

假设有一个叫 data.txt 的文件, 它包含以下内容:

Fry: One Jillion dollars.
[Everyone gasps.]
Auctioneer: Sir, that‘s not a number.
数据读取, 测试 。

以下就是基于 data.txt 的数据读取操作:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

void OutPutAnEmptyLine()

//读取方式: 逐词读取, 词之间用空格区分
//read data from the file, Word By Word
//when used in this manner, we‘ll get space-delimited bits of text from the file
//but all of the whitespace that separated words (including newlines) was lost.
void ReadDataFromFileWBW()
    ifstream fin("data.txt");
    string s;
    while( fin >> s )
        cout << "Read from file: " << s << endl;

//读取方式: 逐行读取, 将行读入字符数组, 行之间用回车换行区分
//If we were interested in preserving whitespace,
//we could read the file in Line-By-Line using the I/O getline() function.
void ReadDataFromFileLBLIntoCharArray()
    ifstream fin("data.txt");
    const int LINE_LENGTH = 100;
    char str[LINE_LENGTH];
    while( fin.getline(str,LINE_LENGTH) )
        cout << "Read from file: " << str << endl;

//读取方式: 逐行读取, 将行读入字符串, 行之间用回车换行区分
//If you want to avoid reading into character arrays,
//you can use the C++ string getline() function to read lines into strings
void ReadDataFromFileLBLIntoString()
    ifstream fin("data.txt");
    string s;
    while( getline(fin,s) )
        cout << "Read from file: " << s << endl;

//Simply evaluating an I/O object in a boolean context will return false
//if any errors have occurred
void ReadDataWithErrChecking()
    string filename = "dataFUNNY.txt";
    ifstream fin( filename.c_str());
    if( !fin )
        cout << "Error opening " << filename << " for input" << endl;

int main()
    ReadDataFromFileWBW(); //逐词读入字符串
    OutPutAnEmptyLine(); //输出空行

    ReadDataFromFileLBLIntoCharArray(); //逐词读入字符数组
    OutPutAnEmptyLine(); //输出空行

    ReadDataFromFileLBLIntoString(); //逐词读入字符串
    OutPutAnEmptyLine(); //输出空行

    ReadDataWithErrChecking(); //带检测的读取
    return 0;


时间: 2024-10-27 12:57:00


使用ifstream和getline读取文件内容[c++] ZZ

假设有一个叫 data.txt 的文件, 它包含以下内容: Fry: One Jillion dollars.[Everyone gasps.]Auctioneer: Sir, that's not a number.数据读取, 测试 . 以下就是基于 data.txt 的数据读取操作: #include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <string>using namespace std;//输出空行void OutPutA

asp.net 上传XML,txt 直接读取文件内容

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php读取文件内容的五种方式 分享下php读取文件内容的五种方法:好吧,写完后发现文件全部没有关闭.实际应用当中,请注意关闭 fclose($fp);-- php读取文件内容: -----第一种方法-----fread()-------- ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 <?php $file_path = "test.txt"; if(file_exists($file_path)){ $fp = fopen($file_path,"r"); $str

7 RandomAccessFile读取文件内容保存--简单例子(需要验证)

1 import org.slf4j.Logger; 2 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; 3 4 import java.io.*; 5 6 /** 7 * 读取动态产生的文件内容 8 */ 9 public class RandomAccessRead { 10 public static Logger logger= LoggerFactory.getLogger(RandomAccessRead.class); 11 12 //文件默认读取位置为从开始读取


分享下php读取文件内容的三种方法. php读取文件内容: //**************第一种读取方式***************************** header("content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); //文件路径 $file_path="text.txt"; //判断是否有这个文件 if(file_exists($file_path)){ if($fp=fopen($file_path,"a+&


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nodejs常见的读取文件内容的方法 by 伍雪颖 var fs = require('fs'); var rs = fs.createReadStream('test.md'); var data = ''; rs.on("data",function(chunk) { data += chunk; }); rs.on("end",function() { console.log(data); });


Shell脚本,执行解释速度快.代码简单易于理解.在shell代码编写过程中,经常会用到读取文件内容. 写法一: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/bin/bash while read line do echo $line done < file(待读取的文件) ------------------------------------------------------


Python编程时,经常需要跳过第一行读取文件内容.比较容易想到是为每行设置一个line_num,然后判断line_num是否为1,如果不等于1,则进行读取操作.相应的Python代码如下: [python] view plain copy input_file = open("C:\\Python34\\test.csv") line_num = 0 for line in islice(input_file, 1, None): line_num += 1 if (line_num