Dr Wei Min Huang

 Curriculum Vitae

Dr Wei Min Huang is currently an Associate Professor (tenured) at the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. With over 20 years of experience on various shape memory materials (alloy, polymer, composite and hybrid), he has published over 180 papers in journals, such as Accounts of Chemical Research, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, and Materials Today, and has been invited to review manuscripts from over 200 international journals

(including Progress in Polymer Science, Nature Communications,

Advanced Materials, and Advanced functional materials, etc), project  proposals from American Chemical Society, Hong Kong Research Grants Council, etc, and book proposals from CRC and Elsevier. He has published two books (Thin film shape memory alloys – fundamentals and device applications, Polyurethane shape memory polymers) and is currently on the editorial board of over two dozens of journals.

Citation metrics




School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering E-mail: [email protected] Nanyang Technological University Telephone: (0065) 67904859

50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798                             Fax:  (0065) 67911859


q      Education


BEng  (1990)   Civil Engineering Department, Southeast University, Nanjing, PR China

MEng  (1993)   Civil Engineering Department, Southeast University, Nanjing, PR China PhD  (1998)   Engineering Department, Cambridge University, UK

q      Award


  1. (1994) Special Cambridge Overseas Trust Studentship (Cambridge University)

Overseas Research Students Award (Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals of UK universities)

  1. (1996) Lundgren Research Award (Cambridge University)

William George Collins Endowment Fund Grant (Engineering Department, Cambridge University)

  1. (2005, 2006) Research Outstanding and Award Recognition (Nanyang Technological University)
  2. (2007) JSPS Visiting Scientist (Dec. 2007-Jan. 2008, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)
  3. (2015) Gunter Wittenberg Award (for the outstanding paper of Assembly Automation in 2014)

q      Project


  1. Shape memory alloy based micro actuator (SDS, PI)
  2. Modeling of shape memory alloys (MPE, PI)
  3. Novel micro assembly using shape memory alloy (CMMS, PI)
  4. Processing and characterization of shape memory alloy thin films for micro-grippers with multi-degree-of-freedom and other applications (AcRF, Co-PI)
  5. X-Sat Project (a small-satellite program co-funded by the university and Ministry of Defense of Singapore). Co-team-leader in mechanical design with special focus on deployment mechanism [for one year]
  6. Combined MEMS and laser techniques for fabrication of NiTi shape memory alloy thin film based micro devices (CMMS, PI)
  7. Laser local annealing of NiTi thin films (DSI, PI)
  8. Indentation and laser annealing of NiTi shape memory alloys (DSI, PI)
  9. Thermomechanical characterization of micro/nano thin films (AcRF, PI)
  10. Water driven programmable shape memory polymer for biomedical devices (BPE Cluster seed grant, PI)
  11. Characterization of thin films and small sized samples (SEP 2006, PI)
  12. Modified micro/nano indentation test for materials characterization (AcRF, Co-PI)
  13. Characterization of materials by micro/nano indentation test (SEP 2007, Co-PI)
  14. Further development and experimental trials of a robotic system to enhance therapeutic GI endoscopic procedures, MOH-NMRC, NMRC/1082/2006 (collaborator)
  15. High performance shape memory materials for active disassembly and recycling of electrical devices (A*Star SERC Grant, PI)
  16. Perching aircraft research & development (DSO, one of four PIs)
  17. Direct fabrication of 3-D microlens arrays atop PMMA (Nanjing 321, PRC, PI)
  18. Biodegradable shape memory foam plug for temporary endovascular embolization in interventional radiology(BEP, Technical PI) 19. Smart materials (BMW, PI)

20. Self-coloring atop polymeric materials (ACRF Tier 1, PI)

q      Research interest


  1. Shape memory materials and composites (bulk and thin film)
  2. Laser annealing and micro fabrication
  3. Thin films (characterization and materials/devices)
  4. Micro/nano mechanics, nano patterning and indentation technology
  5. Surface and optical properties of smart materials
  6. Advanced and novel materials
  7. Micro assembly and packaging, active disassembly
  8. Deployable and bi-stable structures
  9. Materials selection
  10. Flight mechanism in inserts
  11. Micro biomedical devices

q   Publications Journal paper 2018



1. Lu H, Liu Y, Huang WM, Wang C, Hui D, Fu YQ, Controlled evolution of surface patterns for ZnO coated on stretched PMMA upon thermal and solvent treatments, Composite Part B, 132, 2018, 1-9


  1. Salvekar AV, Huang WM, Xiao R, Wong YS, Venkatraman SS, Tay KH, Shen ZX, Water-responsive shape recovery induced buckling in biodegradable photo-cross-linked poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) hydrogel, Accounts of Chemical Research, in Special issue “Stimuli-responsive Hydrogel”, Vol. 50, 2017, 141-150
  2. Zhou MZ, Huang WM, Meng XL, Temperature memory effect in a magnetic shape memory alloy for monitoring of minor over-cooling, Scripta Materialia, 217, 2017, 41-44
  3. Wu XL, Huang WM, Lu HB, Wang CC, Cui HP, Characterization of polymeric shape memory materials, Journal of Polymer Engineering, Vol. 37, 2017, 1-20
  4. Wang TX, Huang WM, Aw JE, He LW, Vettorello M, Comfort fitting using shape memory polymeric foam, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 45, No. 4, 2017, 1201– 1212
  5. Xiao R, Zhang C, Gou X, Huang WM, Tunable shape-memory behaviors in amorphous polymers through bound solvent, Materials Letters, Vol. 209, 2017, 131-133
  6. Wu XL, Wang TX, Huang WM, Zhao Y, Thermo-responsive shape-memory effect and surface features in polycarbonate (PC), Applied Science, Vol. 7, 2017, 848
  7. Wang TX, Huang WM, Stimulus-activated shape switching in shape memory materials with tailorable start/finish temperature/time, Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 3, RMES.000515.2017
  8. Renata C, Huang WM, He LW, Yang JJ, Shape change/memory actuators based on shape memory materials, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 31 (10), 2017, 48634873
  9. Lu HB, Wang XD, Yu K, Huang WM, Yao YT, Leng JS, A phenomenological formulation for shape/temperature memory effect in amorphous polymers with multi stress components, Smart Materials and Structures, 26, 2017, 095011
  10. Sun L, Huang WM, Wang TX, Chen HM, Renata C, He LW, Lv P, Wang CC, An overview of elastic polymeric shape memory materials for comfort fitting, Materials and Design, Vol. 136, 2017, 238-248
  11. He LW, Yang JJ, Li JJ, Ng YQ, Huang WM, 4D printing with sequentially controlled morphing, JOJ Material Sci, 3(1), 2017, 555602
  12. Huang WM, Design of shape memory hybrid with water-assisted healing function, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanomedicine, accepted
  13. Wang TX, Huang WM, Zhao Y, Ding Z, Li Y, Shape memory phenomenon in metallic materials, International Journal of Recent Development in Civil & Environmental Engineering, 3(2), 2017, 28-32
  14. Wang TX, Huang WM, Shape memory alloys for monitoring minor over-heating/cooling based on the temperature memory effect via differential scanning calorimetry-A review of recent progress, Shape Memory and Superelasticity, 3, 2017, 414-421 (invited review in special issue: A tribute to Prof. Shuichi Miyazaki - From fundamentals to applications)
  15. Wang TX, Renata C, Chen HM, Huang WM, Elastic shape memory hybrids programmable at around body-temperature for comfort fitting, Polymers, 9, 2017, 674


