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1. xlrd # to read excel files
2. mysql-connector-python # to work with Mysql


  1 #-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2 import os,sys,datetime
  3 import mysql.connector
  4 import xlrd
  6 ‘‘‘
  7 the main function to import data
  8     username: username of mysql database
  9     password: password for username
 10     database: a specific database in mysql
 11     datapath: the absolute path or relative path of data folder
 12 ‘‘‘
 13 def importDataHelper(username, password, database, datapath):
 14     ‘‘‘import data helper‘‘‘
 15     ‘‘‘
 16     Step 0: Validate input database parameters
 17     ‘‘‘
 18     try:
 19         conn = mysql.connector.connect(user=username, password=password, database=database, use_unicode=True)
 20     except mysql.connector.errors.ProgrammingError as e:
 21         print e
 22         return -1
 23     ‘‘‘
 24     Step 1: Traverse files in datapath, store file paths and corresponding table names in lists
 25     lists[0] is the list of files paths
 26     lists[1] is the list of table names
 27     ‘‘‘
 28     lists = getFilesList(datapath)
 29     nfiles = len(lists[0])
 30     ‘‘‘
 31     Step 2: Store data in mysql via a for-loop
 32     ‘‘‘
 33     cursor = conn.cursor()
 34     for file_idx in xrange(0, nfiles):
 35         file_path = lists[0][file_idx]
 36         print "processing file(%d/%d):[ %s ]"%(file_idx+1, nfiles, file_path)
 37         table_name = lists[1][file_idx]
 38         num = storeData(file_path, table_name, cursor)
 39         if num >= 0:
 40             print "[ %d ] data have been stored in TABLE:[ %s ]"%(num, table_name)
 41         conn.commit()
 42     cursor.close()
 43     ‘‘‘
 44     Step 3: Close connection
 45     ‘‘‘
 46     conn.close()
 48 ‘‘‘
 49 get files list in the dir, including the files in its sub-folders
 50 the return list contain two elements, the first element is a file names list
 51 and the second element is a table names list(will be used for creating tables in database),
 52 ‘‘‘
 53 def getFilesList(dir):
 54     path_list = []
 55     table_list = []
 56     file_name_list = os.listdir(dir)
 57     for file_name in file_name_list:
 58         path = os.path.join(dir, file_name)
 59         if os.path.isdir(path):
 60             ‘‘‘get the files in sub folder recursively‘‘‘
 61             tmp_lists = getFilesList(path)
 62             path_list.extend(tmp_lists[0])
 63             table_list.extend(tmp_lists[1])
 64         else:
 65             path_list.append(path)
 66             ‘‘‘convert file name to mysql table name‘‘‘
 67             file_name = file_name.split(‘.‘)[0] #remove .xls
 68             # file_name = file_name.split(‘from‘)[0] #remove characters after ‘from‘
 69             file_name = file_name.strip()#remove redundant space at both ends
 70             file_name = file_name.replace(‘ ‘,‘_‘) #replace ‘ ‘ with ‘_‘
 71             file_name = file_name.replace(‘-‘,‘_‘) #replace ‘ ‘ with ‘_‘
 72             file_name = file_name.lower() #convert all characters to lowercase
 73             table_list.append(file_name)
 74     return [path_list, table_list]
 76 ‘‘‘
 77 store the data of file file_path in table table_name
 78     file_path: file location
 79     table_name: name of the table that will be created in database
 80     cursor: a mysql cursor
 81 ‘‘‘
 82 def storeData(file_path, table_name, cursor):
 83     ret = 0
 84     ‘‘‘open an excel file‘‘‘
 85     file = xlrd.open_workbook(file_path)
 86     ‘‘‘get the first sheet‘‘‘
 87     sheet = file.sheet_by_index(0)
 88     ‘‘‘get the number of rows and columns‘‘‘
 89     nrows = sheet.nrows
 90     ncols = sheet.ncols
 91     ‘‘‘get column names‘‘‘
 92     col_names = []
 93     for i in range(0, ncols):
 94         title = sheet.cell(1, i).value
 95         title = title.strip()
 96         title = title.replace(‘ ‘,‘_‘)
 97         title = title.lower()
 98         col_names.append(title)
 99     ‘‘‘create table in mysql‘‘‘
100     sql = ‘create table ‘101           +table_name+‘ (‘ 102           +‘id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, ‘ 103           +‘at_company varchar(10) DEFAULT \‘821\‘, ‘
105     for i in range(0, ncols):
106         sql = sql + col_names[i] + ‘ varchar(150)‘
107         if i != ncols-1:
108             sql += ‘,‘
109     sql = sql + ‘)‘
110     try:
111         cursor.execute(sql)
112     except mysql.connector.errors.ProgrammingError as e:
113         print e
114         # return -1
116     ‘‘‘insert data‘‘‘
117     #construct sql statement
118     sql = ‘insert into ‘+table_name+‘(‘
119     for i in range(0, ncols-1):
120         sql = sql + col_names[i] + ‘, ‘
121     sql = sql + col_names[ncols-1]
122     sql += ‘) values (‘
123     sql = sql + ‘%s,‘*(ncols-1)
124     sql += ‘%s)‘
125     #get parameters
126     parameter_list = []
127     for row in xrange(2, nrows):
128         for col in range(0, ncols):
129             cell_type = sheet.cell_type(row, col)
130             cell_value = sheet.cell_value(row, col)
131             if cell_type == xlrd.XL_CELL_DATE:
132                 dt_tuple = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(cell_value, file.datemode)
133                 meta_data = str(datetime.datetime(*dt_tuple))
134             else:
135                 meta_data = sheet.cell(row, col).value
136             parameter_list.append(meta_data)
137         # cursor.execute(sql, parameter_list)
138         try:
139             cursor.execute(sql, parameter_list)
140             parameter_list = []
141             ret += 1
142         except mysql.connector.errors.ProgrammingError as e:
143             print e
144             # return -1
145     return ret
149 if __name__ == "__main__":
150     if len(sys.argv)<5:
151         print "Missing Parameters"
152         sys.exit()
153     elif len(sys.argv)>5:
154         print "Too Many Parameters"
155         sys.exit()
156     username = sys.argv[1]
157     password = sys.argv[2]
158     database = sys.argv[3]
159     datapath = sys.argv[4]
160     importDataHelper(username, password, database, datapath)


