无法安装vmware tools的解决方PLEASE WAIT! VMware Tools is currently being installed on your system. Dependin

VMware安装unbuntu 12.04 LTS时,当你使用VMware的Easy Mode安装时,提示需要安装VMware Tools,屏幕会出现下方的文字:

installed unbuntu 12.04 LTS in VMware workstation 7.0 and the VMware used the "Easy Mode".

When I finish the intallation, the VMware automatically installed the VMware Tools, and it was stuck at this scene. The scene is like



Vmware Easy Install

PLEASE WAIT! VMware Tools is currently being

installed on your system. Depending on the

version of Ubuntu you are installing, you may

log in below and use the system during

intallation. Otherwise, please wait for the

graphical environment to launch. Thank you.



ubuntu login:_

I can login and use the command "sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm start" to go to the graphical interfaces, but I have to do it every time I
use this system.

And I have waited for a very long time and VMware still told me to wait.....

Any Solutions?

I don‘t know exactly why it fails, but there are three things you need to get things back to normal.

Restore the /etc/issue file:

sudo mv /etc/issue.backup /etc/issue

Restore the /etc/rc.local file:

sudo mv /etc/rc.local.backup /etc/rc.local

Restore the /etc/init/lightdm.conf file:

sudo mv /opt/vmware-tools-installer/lightdm.conf /etc/init

Then reboot (sudo reboot) or run sudo start lightdm to see the greeter.

时间: 2024-10-12 09:01:59

无法安装vmware tools的解决方PLEASE WAIT! VMware Tools is currently being installed on your system. Dependin的相关文章

安装vmware tools失败解决方法

失败提示: reating a new initrd boot image for the kernel. update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.11.0-12-generic vmware-tools-thinprint initctl: Job failed to start Unable to start services for VMware Tools Execution aborted. 解决方法一: 后来参照了这个网页 ht


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