  1. Tang C, Wang TX, Huang WM, Sun L, Gao XY, Temperature sensors based on the temperature memory effect in shape memory alloys to check minor over-heating, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 238, 2016, 337-343
  2. Wang TX, Huang WM, Chen H, Xiao R, Lu HB, Kang SF, Temperature memory effect and its stability revealed via differential scanning calorimetry in ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) within glass transition range, Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, 2016, 54, 1731-1737
  3. Sun L, Wang TX, Leow WC, Huang WM, Cui H, Gao XY, Temperature memory effect in differential scanning calorimeter test in thermoplastic polyurethane, Journal of Polymers Research, 23, 2016, 63
  4. Zhou Y, Huang WM, Zhao Y, Ding Z, Li Y, Tor SB, Liu E, Memory phenomenon in a lanthanum based bulk metallic glass, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 672, 2016, 131-136
  5. Salvekar AV, Huang WM, Venkatraman SS, Advanced shape memory technology for biomedical engineering, Peertechz Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 1(1), 2016, 25-26
  6. Lu H, Huang W, Leng J, On the origin of Gaussian network theory in the thermo/chemoresponsive shape memory effect of amorphous polymers undergoing photo-elastic transition, Smart Materials and Structures, 25, 2016, 065004
  7. Wong YS, Salvekar AV, Zhuang KD, Liu H, Birch WR, Tay KH, Huang WM, Venkatraman SS, Bioabsorbable radiopaque water-responsive shape memory embolization plug for temporary vascular occlusion, Biomaterials, 102, 2016, 98-106
  8. 王韬熹, 胡嘉恩, Salvekar Abhijit Vijay, 翁毅伟, 黄为民, 基于高级形状记忆技术的产品设计, 制造和再循环, 中国材料进展 (Wang T, Hu J, Salvekar AV, Huang W, Advanced Shape

Memory Technology for Product Design, Manufacturing and Recycling, Materials China), 35(8), 2016, 36-40

  1. Lu H, Lu C, Huang WM, Leng J, Quantitative separation of the influence of copper (II) chloride mass migration on the chemo-responsive shape memory effect in polyurethane shape memory polymer, Smart Materials and Structures, 25, 2016, 105003
  2. Lu H, Yu K, Huang WM, Leng J, On the Takayanagi principle for the shape memory effect and thermomechanical behaviors in polymers with multi-phases, Smart Materials and Structures, 25, 2016, 125001


  1. Zhou Y, Huang WM, Kang SF, Wu XL, Lu HB, Fu J, Cui HP, From 3D to 4D printing:

approaches and typical applications, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 29(10), 2015, 4281-4288

  1. Salvekar AV, Zhou Y, Huang WM, Wong YS, Venkatraman SS, Shen Z, Zhu G, Cui HP,

Shape/temperature memory phenomena in un-crosslinked poly-ε-caprolactone (PCL), European Polymer Journal, 72, 2015, 282-295

  1. Lu H, Lu C, Huang WM, Leng J, Chemo-responsive shape memory effect in shape memory polyurethane triggered by inductive release of mechanical energy storage undergoing copper (II) chloride migration, Smart Materials and Structures, 24(3), 2015,


  1. Lu H, Zhu S, Yang Y, Huang WM, Leng J, Du S, Surface grafting of carbon fibers with artificial silver-nanoparticle-decorated graphene oxide for high-speed electrical actuation of shape-memory polymers, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 132(12), 2015, 41673
  2. Zhou Y, Huang WM, Shape memory effect in polymeric materials: mechanisms and optimization, Procedia IUTAM, 12, 2015, 83-92


  1. Sun L, Huang WM, Lu HB, Lim KJ, Zhou Y, Wang TX, Gao XY, Heating-responsive shape-memory effect in thermoplastic polyurethanes with low melt-flow index, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 215, 2014, 2430-2436 (invited contribution)
  2. Zhang JL, Huang WM, Lu HB, Sun L, Thermo-/chemo-responsive shape memory/change effect in a hydrogel and its composites, Materials and Design, Vol. 53, 2014, 1077-1088
  3. Sun L, Huang WM, Wang CC, Ding Z, Zhao Y, Tang C, Gao XY, Polymeric shape memory materials and actuators, Liquid Crystals, Vol. 41, 2014, No. 3, 277-289 (invited paper)
  4. Sun L, HuangWM, Lu HB, Wang CC, TangC, Zhang JL, Shape memory technology for active assembly/disassembly: fundamentals, techniques and example applications, Assembly Automation, Vol. 34, No.1, 2014, 78-93 (invited paper) [selected by the journal’s editorial team as the winner of the Gunter Wittenberg Award as it was the Outstanding Paper of 2014]
  5. Wu XL, Huang WM, Ding Z, Tan HX, Yang WG, Sun KY, Characterization of the thermo-responsive shape memory effect in polyether ether ketone (PEEK), Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 131, 2014, 39844
  6. Lu H, Liang F, Gou J, Huang WM, Leng J, Synergistic effect of self-assembled carbon nanopaper and multi-layered interface on shape memory nanocomposite for high speed electrical actuation, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 115, 2014, 064907
  7. Lu H, Huang WM, Leng J, Functionally graded and self-assembled carbon nanofiber and boron nitride in nanopaper for electrical actuation of shape memory nanocomposites, Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 62, 2014, 1-4
  8. Huang WM, Lu HB, Zhao Y, Ding Z, Wang CC, Zhang JL, Sun L, Fu J, Gao XY, Instability/collapse of polymeric materials and their structures in stimulus-induced shape/surface morphology switching, Materials and Design, Vol. 59, 2014, 174-192
  9. LuH, Huang WM, Wu XL, Ge YC, Zhang F, Zhao Y, Geng JF, Heating/ethanolresponse of poly methyl methacrylate (PMMA) with gradient pre-deformation and potential applications in temperature sensor and anti-counterfeit, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 23, 2014, 067002
  10. Lu H, Yao Y, Huang WM, Leng J, Hui D, Significantly improving infrared light-induced shape recovery behavior of shape memory polymeric nanocomposite via a synergistic effect of carbon nanotube and boron nitride, Composites: Part B, C62, 2014, 256-261
  11. Zhang JL, Huang WM, Gao G, Fu J, Zhou Y, Salvekar AV, Venkatraman SS, Wong YS, Tay KH, Birch WR, Shape memory/change effect in a double network nanocomposite tough hydrogel, European Polymer Journal, 58, 2014, 41-51
  12. Lu H, Huang WM, Fu YQ, Leng JS, Quantitative separation of the influence of hydrogen bonding of ethanol/water mixture on the shape recovery behavior of polyurethane shape memory polymer, Smart Materials and Structures, 23(12), 2014, 125041
  13. Lu H, Yao Y, Huang WM, Hui D, Noncovalently functionalized carbon fiber by grafted self-assembled graphene oxide and the synergistic effect on polymeric shape memory nanocomposites, Composites: Part B, 67, 2014, 290-295
  14. Lu H, Huang WM, Leng J, A phenomenological model for simulating the chemoresponsive shape memory effect in polymers undergoing a permeation transition, Smart Materials and Structures, 23(4), 2014, 45038
  15. Yang WG, Lu H, Huang WM, Qi HJ, Wu XL, Sun KY, Advanced shape memory technology to reshape  product design, manufacturing and recycling, Polymers, 6, 2014,



  1. Huang WM, Zhao Y, Zhang JL, Lu HB, Chemo-responsive shape memory/change effect in polymeric materials based on transport phenomena, Journal of Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer, 1, 2014, 16-22 http://jffhmt.avestia.com/2014/003.html              DOI: 10.11159/jffhmt.2014.003