There are two dependency modules need to be installed.
    1. xlrd # to read excel files
    2. mysql-connector-python # to work with Mysql

Directory Structure:
    data_path: test files
    ImportDataProgram.py: the main program

    (1) Get all the paths and names of the files need to be stored
    (2) Connect MySQL
    (3) Create tables for each file
    (4) Insert data into each table

    0. create a new database in mysql
        For example, after logging in mysql in terminal, you can use the the following command
        "create database test_database" to create a database named ‘test_database‘,
        you can replace "test_database" with any other names you like.

    1. set username, password, database(created in step 0) and datapath in the tail of ImportDataProgram.py
    2. run ImportDataProgram.py with the following command
        python ImportDataProgram.py [username] [password] [database] [datapath]
    # username: your username in your mysql
    # password: the corresponding password
    # database: the database you specific
    # datapath: the directory of excel files
        python ImportDataProgram.py root root test_database data_path

    (1) The Length of Data In Table
    I am not sure the maximum length of data, so I set the
    length of data in mysql tables is 150 characters (you can find
    the code in function storeData(file_path, table_name, cursor), the code is
    " sql = sql + col_names[i] + ‘ varchar(150)‘ "), you can adjust it according
     to your requirements.
    (2)Table Name:
     You can set the rules of table name, the code is following the comment code:
    ‘‘‘convert file name to mysql table name‘‘‘ in function getFilesList(dir).




(3)Python使用xlrd读取excel文件中日期类型变为浮点数[stack overflow][2中文博客







时间: 2024-10-04 08:36:15



用python读取带密码的excel文件中的数据,程序代码如下: #filename:readingxls.py ''' 此程序的作用为:用python读取带密码的excel文件中的数据. 首先通过pip安装xlrd第三方库 pip3 install xlrd 请输入excel文件路径:D:\x1.xls ''' import xlrd path=input("请输入excel文件路径:") workbook=xlrd.open_workbook(path) b=len(workboo


从文件中读取数据 1.1 读取整个文件 要读取文件,需要一个包含几行文本的文件(文件PI_DESC.txt与file_reader.py在同一目录下) PI_DESC.txt 3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 file_reader.py with open("PI_DESC.txt") as file_object: contents = file_object.read() print(contents) 我们可以看出,读取

将CSV文件中的数据导入到SQL Server 数据库中

导入数据时,需要注意 CSV 文件中的数据是否包含逗号以及双引号,存在时,导入会失败 选择数据库 -> 右键 -> 任务 -> 导入数据 ,然后根据弹出的导入导出向导(如下图)中的提示内容进行操作即可. 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/daochangone/p/9134718.html


示例:导入客户文件(Excle文件) 一.编辑customer.xlsx 二.编辑jsp(addCustomer3.jsp) <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefi


第一步:首先需要准备好有数据的excel: 第二步:选择"文件"->"另存为",保存为"CSV(逗号分隔)(*.csv)",将excel表另存为csv文档  第三步:(很重要):如果你的数据中有中文,那么需要将CSV文件处理一下,负责会导入失败:用editplus或者其他编辑器(另存时可以选择保存编码的编辑器)打开CSV文件,然后另存为,选择utf-8(你的数据库也是utf-8哦),点击保存. 第四步:开始导入了,使用mysql图形化工具(


1.创建数据文件: ?如,在D:\创建 zhaozhenlong.txt 文件,文件内容为: 11,12,1321,22,2331,32,33 2.创建控制文件: 如,在D:\创建 zhaozhenlong.ctl 文件,文件内容为: load da tainfile 'd:\zhaozhenlong.txt'append into table zhaozhenlongfields terminated by ','(c1,c2,c3) 3.在数据库中创建表: create table zhao


网上查到的有参考价值的就一家,自己调试发现可行.感谢原创文章:将Excel中数据导入数据库(一) 1 1 using System; 2 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 3 using System.Linq; 4 4 using System.Web; 5 5 //using System.Web.UI; 6 6 //using System.Web.UI.WebControls; 7 7 using System.Data; 8 8 using S


第一步 配置DispathcherServlet文件 第二步 配置applicationContext文件 第三步 在index.jsp中 第四步 在HelloSpringmvc.java中写入方法 第五步:与数据库进行连接 第六步 mySQL实体类 第七步 操作excel表 第八步 Dao文件 第九步 测试


Navicat.Excel 1)首先创建测试表“student”,表结构为: 2)然后准备编写好的Excel数据表: 3)在Navicat选择student表,右键“导入向导”,弹出如下窗口,我们选择“Excel”: 4)点击“下一步”,“导入从”选择刚刚建好的Excel表,点击“下一步”,弹出如下窗口,这里注意选择好对应的“Sheet”: 5)点击“下一步”,进行一些设置: 6)点击“下一步”,选择已有的表还是新建表: 7)点击“下一步”,对应数据库中student表和excel表的栏位: 8