Two strings are anagrams if they are permutations of each other. For example, "aaagmnrs" is an anagram of "anagrams". Given an array of strings, remove each string that is an anagram of an earlier string, then return the remaining array in sorted order.
For example, given the strings s = [‘code‘, ‘ecod‘, ‘framer‘, ‘frame], the strings ‘doce‘ and ‘ecod‘ are both anagrams of ‘code‘ so they are removed from the list. The words ‘frame‘ and ‘framer‘ are not anagrams due to the extra in ‘framer‘, so they remain. The final list of strings in alphabetical order is [‘code‘, ‘frame‘, framer].
Function Description
Complete the function funWithArtagrams in the editor below. It must return a list of strings in alphabetical order, ascending.
funWithAnagrams has the following parameters:
s [s[0]...s[n-1]]: an array of strings
Sample Case 0 Sample Input For Custom Testing 4 code aaagmnrs anagrams doce Sample Output aaagmnrs code Explanation aaagmnrs and anagrams are anagrams, code and doce are anagrams. After sorting aaagmnrs comes first.
1 public static List<String> funWithAnagrams(List<String> s){ 2 TreeSet<String> ans = new TreeSet<>(); 3 Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); 4 for(String str : s){ 5 String ana = toAnagram(str); 6 if(map.containsKey(ana)){ 7 continue; 8 }else{ 9 map.put(ana, str); 10 ans.add(str); 11 } 12 } 13 return new ArrayList<>(ans); 14 15 } 16 17 private static String toAnagram(String s){ 18 int[] ans = new int[26]; 19 for(char c : s.toCharArray()){ 20 ans[c - ‘a‘] ++; 21 } 22 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 23 for (int i = 0; i < 26 ; i++) { 24 while(ans[i] -- > 0){ 25 sb.append((char)(‘a‘ + i)); 26 } 27 } 28 return sb.toString(); 29 }