  1. Huang WM, Song CL, Fu YQ, Wang CC, Zhao Y, Purnawali H, Lu HB, Tang C, Ding Z. Zhang JL, Shaping tissue with shape memory materials, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, Vol. 65, 2013, 515-535 (invited review for theme issue: Bionics-nature-inspired smart materials)
  2. Cui HP, Song CL, Huang WM, Wang CC, Zhao Y, Rubber-like electrically conductive polymeric materials with shape memory, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 22, 2013, 055024 (cover page of the issue)
  3. Zhao Y, Wang CC, Huang WM, Purnawali H, Ethanol induced shape recovery and swelling in poly(methyl methacrylate) and applications in fabrication of microlens array, Advances in Science and Technology, Vol. 77, 2013, 354-358
  4. Tang C, Huang WM, Wang CC, From dual-shape/temperature memory effect to tripleshape memory effect in NiTi shape memory alloys, Advances in Science and Technology, Vol. 78, 2013, 1-6
  5. Chen YH, Skote M, Zhao Y, Huang WM, Stiffness evaluation of the leading edge of the dragonfly wing via laser vibrometer, Material Letters, Vol. 97, 2013, 166-168
  6. Lu HB, Huang WM, Yao YT, Review of chemo-responsive shape change/memory polymers, Pigment & Resin Technology, Vol. 4, No. 4, 2013, 237-246 (2014 Outstanding Paper Award, Emerald Group Publishing)
  7. Lu H, Huang WM, Synergistic effect of self-assembled carboxylic acid-functionalized carbon nanotubes and carbon fiber for improved electro-activated polymeric shape-memory nanocomposite, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 102, 2013, 231910
  8. Wu XL, Huang WM, Tan HX, Characterization of shape recovery via creeping and shape memory effect in ether-vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA), Journal of Polymer Research, Vol. 20, 2013, 150
  9. Chen YH, Skote M, Zhao Y, Huang WM, Dragonfly (sympetrum flaveolum) flight: kinematic and measurement and modelling, Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol. 40, 2013, 115-126
  10. Lu H, Huang WM, Liang, F, Yu K, Nanoscale design of nano-sized particles in shapememory polymer nanocomposites driven by electricity, Materials, Vol. 6, 3742-3754
  11. Lu H, Huang WM, On the origin of the Vogel–Fulcher–Tammann law in the thermoresponsive shape memory effect of amorphous polymers, Smart materials and Structures, Vol. 22, 2013, 105021
  12. Lu H and Huang WM, A phenomenological model for the chemo-responsive shape memory effect in amorphous polymers undergoing viscoelastic transition, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 22, 2013, 115019
  13. Lu H, Yin W, Huang WM, Leng JS, Self-assembled carboxylic acid-functionalized carbon nanotubes grafting onto carbon fiber for significantly improving electrical actuation of shape memory polymers, RSC Advances, Vol. 3, Issue 44, 2013, p 21484-21488
  14. Sun L and Huang WM, Reply to “Comment on ‘Mechanisms of the multi-shape memory effect and temperature memory effect in shape memory polymers’" by H. Lu, Soft Matter,

2013, 9, DOI:10.1039/C3SM51720A”, Soft Matter, Vol. 9, 2013, 11159

  1. Wu XL, Huang WM, Seow ZG, Chin WS, Yang WG, Sun KY, Two-step shape recovery in heating-responsive shape memory polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and its thermally assisted self-healing, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 22, 2013, 125023
  2. Wu X, Huang WM, Zhao Y, Ding Z, Tang C, Zhang J, Mechanisms of the shape memory effect in polymeric materials, Polymers, Vol. 5, 2013, 1169-1202 http://www.mdpi.com/2073-4360/5/4/1169/pdf



  1. Huang WM, Zhao Y, Wang CC, Ding Z, Purnawali H, Tang C, Zhang JL, Thermo/chemo-responsive shape memory effect in polymers: a sketch of working mechanisms, fundamentals and optimization, Journal of Polymer Research, Vol. 19, No. 9, 2012, 9952
  2. Sun L, Huang WM, Ding Z, Zhao Y, Wang CC, Purnawali H, Tang C, Stimulusresponsive shape memory materials: a review, Materials and Design, Vol. 33, 2012, pp577-

640 (invited review paper) [1st hottest article in 2011 and 2012 in Materials and Design]

  1. Purnawali H, Xu WW, Zhao Y, Ding D, Wang CC, Huang WM and Fan H, Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) for active disassembly, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 21, 2012, 075006
  2. Tang C, Huang WM, Wang CC, Purnawali H, The triple-shape memory effect in NiTi shape memory alloys, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 21, 2012, 085022
  3. Ahmad M, Luo JK, Purnawali H, Huang WM, King PJ, Chalker PR, Mireftab M, GengJ, Making shape memory polymers reprocessable and reusable by a simple chemical method, Journal of Materials Chemistry, Vol. 22, 2012, 8192-8194
  4. Sun L, Zhao Y, Huang WM, Purnawali H, Fu YQ, Wrinkling atop shape memory materials, Surface Review and Letters, Vol. 19, No. 2, 2012, 1250010
  5. Zhao Y, Huang WM, Wang CC, Thermo/chemo-responsive shape memory effect for micro/nano patterning atop polymers, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, Vol. 4, 2012, 862-878
  6. Wang CC, Huang WM, Ding Z, Zhao Y, Purnawali H, Cooling-/water-responsive shape memory hybrids, Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 72, 2012, 1178-1182
  7. Wang CC, Zhao Y, Purnawali H, Huang WM, Sun L, Chemically induced morphing in polyurethane shape memory polymer micro fibers/springs, Reactive and Functional Polymers, Vol. 72, No. 10, 2012, 757-764
  8. Ahmad M, Xu B, Purnawali H, Fu Y, Huang W, Miraftab M, Luo J, High performance shape memory polyurethane synthesized with high molecular weight polyol as the soft segment, Applied Science, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2012, 535-548
  9. Zhao Y, Huang WM, Purnawali H, Three dimensional surface pattering atop poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 161, 2012, 292-295
  10. Wang CC, Ding Z, Purnawali H, Huang WM, Fan H, Sun L, Repeated instant selfhealing shape memory composites, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 21, 2012, 2663-2669
  11. Wang CC, Huang WM, Ding Z, Zhao Y, Purnawali H, Zheng LX, Fan H, He CB, Rubber-like shape memory polymeric materials with repeatable thermal-assisted healing function, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 21, 2012, 115010


  1. Zhao Y, Wang CC, Huang WM, Purnawali H, An L, Formation of micro protrusive lens arrays atop poly(methyl methacrylate), Optics Express, Vol. 19, No. 27, 2011, pp.26000-



