage.rows - 1; ++j)
        const uchar* previous = myImage.ptr<uchar>(j - 1);	// 前一行
        const uchar* current  = myImage.ptr<uchar>(j    );	// 当前行
        const uchar* next     = myImage.ptr<uchar>(j + 1);  // 后一行

        uchar* output = Result.ptr<uchar>(j);

        for(int i = nChannels; i < nChannels * (myImage.cols - 1); ++i)
            *output++ = saturate_cast<uchar>(5 * current[i]
                         -current[i - nChannels] - current[i + nChannels] - previous[i] - next[i]);

    Result.row(Result.rows - 1).setTo(Scalar(0));
    Result.col(Result.cols - 1).setTo(Scalar(0));

We’ll use the plain C [] operator to access pixels. Because we need to access multiple rows at the same time we’ll acquire the pointers for each of them (a previous, a current and a next line). We need another pointer to where we’re going to save the calculation.



On the borders of the image the upper notation results inexistent pixel locations (like minus one - minus one). In these points our formula is undefined. A simple solution is to not apply the kernel in these points and, for example, set the pixels on the borders to zeros:

Result.row(0).setTo(Scalar(0));               // The top row
Result.row(Result.rows - 1).setTo(Scalar(0)); // The bottom row
Result.col(0).setTo(Scalar(0));               // The left column
Result.col(Result.cols - 1).setTo(Scalar(0)); // The right column

setTo (Scalar) —— 将矩阵置为某一元素


The filter2D function

上面的方式,自己实现了整个过滤过程 —— 其实可以把公共部分代码提取出来

For this you first need to define a Mat object that holds the mask:

Mat kern = (Mat_<char>(3,3) <<  0, -1,  0,
                               -1,  5, -1,
                                0, -1,  0);

Then call the filter2D function specifying the input, the output image and the kernell to use:

filter2D(I, K, I.depth(), kern);

The function even has a fifth optional argument to specify the center of the kernel, and a sixth one for determining what to do in the regions where the operation is undefined (borders).




#include "stdafx.h"

#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

static void help(char* progName)
	cout << endl
		<<  "This program shows how to filter images with mask: the write it yourself and the"
		<< "filter2d way. " << endl
		<<  "Usage:"                                                                        << endl
		<< progName << " [image_name -- default lena.jpg] [G -- grayscale] "        << endl << endl;

void Sharpen(const Mat& myImage,Mat& Result);

int main( int argc, char* argv[])
	const char* filename = argc >=2 ? argv[1] : "lena.jpg";

	Mat I, J, K;

	if (argc >= 3 && !strcmp("G", argv[2]))
		I = imread( filename, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
		I = imread( filename, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);

	namedWindow("Input", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
	namedWindow("Output", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);

	imshow("Input", I);
	double t = (double)getTickCount();

	Sharpen(I, J);

	t = ((double)getTickCount() - t)/getTickFrequency();
	cout << "Hand written function times passed in seconds: " << t << endl;

	imshow("Output", J);

	Mat kern = (Mat_<char>(3,3) <<  0, -1,  0,
		-1,  5, -1,
		0, -1,  0);
	t = (double)getTickCount();
	filter2D(I, K, I.depth(), kern );
	t = ((double)getTickCount() - t)/getTickFrequency();
	cout << "Built-in filter2D time passed in seconds:      " << t << endl;

	imshow("Output", K);

	return 0;
void Sharpen(const Mat& myImage,Mat& Result)
	CV_Assert(myImage.depth() == CV_8U);  // accept only uchar images

	const int nChannels = myImage.channels();

	for(int j = 1 ; j < myImage.rows-1; ++j)
		const uchar* previous = myImage.ptr<uchar>(j - 1);
		const uchar* current  = myImage.ptr<uchar>(j    );
		const uchar* next     = myImage.ptr<uchar>(j + 1);

		uchar* output = Result.ptr<uchar>(j);

		for(int i= nChannels;i < nChannels*(myImage.cols-1); ++i)
			*output++ = saturate_cast<uchar>(5*current[i]
			-current[i-nChannels] - current[i+nChannels] - previous[i] - next[i]);

时间: 2024-08-25 03:59:49

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