octopress command memo

  1 rake new_post

rake new_post[title]           # Begin a new post in source/_posts

2 rake preview

http://samxu.dev to preview

3 rake watch

can watch the site and regenerate when it changes

4 rake generate and deploy

rake deploy # Default deploy task
rake gen_deploy # Generate website and deploy
rake generate # Generate jekyll site

5 github commit

git push origin source

时间: 2024-10-19 14:12:06

octopress command memo的相关文章


本文由 代码助手软件 整理发布 内容与本软件无关 更惬意的读.更舒心的写.更轻松的发布             _CommandPtr spCmd; //定义CommandPtr变量             _RecordsetPtr pRecordSet; //定义记录集             long count=0;                          spCmd.CreateInstance(__uuidof(Command)); //创建Command实例       

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