  1. Zhao Y, Wang CC, Huang WM, Purnawali H, Buckling of poly(methyl methacrylate) in stimulus-responsive shape recovery, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 99, 2011, 131911
  2. Sun L, Huang WM, Wang CC, Zhao Y, Ding Z, Purnawali H, Optimization of the shape memory effect in shape memory polymers, Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, Vol. 46, No. 16, 2011, pp3582-3587
  3. Zhao Y, Huang WM and YQ Fu, Formation of micro/nano-scale wrinkling patterns atop shape memory polymers, Journal of Micromechanics and Micromachining, Vol. 21, 2011, 067007 (highlights of 2011 by JMM)
  4. Fu, Y.Q. and Huang, W.M., Stress induced texture and shape memory trench in TiNiCu films, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 519, No. 15, pp5290-5296
  5. Fan, K., Huang, W.M., Wang, C.C., Ding, Z., Zhao, Y., Purnawali, H., Liew, K.C. and Zheng, L.X., Water-responsive shape memory hybrid: design concept and demonstration, eXPRESS Polymer Letters, Vol. 5, No. 5, 2011, pp409-416 (listed in most SCI cited papers in this journal in 2012)
  6. Ahmad, M., Luo, J.K., Xu, B., Purnawali, H., King, P.J., Chalker, P., Fu, Y. Q., Huang, W.M. and Miraftab, M., Synthesis and characterization of polyurethane-based shape-memory polymers for tailored Tg around body temperature for medical applications, Macromolecular Chemistry & Physics, Vol. 212, No. 6, pp592-602
  7. Motemani, Y., Tan, M.J., White, T.J. and Huang, W.M., Rapid thermal annealing of Tirich TiNi thin films: A new approach to fabricate patterned shape memory thin films, Materials and Design, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2011, pp688-695
  8. Sun L., Huang W.M., Purnawali H.,Constitutive model for concrete under multiaxialloading conditions, Advanced Materials Research, Vols.163-167, 2011, pp1171-1174
  9. Zhao Y, Huang WM, Micron sized polyurethane shape-memory polymer beads, Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 239-242, 2011, pp2675-2678
  10. Sun L, Huang WM, LimCK, DingZ and Purnawali H, Crack closure and shape restoration using NiTi shape-memory alloy, Advanced Materials Research,Vols. 261-263, 2011, pp 721-724
  11. Sun G, Pan Y, Zhan Z, Zheng L, Lu J, Pang  J,  Li L, Huang W, Reliable and large curvature Actuation from gradient-structured graphene oxide, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 115, No. 48, 2011, 23741-23744


  1. Huang, WM, Ding, Z, Wang, CC, Wei, J, Zhao, Y and Purnawali, H, Shape memory materials, Materials Today, Vol. 13, 2010, pp54-61 [5th hottest article in 2011 in Materials Today]


  1. Huang, WM, Yang, B, Zhao, Y and Ding, Z, Thermo-moisture responsive polyurethane shape-memory polymer and composites: a review, Journal of Materials Chemistry, Vol. 20, 2010, pp3367-3381 (invited paper)
  2. Sun, L and Huang, WM, Mechanisms of the multi-shape memory effect and temperature memory effect in shape memory polymers, Soft Matter, Vol. 6, 2010, pp4403-4406
  3. Xu, B. Fu, Y.Q., Ahmad, M., Luo, J.K., Huang, W.M., Kraft, A., Reuben, R., Pei, Y.T., Chen, Z.G. and Hosson, J.Th.M.D., Thermo-mechanical properties of polystyrene-based shape memory nanocomposites, Journal of Materials Chemistry, Vol. 20, 2010, pp3442-3448
  4. Huang, W.M., Thermo-moisture responsive polyurethane shape memory polymer for biomedical devices, The Open Medical devices Journal, Vol. 2, 2010, pp11-19
  5. Sun, L. and Huang, W.M., Thermo/moisture responsive shape-memory polymer for possible surgery/operation inside living cells in future, Materials and Design, Vol. 31, 2010, pp2684-2689
  6. Sun, L., Huang, W.M. and Cheah, J.Y., Temperature memory effect and the influence of thermo-mechanical cycling in shape memory alloy, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 19, 2010, 055005
  7. Zhang, Y., Fan, H., Huang, W.M. and Chen, Y., Droplet atop a wrinkled substrate, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol. 224, No.C11, 2010, pp2459-2467
  8. Huang, W.M., Yang, B., Li, C., Chan, Y.S. and An. L., Response to “Comment on “Water-driven programmable polyurethane shape memory polymer: Demonstration and mechanism [Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 056101, (2010)]”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 97, 2010, 056102
  9. Xu, B., Fu, Y.Q., Huang, W.M., Pei, Y.T., Chen, Z.G., De Hosson, J.Th.M., Kraft, A. and Reuben, R., Thermal-mechanical properties of polyurethane-clay shape memory polymer nanocomposites, Polymers, 2010, Vol. 2, pp31-39



  1. Wu, M.J., Huang, W.M., Fu, Y.Q., Chollet, F., Hu, Y.Y., Cai, M.D., Reversible surface morphology in shape-memory alloy thin films, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 105, 2009, 033517 (5 pages)
  2. Leng, J., Lu, H., Liu, Y, Huang, W.M. and Du, S., Shape memory polymers-A class of novel smart material, MRS Bulletin, Vol. 34, 2009, pp848-855
  3. Xu, B., Huang, W.M., Pei, Y.T., Chen, Z.G., Kraft, A., Reuben, R., Hosson, J.Th.M.D. and Y.Q. Fu, Mechanical properties of attapulgite clay reinforced polyurethane shape memory nanocomposites, European Polymer Journal, Vol. 45, 2009, pp 1904-1911
  4. Sun, L. and Huang, W.M., Wet to shrink: an approach to realize negative expansion upon wetting, Advanced Composite Materials, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2009, pp 95-103
  5. Huang, W.M., Fan, H., Leng, S.C., Indentation on very smooth silicon wafers, International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering, Vol. 2, Nos. 3/4, 2009, pp 335-341
  6. Fu, Y.Q., Luo, J.K., Flewitt, A.J., Huang, W.M., Zhang, S., Du, H.J. and Milne, W.I., Thin film shape memory alloys and actuators, International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering , Vol. 2, Nos. 3/4, 2009, pp 208-226
  7. Sun, L., Zhao, Y., Huang, W.M. and Tong, T.H., Formation of combined surface features of protrusion array and wrinkles atop shape-memory polymer, Surface Review and Letters, Vol. 16, No. 6, 2009, pp 929-933
  8. Sun, L. and Huang W.M., Nature of the multistage transformation in shape memory alloys upon heating, Metal Science and Heat Treatment, Vol. 51, 2009, pp 573-578
  9. Huang, W.M., Liu, N., Lan, X., Lin, J.Q., Pan, J.H., Leng, J.S., Phee, S.J., Fan, H., Liu, Y.J., Tong, T.H., Formation of protrusive micro/nano patterns atop shape memory polymers, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 614, 2009, pp 243-248
  10. Sun, L. and Huang, W.M., Abrupt softening phenomenon in a shape memory CuAlNi single crystal under uniaxial compression, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 614, 2009, pp 181185


