
今天在写一个带缓存功能的访问代理程序时出现了java.util.ConcurrentModificationException异常, 因为该异常是非捕获型异常而且很少见,所以费了些时间才找到问题所在,原来在通过Iterator进行遍历的时候,如果直接对HashMap进行操作后,再继续用之前的Iterator进行遍历就会出现这个异常,表示其HashMap已经被修改。


1  String sameKeyPart = accesserClassName + "@" + methodName + "@" + parameterKeyString + "@";
2       Iterator keys = caches.keySet().iterator();
3       String key = null;
4       while (keys.hasNext()) ...{
5         key = (String);
6         if (key.startsWith(sameKeyPart)) ...{
7           caches.remove(key);
8         }
9       }


1 String sameKeyPart = accesserClassName + "@" + methodName + "@" + parameterKeyString + "@";
2       Iterator keys = caches.keySet().iterator();
3       String key = null;
4       while (keys.hasNext()) ...{
5         key = (String);
6         if (key.startsWith(sameKeyPart)) ...{
7           keys.remove();
8         }
9       }


Exception in thread "main" java.util.ConcurrentModificationException



 1 private List list;
 2   public void add(Object obj) {
 3   synchronized(list) {
 4   list.add(obj);
 5   }
 6   }
 7   public void perform( ) {
 8   Iterator iterator = null;
 9   synchronized(list) {
10   iterator = new CopiedIterator(list.iterator( ));
11   }
12   while(iterator.hasNext( )) {
13   // perform resource or cpu hungry work
14   }
15   }


 1 public class CopiedIterator implements Iterator {
 2   private Iterator iterator = null;
 3   public CopiedIterator(Iterator itr) {
 4   LinkedList list = new LinkedList( );
 5   while(itr.hasNext( )) {
 6   list.add( ));
 7   }
 8   this.iterator = list.iterator( );
 9   }
10   public boolean hasNext( ) {
11   return this.iterator.hasNext( );
12   }
13   public void remove( ) {
14   throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This is a read-only iterator.
15   ");
16   }
17   public Object next( ) {
18   return );
19   }
20   }



当使用 fail-fast iterator 对 Collection 或 Map 进行迭代操作过程中尝试直接修改 Collection / Map 的内容时,即使是在单线程下运行,  java.util.ConcurrentModificationException 异常也将被抛出。
  Iterator 是工作在一个独立的线程中,并且拥有一个 mutex 锁。 Iterator 被创建之后会建立一个指向原来对象的单链索引表,当原来的对象数量发生变化时,这个索引表的内容不会同步改变,所以当索引指针往后移动的时候就找不到要迭代的对象,所以按照 fail-fast 原则 Iterator 会马上抛出 java.util.ConcurrentModificationException 异常。

  所以 Iterator 在工作的时候是不允许被迭代的对象被改变的。但你可以使用 Iterator 本身的方法 remove() 来删除对象, Iterator.remove() 方法会在删除当前迭代对象的同时维护索引的一致性。

  有意思的是如果你的 Collection / Map 对象实际只有一个元素的时候, ConcurrentModificationException 异常并不会被抛出。这也就是为什么在 javadoc 里面指出: it would be wrong to write a program that depended on this exception for its correctness: ConcurrentModificationException should be used only to detect bugs.

1  import java.util.*;   
3  public final class MyTest   
4  {   
5      private static HashMap p_mapList = new HashMap(2);   
6      private MyTest(){}   
7      public static void init(){   
8          // If only there are more than one element in Map,    
9          // the ConcurrentModificationException will not be   
10          // thrown.   
11          p_mapList.put(new String("hello"),new String("world"));   
12          p_mapList.put(new String("goto"),new String("hell"));   
13      }   
14      public static void clear() throws Exception{   
15          Iterator pTmpKeys = null;   
16          Long pTmpKeyLong;   
17          pTmpKeys = p_mapList.keySet().iterator();   
18          String pCurKey = null;   
19          String pCurObj = null;   
20          while(pTmpKeys.hasNext()){   
21              pCurKey = (String);   
22              pCurObj = (String) p_mapList.get(pCurKey);   
24              p_mapList.put(pCurKey,null);   
25              // You can not remove element in Map object directly.   
26              //p_mapList.remove(pCurKey);   
27              // But you can remove current element by iterator itself.   
28              pTmpKeys.remove();   
30              System.out.println(pCurKey + " removed.");   
31          }   
32          System.out.println(p_mapList.size() +    
33                              " entries left after iterator.");   
34          pTmpKeys = null;   
35      }   
36      public static void main(String[] args)   
37                                  throws Exception{   
38          MyTest.init();   
39          MyTest.clear();   
40      }   
41  }

时间: 2024-08-11 05:43:20


java.util.ConcurrentModificationException 异常解决办法及原理

最近在修程序的bug,发现后台抛出以下异常: Exception in thread "main" java.util.ConcurrentModificationException at java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextEntry( at java.util.HashMap$ at com.keyman.demo.test.ClearResult


今天在使用iterator.hasNext()操作迭代器的时候,当迭代的对象发生改变,比如插入了新数据,或者有数据被删除. 编译器报出了以下异常: Exception in thread "main" java.util.ConcurrentModificationException at java.util.LinkedHashMap$LinkedHashIterator.nextNode( at java.util.LinkedHash

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