The cregister Keyword

6.5.2 The cregister Keyword

The compiler extends the C/C++ language by adding the cregister keyword to allow high level language access to control registers.

When you use the cregister keyword on an object, the compiler compares the name of the object to a list of standard control registers for the C6000 (see Table 6-3). If the name matches, the compiler generates the code to reference the control register. If the
name does not match, the compiler issues an error.

==================Table 6-3. Valid Control Registers===================

Register Description

AMR Addressing mode register

CSR Control status register

DESR (C6700+ only) dMAX event status register

DETR (C6700+ only) dMAX event trigger register

DNUM (C6400+ only) DSP core number register

ECR (C6400+ only) Exception clear register

EFR (C6400+ only) Exception flag register

FADCR (C6700 only) Floating-point adder configuration register

FAUCR (C6700 only) Floating-point auxiliary configuration register

FMCR (C6700 only) Floating-point multiplier configuration register

GFPGFR (C6400 only) Galois field polynomial generator function register

GPLYA (C6400+ only) GMPY A-side polynomial register

CPLYB (C6400+ only) GMPY B-side polynomial register

ICR Interrupt clear register

IER Interrupt enable register

IERR (C6400+ only) Internal exception report register

IFR Interrupt flag register. (IFR is read only.)

ILC (C6400+ only) Inner loop count register

IRP Interrupt return pointer

ISR Interrupt set register

ISTP Interrupt service table pointer

ITSR (C6400+ only) Interrupt task state register

NRP Nonmaskable interrupt return pointer

NTSR (C6400+ only) NMI/exception task state register

REP (C6400+ only) Restricted entry point address register

RILC (C6400+ only) Reload inner loop count register

SSR (C6400+ only) Saturation status register

TSCH (C6400+ only) Time-stamp counter (high 32) register

TSCL (C6400+ only) Time-stamp counter (low 32) register

TSR (C6400+ only) Task state register


The cregister keyword can be used only in file scope. The cregister keyword is not allowed on any declaration within the boundaries of a function. It can only be used on objects of type integer or pointer.The cregister keyword
is not allowed on objects of any floating-point type or on any structure or union objects.

The cregister keyword does not imply that the object is volatile. If the control register being referenced is volatile (that is, can be modified by some external control), then the object must be declared with the volatile keyword also.

To use the control registers in Table 6-3, you must declare each register as follows. The c6x.h include file defines all the control registers through this syntax:

extern cregister volatile unsigned int register ;

Once you have declared the register, you can use the register name directly. See the TMS320C62x DSP CPU and Instruction Set Reference Guide, TMS320C64x/C64x+ DSP CPU and Instruction Set Reference Guide, the TMS320C67x/C67x+ DSP CPU and Instruction
Set Reference Guide, or TMS320C66x+ DSP CPU and Instruction Set Reference Guide for detailed information on the control registers.See Example 6-1 for an example that declares and uses control registers.

Example 6-1. Define and Use Control Registers

extern cregister volatile unsigned int AMR;

extern cregister volatile unsigned int CSR;

extern cregister volatile unsigned int IFR;

extern cregister volatile unsigned int ISR;

extern cregister volatile unsigned int ICR;

extern cregister volatile unsigned int IER;

extern cregister volatile unsigned int FADCR;

extern cregister volatile unsigned int FAUCR;

extern cregister volatile unsigned int FMCR;



printf("AMR = %x\n", AMR);


The cregister Keyword

时间: 2024-08-16 00:45:07

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