  1. Leng, J.S., Huang, W.M., Lan, X., Liu, Y.J., Du, S.Y., Significantly reducing electrical resistivity by forming conductive Ni chains in a polyurethane shape-memory polymer/carbon-black composite, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 92, 2008, 204101 (3 pages)
  2. Leng, J.S., Lan, X., Liu, Y.J., Du, S.Y., Huang, W.M., Liu, N., Phee, S.J. and Yuan, Q., Electrical conductivity of thermo-responsive shape-memory polymer with embedded micron sized Ni powder chains, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 92, 2008, 014104 (3 pages)
  3. Liu, N., Xie, Q., Huang, W.M., Phee, S.J. and Guo, N.Q., Formation of micro protrusion array atop shape memory polymer, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 18, 2008, 027001 (5 pages)
  4. Zhu, J.J., Liang, N.G., Cai, M., Liew, K.M., Huang, W.M., Theory of phase transformation and reorientation in single crystalline shape memory alloys, Smart materials and Structures, Vol. 17, 2008, 015041 (10 pages)
  5. Fu, Y.Q., Sanjabi, S., Barber, Z.H., Huang, W.M., Cai, M.D., Zhang, S., Luo, J.K., Flewitt, A.J. and Milne, W.I., In-situ observation of transition between surface relief and wrinkling in thin film shape memory alloys, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 8, No. 5, 2008, pp 2588-2596
  6. Ng, S.B., Huang, W.M. and Shu, D.W., Plastic energy and tearing energy of a NiTi shape memory alloy wire, Materials and Design, Vol. 29, 2008, pp1066-1069
  7. An, L., Huang, W.M., Fu, Y.Q. and Guo, N.Q., A note on size effect in actuating NiTi shape memory alloys by electrical current, Materials and Design, Vol. 29, 2008, pp 14321437
  8. Nurveren, K., Akdo?an, A. and Huang, W.M., Evolution of transformation characteristics with heating/cooling rate in NiTi shape memory alloys, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 196, 2008. pp129-134
  9. Phee, S.J., Low, S.C., Sun, Z.L., Ho, K.Y., Huang, W.M. and Thant, Z.M., Robotic system for no-scar gastrointestinal surgery,The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2008, pp15-22
  10. Xu, L.M., Fan, H., Yang, C. and Huang, W.M., Contact line mobility in liquid droplet spreading on rough surface, Journal of Colloid & Interface Science, Vol. 323, 2008, pp126132
  11. Pan, GH, Huang, WM, Ng, ZC, Liu, N and Phee, SJ, Glass transition temperature of polyurethane shape memory polymer reinforced with treated/non-treated attapulgite (playgorskite) clay in dry and wet conditions, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 17, 2008, 045007 (6 pages)
  12. Liu, N., W.M. Huang, Phee, S.J. and Tong, T.H., Formation of micro protrusions atop thermo-responsive shape memory polymer, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 17, 2008, 057001 (6 pages)


  1. Cai, M., Langford, S.C., Dickinson, J.T., Wu, M., Huang, W., Xiong, G., Droubay, T.C., Joly, A.G., Beck, K.M. and Hess, W.P., Study of martensitic phase transformation in a NiTiCu thin film shape memory alloy using photoelectron emission microscopy, Advanced Functional Materials, Vol. 17, 2007, pp161-167
  2. Liu, N. Huang, W.M. and Phee, S.J., A secret garden of micro butterflies: phenomenon and mechanism, Surface Review and Letters, Vol. 14, No. 6, 2007, pp1187-1190
  3. Liu, N., Huang, W.M., Phee, S.J., Fan, H. and Chew, K.L., A  generic approach for producing various protrusive shapes on different size scales using shape-memory polymer, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 16, 2007, ppN47-N50
  4. Su, J.F., Huang W.M. and Hong, M.H., Indentation and two-way shape-memory in a NiTi polycrystalline shape-memory alloy, Special issue of Smart Materials and Structures on “Recent Advances on Research in Shape Memory Alloys”, Vol. 16, 2007, ppS137-144
  5. Yeo, H.C., Guo, N., Huang, W.M., Du, H. and Jian, X.M., Characterization methodology of the interface in multilayer composites, Key Engineering Materials, Vols. 334-335, 2007, pp1041-1044



  1. Fu, Y.Q., Sanjabi, S., Barber, Z.H., Clyne, T.W., Huang, W.M., Cai, M.D., Luo, J.K., Flewitt, A.J., Milne, W.I., Evolution of surface morphology in TiNiCu shape memory thin

films, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 89, 2006, pp171922-1-3

  1. Wu, M.J., Huang, W.M. and Chollet, F., In situ characterization of NiTi based shape memory thin films by optical measurement, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol.15, 2006, N29-N35
  2. An, L. and Huang, W.M., Transformation characteristics of shape memory alloys upon thermal cycling, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol.420, 2006, pp220-227
  3. Pan, G.H. and Huang, W.M., A note on constrained shape memory alloys upon thermal cycling, Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 41, 2006, pp7964-7968
  4. Yang, B. Huang, W.M., Li, C. and Li, L., Effect of moisture on the thermomechanical properties of a polyurethane shape memory polymer, Polymer, Vol. 47, 2006, pp 1348-1356
  5. Fu, Y.Q., Zhang, S., Wu, M.J., Huang, W.M., Du H.J., Luo, J.K., Flewitt, A.J.,Milne, W.I., On the lower thickness boundary of sputtered TiNi films for shape memory

application, Journal of Thin Solid Films, Vol. 515, 2006, pp80-86

  1. Huang, W.M., Lee, C.W. and Teo, H.P., Thermomechanical behavior of a polyurethane shape memory polymer foam, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structure, Vol. 17, 2006, pp 753-760
  2. Liu, N. and Huang, W.M., Comments on "incomplete transformation induced multiplestep transformation in TiNi shape memory alloys"[Scripta Mater 2005; 53:335], Scripta Materialia, Vol.55, 2006, pp493-495
  3. Liu, N. and Huang, W.M., DSC study on temperature memory effect of NiTi shape memory alloy, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Vol.16, 2006, pps37-s41
  4. Wang, Q., Guo, N., Du, H. and Huang, W., Beam pattern calculation for optimization of broadband array transducers, Journal of Acoustic Society of American, Vol. 120, No. 2, 2006, pp741-749
  5. Yeo. H.C., Guo, N., Du, H., Huang, W.M. and Jian, X.M., Characterisation of IC packaging interfaces and loading effects, Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 46, 2006, pp1892-1897


  1. Huang, W.M., Hu, Y.Y. and An, L., Determination of stress versus strain relationship and other thermomechanical properties of thin films, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 87, 2005, pp201904-1-3
  2. Huang, W.M., Yang, B., An, L., Li, C. and Chan, Y.S., Water-driven programmable polyurethane shape memory polymer: demonstration and mechanism, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.86, 2005, pp114105-1-3
  3. Huang, W.M., Hu, Y.Y. and An, L., Response to ‘comment on “a simple approach to determine five thermomechanical properties of thin ductile films on an elastic substrate”’[Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 116102 (2005)], Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 87, 2005, pp116102-1
  4. Huang, W.M., Mechanics of coiled nanotubes in uniaxial tension, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 408, 2005, pp136-140
  5. Huang, W.M., Su, J.F., Hong, M.H. and Yang, B., Pile-up and sink-in in microindentation of a NiTi shape-memory alloy, Scripta Materialia, Vol. 53, 2005, pp1055-1057
  6. Fu, Y., Du, H., Zhang, S. and Huang, W., XPS characterization of surface and interfacial structure of sputtered TiNi films on Si substrate, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 403, 2005, pp25-31
  7. Yang, B., Huang, W.M., Li, C., Li, L. and Chor, J.H., Qualitative separation of the effects of carbon nano-powder and moisture on the glass transition temperature of polyurethane shape memory polymer, Scripta Materialia, Vol. 53, 2005, pp105-107
  8. He, Q., Huang, W.M., Gao, X.Y. and Hong, M.H., Numerical investigation of CO2 laser heating for annealing Ni/Ti multilayer thin films, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 14, 2005, pp1320-1324
  9. Li, C., Hsieh, J.H. and Huang, W.M., A study on the reactive sputtering process with plasma chemistry, Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 198, 2005, pp372-378
  10. Yang, B., Huang, W.M., Li, C. and Chor, J.H., Effects of moisture on the glass transition temperature of polyurethane shape memory polymer filled with nano carbon powder, European Polymer Journal, Vol. 41, No. 5, 2005, pp1123-1128
  11. Huang, W.M. and Xu, W., Hysteresis in shape memory alloys. Is it always a constant? Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 40, 2005, pp 2985 – 2986
  12. Huang, W. M., Wu, J. A., Lim, B. Y. and Vahhi, I. E., V-shape in Young’s modulus vs. strain relationship in shape memory alloys upon mechanical loading, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 390, No. 1-2, 2005, pp175-181
  13. Huang, W.M., Transformation front in shape memory alloys, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol. 392, No. 1-2, 2005, pp121-129
  14. Huang, W. M., Wu, J. A., Lim, B. Y. and Vahhi, I. E., Behaviour of Young’s Modulus in shape memory alloys upon mechanical loading, Materials Science (Med?iagotyra). Vol. 11, No. 4. 2005, pp 390-393


