The constness of a method should makes sense from outside the object


class Rectangle
    int width() const {return x;}
    int height() const {return y;}
    int Area() const {return x * y;}
    int totalLength() const {return 2 * (x + y);}
    int x, y;

从逻辑接口上看,我们可以认为这个类有四个状态(width(), height(), Area(), totalLength()),尽管实际上我们并不是这么表示的。



template<typename T>
class CacheVector
    T lookup(int i ) const
             assert(i >= 0 && i < size);
             cache = _data[i];
             return _data[i];
    T*  _data;
    size_t _size;
    mutable T cache;




时间: 2024-12-31 06:16:15

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