Debug版DLL LoadLibrary R6034异常的原因及解决

Microsoft‘s recommendation is very confusing. That is, it recommends to include a manifest file and to re-compile the project.
  I recently had a problem with ‘R6034‘ error message even with a manifest file already included!
  In my case, Visual Studio 2005 compiles and builds a DEBUG-configuration of some DLL. But, as soon as I try to start an application that uses that DLL the loader can‘t load the DLL and displays an error message with error code ‘R6034‘.
  It happened because two Run-Time DLLs were referenced in my DLL by some reason! As soon as I looked inside of my DLL I found two strings: ‘msvcr80d.dll‘ and ‘msvcr80.dll‘, and the 2nd one is the reason of that run-time problem.
  In order to resolve the problem I added ‘msvcrt.lib‘ to the list of ignored libraries for DEBUG-configuration:
    [Configuration Properties] -> [Linker] -> [Input] -> ‘Ignore Specific Library‘ -msvcrt.lib

时间: 2024-08-25 00:00:45

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