  1. Huang, W.M., Hu, Y.Y. and An, L., A simple approach to determine five thermomechanical properties of thin ductile films on an elastic substrate, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 85, No. 25, 2004, pp6173-6175
  2. Hu, Y.Y. and Huang, W.M., Elastic and elastic-plastic analysis of multilayer thin films: closed-form solutions, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 96, No. 8, 2004, pp4154-4160
  3. Huang, W.M. and Gao, X.Y., Tresca and von Mises yield criteria: a view from strain space, Philosophical Magazine Letters, Vol. 84, No. 10, 2004, pp625-630
  4. He, Q., Huang, W.M., Hong, M.H., Wu, M.J., Fu, Y.Q., Chong, T.C., Chollet, F. and Du, H.J., Characterization of sputtering deposited NiTi shape memory thin films using temperature controllable atomic force microscope, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 13, 2004, pp977-982
  5. He, Q., Hong, M.H., Huang, W.M., Chong, T.C., Fu, Y.Q. and Du, H.J., CO2 laser annealing of sputtering deposited NiTi shape memory thin films, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,Vol. 14, 2004, pp950-956
  6. Huang, W.M., Liu, Q.Y., He, L.M. and Yeo, J.H., Micro NiTi-Si cantilever with three stable positions, Sensors and Actuators A, Vol. 114, No. 1, 2004, pp118-122
  7. Fu, Y., Du, H., Huang, W., Zhang, S. and Hu, M., TiNi-based thin films in MEMS applications: a review, Sensors and Actuators A, Vol. 112, No. 2-3, 2004, pp395-408
  8. Yang, B., Huang, W.M., Li, C., Lee, C.M. and Li, L., On the effects of moisture in a polyurethane shape memory polymer, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 13, No.1, 2004, pp191-195
  9. Huang, W.M., Transformation progress in shape memory alloys upon loading, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 13, 2004, pp443-448
  10. Zhu, J.J., Liu, Q.Y., Huang, W.M. and Liew, K.M., To simulate the behavior of shape memory alloys under thermomechanical cycling, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 365, 2004, pp298-301
  11. Huang, W.M., On the effects of different Young‘s moduli in phase transformation start stress vs. temperature relationship in shape memory alloys, Scripta Materialia, Vol. 50, No. 3, 2004, pp353-357


  1. Huang, W.M., A simple approach to estimate failure surface of polymer and aluminum foams under multiaxial loads, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 45, 2003, pp1531-1540
  2. Fu, Y., Du, H., Huang, W. and Hu, M., TiNi film based shape memory alloy and microactuators, International Journal of Computational Engineering Science, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2003, pp221-225
  3. Huang, W.M. and Lim, H.K., Evolution of energy dissipation and the Young‘s modulus in a martensite NiTi shape memory alloy wire upon cyclic loading, Journal of Materials Science Letters, Vol. 22, 2003, pp1399-1400
  4. Huang, W.M., Tan, J.P., Gao, X.Y. and Yeo, J.H., Design, testing and simulation of NiTi shape memory alloy thin film based micro-grippers, Journal of Microlithography, Microfabrication, and Microsystems, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2003, pp185-190
  5. Zhu, J.J., Huang, W.M. and Liew, K.M., Deformation energy in martensitic transformation, Journal de Physique IV, Vol. 112, 2003, pp179-182
  6. Huang, X., Liu, Y., Ling, S.F., Zhang, H.H. and Huang, W.M., Effect of SiO2 buffer layer on properties of sputter-deposited NiTi shape memory alloy thin films, Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 167, No.2-3, 2003, pp148-153


  1. Huang, W.M., Tan, J.P., Gao, X.Y. and Yeo, J.H., Micro gripper for medical applications, SGH Proceedings, Vol. 11, No. 3, 2002, pp200-205
  2. Huang, W.M., Goh, H.B. and Li, C., Effects of reheat treatment conditions in training of two-way shape memory, Journal of Materials Science Letters, Vol. 21, No. 13, 2002, pp991993
  3. Huang, W.M. and Zhu, J.J., To predict the behavior of shape memory alloy under proportional load, Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 34, 2002, pp547-561
  4. Gao, X.Y. and Huang, W.M., Transformation start stress in non-textured shape memory alloys, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 11, 2002, pp256-268
  5. Huang, W., On the selection of shape memory alloys for actuators, Materials & Design, Vol. 23, 2002, pp11-19
  6. Zhu, J., Liang, N., Huang, W., Liew, K.M. and Liu, Z., A thermodynamic constitutive model for stress induced phase transformation in shape memory alloys, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 39, No. 3, 2002, pp741-763
  7. Huang, W.M., Gao, X.Y., Kung, H.K., Liu, Q.Y., Ng, Q. and Liu, X., Hard disk drive assembly using copper based shape memory alloy, Material Science Forum, Vols. 394-395,

2002, pp95-98

  1. Huang, W.M., Gao, X.Y., Loo, B.K., He, L.M. and Ngoi, B.K. A., Micro gripper using two-way shape memory alloy thin sheet, Material Science Forum, Vols. 394-395, 2002, pp87-90


  1. Huang, W. and Goh, H. B., On the long term stability of two-way shape memory alloy trained by reheat treatment, Journal of Materials Science letters, Vol. 20, 2001, pp1795-1797
  2. Fu, Y.Q., Huang, W.M., Du, H.J., Huang, X., Tan, J.P., Gao, X.Y., Characterization of TiNi shape-memory alloy thin film for MEMS application, Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 145, 2001, pp107-112
  3. Tey, S.-J., Huang, W.M. and Sokolwski, W. M., On the effects of long term storage in cold hibernated elastic memory (CHEM) polyurethane foam, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2001, pp321-325
  4. Zhu, J.J., Liang, N.G., Liew, K.M. and Huang, W. M., Energy conversion in shape memory alloy heat engine. Part I: theory, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2001, pp 127-132
  5. Zhu, J.J., Liang, N.G., Huang, W.M. and Liew, K.M., Energy conversion in shape memory alloy heat engine. Part II: simulation, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2001, pp 133-140


181. Huang, W. and Toh, W., Training two-way shape memory alloy by reheat treatment, Journal of Materials Science Letters (UK), Vol.19, No.17, 2000, pp1549-1550


  1. Huang, W., "Yield" surfaces of shape memory alloys and their applications, Acta Materialia, Vol. 47, No. 9, 1999, pp2769-2776
  2. Huang, W. and Wong, Y.L., Effects of pre-strain on transformation temperatures of NiTi shape memory alloy, Journal of Materials Science Letters (UK), Vol. 18, No. 22, 1999, pp1797-1798
  3. Huang, W., Modified shape memory alloy (SMA) model for SMA wire-based actuator design, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 10, No. 3, 1999, pp221231


185. Huang, W., Effects of internal stress and martensite variants on phase transformation of NiTi shape memory alloy, Journal of Materials Science Letters (UK), Vol. 17, No. 21, 1998, pp1843-1844


Special Issue/Supplement (Guest Editor)

  1. Huang WM, Lendlein A, Xie T, Shape memory polymers, Special issue of Polymers, 2017 http://www.mdpi.com/journal/polymers/special_issues/shape_memory_polymers
  2. Dasari A, Chen Z, Huang WM, Recent Advances in Materials for Sports Technology, Special issue of Materials and Design, 2016


  1. Huang, W.M.,  H. Jerry Qi and Lu, H.B., Shape-Memory Polymers, Special Issue of Polymers, 2014 http://www.mdpi.com/journal/polymers/special_issues/shape-memory
  2. Dasari A, Chen Z, Huang WM, Advanced Materials for Sports Technology, Special issue of Materials and Design, 2014
  3. Fu, Y.Q., Wang, L., Liu, Y., Huang, W.M., Micro/nano-patterning and Nanoelectronics, Special issue of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, Vol. 4, 2012, 859–861
  4. Huang, W.M. and Fu, Y.Q., Novel Stimuli-Responsive (co)Polymers, Special Issue of Polymers, 2010 http://www.mdpi.com/journal/polymers/special_issues/responsive-polymers/
  5. Huang, W.M., Song, C.L. and Fu, Y.Q., Shape memory materials for medical devices, Supplement of The Open Medical Devices Journal, 2010 http://www.bentham.org/open/tomdj/openaccess2.htm


  1. Huang, W.M., Yang, B. and Fu, Y.Q., Polyurethane shape memory polymers, Taylor & Francis/CRC Press, 2011 [ISBN: 978-1-4398380-0-6] http://www.taylorandfrancis.com/books/details/9781439838006/
  2. Miyazaki, S., Fu, Y.Q. and Huang, W.M. (Ed.), Thin film shape memory alloys–fundamentals and device applications, Cambridge University Press, 2009 [ISBN: 9780521 885768] http://www.cambridge.org/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521885768形状记忆合金薄膜:基础与器件应用 (丛书名:材料科学与应用进展),科学出版社, PR

China, 2012 [ISBN: 9787030332462]

Patent/Commercialization/Know-how -       Patent granted

  1. 冷劲松, 黄为民 (WM Huang),吕海宝, 形状记忆聚合物纸的应用 (Application of shape memory polymer paper) (Patent No. CN100549296C, published on 14-Oct-2009, PR China)
  2. 冷劲松, 黄为民 (W M Huang), 吕海宝, 恢复顺序可控的水驱动形状记忆聚合物材料的制备方法

(Recovery sequence controllable water drive shape memory polymer material and preparing method thereof) (Patent No. CN101016408 B, published on 08-Dec-2010, PR China)

  1. 孙丽,黄为民 (WM Huang), 一种具有橡胶状弹性的形状记忆聚合物 (Rubber-like shape memory polymeric material) (Patent No. CN101985518 B, published on 15-Aug-2012, PR China)
  2. 孙丽, 黄为民 (WM Huang), 赵勇, 一种聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯微透镜阵列的制造方法 (A method to fabricate PMMA microlens array) (Patent No. CN102352050 B, published on 28-Nov-2012, PR China)
  3. 孙丽,黄为民 (WM Huang),王倡春,米向乾,具有多次快速自修复功能的弹性形状记忆材料及其

制备方法(Rubber-like shape memory material with repeated instant self-healing function and fabrication method) (Patent No. CN102199353 B, published on 23-Jan-2013, PR China)

  1. 崔海坡,宋成利,黄为民 (WM Huang), 弹性形状记忆可回收支架(Elastic retractable shape memory stent) (Patent No. CN202859730 U, published on 10-Apr-2013, PR China)
  2. 南京天朗制药有限公司,黄为民(WM Huang),吴雪莲,以热致形状记忆聚合物为材料的防伪或温度指示标签 ( Patent No. CN203456016 U, published on 26-Feb-2014, PR China)
  3. 南京天朗制药有限公司,魏民,吴雪莲,吕海宝,黄为民,基于双向形状变化的防伪指示标识

(Patent No. CN203607027 U, published on 21-May-2014,PR China)

  1. 南京天朗制药有限公司,黄为民,吴雪莲,魏民,基于视觉图像变化的防伪或温度标签 (Patent

No. CN203721122 U, published on 16-Jul-2014,PR China)

  1. 南京天朗制药有限公司,黄为民,吴雪莲,魏民,形状记忆标识卡片 (Patent No.

CN203631059U, published on 4-Jun-2014,PR China)

  1. 吴雪莲,黄为民(WM Huang),许晓静,一种本征导电形状记忆聚合物及其制备方法,(An intrinsically electrically conductive shape memory polymer and its fabrication method) (Patent No. CN102786777B, published on 3-Dec-2014, PR China)
  2. 孙丽,黄为民 (WM Huang),唐宬, 一种基于形状记忆合金监控温度的方法 (A method to monitor the temperature using shape memory alloys) (Patent No. CN102944326B, published on 12Jan-2015, PR China)
  3. 黄为民(WM Huang),吴雪莲,南京天朗制药有限公司,具有形状记忆防伪部件的物品及物品的防

伪方法(Anti-counterfeit shape memory component and anti-counterfeit method)(Patent No. CN103093690B, published on 18-Mar-2015, PR China)

  1. 南京天朗制药有限公司,黄为民(WM Huang),吴雪莲,基于形状记忆聚合物的温度指示或多层次防伪指示标签及其温度指示或多层次防伪指示方法 (Shape memory polymer based temperature indicating or multiple-step anti-counterfeit indicating label and temperature indicating or multiple-step anti-counterfeit indicating method) (Patent No. CN103137013B, published on 18-Mar-2015, PR China)
  2. 黄为民,吴雪莲,魏民,蒋旭彤,可快速变化的电路导电部件,(An electrical circuit component with rapid change function)(Patent No. ZL 2014 2 0591429.8, published on 22April-2015, PR China)
  3. 黄为民,吴雪莲,魏民,蒋旭彤,基于凝胶基体的电路导电部件,(An electrical circuit component based on gel)(Patent No. ZL2014 2 0591083.1,published on 22-April-2015, PR China)
  4. 黄为民,吴雪莲,魏民,蒋旭彤,防加热转移标签,(Anti heat transfer labels)(Patent No.

ZL 2014 2 0590076.X, published on 22-April-2015, PR China)

  1. Huang WM, Zhao Y, A microlens array and a method of fabricating thereof (US patent No.  9,244,202 B2, Jan. 26, 2016)
  2. 黄为民(WM Huang),吴雪莲,代勇波,温度指示方法及温度指示标签及温度指示标签的制造方

法(A method to indicate temperature, temperature label and method to fabricate temperature label) (Patent No. 201210206952.X, published on 18-May-2016, PR China)

  1. 黄为民(WM Huang),吴雪莲,多层次防伪标签及其制造方法及多层次防伪指示方法

(Multiple-step anti-counterfeit label, its fabrication and application method )(Patent No. 201210480325.5, published on 08-June-2016, PR China)

  1. 黄为民 (WM Huang),孙丽,唐宬, 用于防伪指示和温度指示的弹性标签及其制备方法和应用

(Fabrication method and applications of elastic label for anti-counterfeit and temperature indicating) (Patent No. CN103137014 B, published on 2015.07.15, PR China)

  1. W Huang, X Wu, Y Dai, M Wei, Temperature indicating method, temperature indicating label and method for manufacturing the label (US patent No. 20150292953 A1)
  2. 吴雪莲,黄为民, 杨传朋,一种形状记忆合金驱动的基于顶销式机构的高度可调的鞋跟, (Patent

No. 201621250847, published on 2017.07.13, PR China)


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  5. The Open Medical Devices Journal


  1. World of Mechanics


Reviewer a) Journal

  1. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
  2. ACS Nano
  3. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
  4. Acta Automatica Sinica
  5. Acta Biomaterialia
  6. Acta Materialia
  7. Acta Mechanica Sinica
  8. Additive Manufacturing
  9. Advanced Engineering Materials
  10. Advanced Functional Materials
  11. Advanced Materials
  12. Advanced Optical Technologies
  13. Advances in Manufacturing
  14. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
  15. Advances in Mechanical Engineering
  16. Advances in Research
  17. Advances in Structural Engineering
  18. Aerospace Engineering
  19. Aerospace Science and Technology
  20. Annals of Materials Science & Engineering
  21. Annual Research & Review in Biology
  22. Applied Physics Letters
  23. Applied Science
  24. Applied Surface Science
  25. Arabian Journal of Chemistry
  26. Archives of Current Research International
  27. Biomacromolecules
  28. Biomaterials
  29. BioMed Research International
  30. Biosensors
  31. British Journal of Applied Science & Technology
  32. British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science
  33. Carbohydrate Polymers
  34. Carbon
  35. ChemComm
  36. ChemPhysChem
  37. ChemPlusChem
  38. Chemistry of Materials
  39. Chemical Science
  40. Coatings
  41. Colloid and Polymer Science
  42. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces
  43. Composites A
  44. Composites B
  45. Composites Science and Technology
  46. Composite Structures
  47. Computational Materials Science
  48. Current Drug Delivery
  49. Current Nanoscience
  50. Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
  51. Entropy
  52. Environmental Science & Technology
  53. European Polymer Journal
  54. eXPRESS Polymer Letters
  55. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design
  56. Fluids
  57. Functional Materials Letters
  58. Gels
  59. High Performance Polymers
  60. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters
  61. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics
  62. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
  63. Intermetallics
  64. Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences
  65. International Journal of Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
  66. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering
  67. International Journal of Agricultural and Soil Science
  68. International Journal of Antennas and Propagation
  69. International Journal of Biomedical Engineering
  70. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Engineering & Science
  71. International Journal of Engineering Research in Mechanical and Civil Engineering
  72. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology
  73. International Journal of Materials Research (Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde)
  74. International Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Case Reports
  75. International Journal of Modern Physics B
  76. International Journal of Polymer Science
  77. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology
  78. International Journal of Production Research
  79. International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials
  80. International Journal of Solids and Structures
  81. International Journal of Statistics and Mathematics
  82. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics
  83. Iranian Polymer Journal
  84. Journal of Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering
  85. Journal of Aerospace Engineering
  86. Journal of Alloys and Compounds
  87. Journal of Applied Physics
  88. Journal of Applied Polymer Science
  89. Journal of Applied Research and Technology
  90. Journal of Basic and Applied Research International
  91. Journal of Biomaterials Science: Polymer Edition
  92. Journal of Composite Materials
  93. Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Research
  94. Journal of Engineering
  95. Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing Technology
  96. Journal of Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer 97.   Journal of Functional Biomaterials
  97. Journal of Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer
  98. Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International
  99. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
  100. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures
  101. Journal of King Saud University - Science
  102. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering (ASME)
  103. Journal of Materials Chemistry
  104. Journal of Materials Chemistry A
  105. Journal of Materials Chemistry B
  106. Journal of Materials Chemistry C
  107. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance
  108. Journal of Materials Research
  109. Journal of Materials Science
  110. Journal of Materials Science and Nanotechnology
  111. Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation
  112. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
  113. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering
  114. Journal of Nanotechnology and Smart Materials
  115. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials
  116. Journal of the Mechanics in Physics and Solids
  117. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers
  118. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems
  119. Journal of Nanocomposites
  120. Journal of Nanomaterials
  121. Journal of Nuclear Materials
  122. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
  123. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
  124. Journal of Polymers and the Environment
  125. Journal of Polymer Research
  126. Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics
  127. Journal of Porous Materials
  128. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites
  129. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy
  130. Journal of Scientific Research and Reports
  131. Journal of Soft Matter
  132. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation
  133. Journal of Tissue Science & Engineering
  134. Journal of Testing and Evaluation
  135. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A
  136. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B
  137. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics-Transactions of the ASME
  138. Langmuir
  139. Macromolecular Chemistry & Physics
  140. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering
  141. Macromolecular Rapid Communication
  142. Materials
  143. Materials and Design
  144. Materials Characterization
  145. Materials Chemistry Frontiers
  146. Materials Chemistry and Physics
  147. Materials Letters
  148. Materials Science and Technology
  149. Mathematical Problems in Engineering
  150. Measurement Science and Technology
  151. Mechanics of Materials
  152. Mechatronics
  153. Medical Engineering & Physics
  154. Metals
  155. Microelectronic Engineering
  156. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics
  157. Micro & Nano Letters
  158. Microgravity - Science and Technology
  159. Micromachines
  160. Mini-Reviews in Medical Chemistry
  161. Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry
  162. Modelling and Simulation in Engineering 164. Nanoscale
  163. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters
  164. Nanotechnology
  165. Nano Energy
  166. Nature Communications
  167. Open Journal of Modern Physics
  168. Open Medicine Journal
  169. Optics Communications
  170. Optics Express
  171. Peertechz Journal of Biomedical Engineering 174. Philosophical Magazine
  172. Physica Status Solidi Rapid Research Letter
  173. Physical Science International Journal
  174. Pigment & Resin Technology
  175. Polymer
  176. Polymers
  177. Polymer Bulletin
  178. Polymer Chemistry
  179. Polymer Engineering & Science
  180. Polymers for Advanced Technologies
  181. Polymer International
  182. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science
  183. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part N: Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems
  184. Progress in Polymer Science
  185. Recent Patents on Electrical & Electronic Engineering
  186. Recent Patents on Food, Nutrition & Agriculture
  187. Robotics
  188. RSC Advances
  189. Sensors
  190. Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical
  191. Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical
  192. Science China-Technologies
  193. Science China Technological Sciences
  194. Scientific Research and Essays
  195. Significances of Bioengineering & Biosciences 199.       Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory
  196. Shape Memory and Superelasticity
  197. Small
  198. Smart Materials and Structures
  199. Smart and Stimuli Responsive Materials
  200. Soft Matter
  201. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An International Journal
  202. Surface and Coatings Technology
  203. Surface review and letters
  204. Textile Research Journal
  205. The Open Fuel Cells Journal
  206. The Open Medical Devices Journal
  207. The Scientific World Journal
  208. Thin Solid Films
  209. Universal Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

b) Research proposal

  1. The petroleum research fund (American Chemical Society)
  2. Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
  1. Kentucky Science and Engineering Foundation, USA
  1. Thuthuka Programme, National Research Foundation,

South Africa

  1. Deanship of Scientific Research, King Fahd University of

Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia

c)  Book proposal

  1. A Notebook on Polyurethane Casting (by IR Clemitson) [CRC Press, 2011]
  2. Cold Hibernated Elastic Memory (CHEM) Self-Deployable Structures (by Witold Sokolowski) [CRC Press, 2013]
  3. Castable Polyurethane Elastomers (by IR Clemitson) [CRC Press 2014]
  4. Smart Polymers and their Applications, 2nd Edition (by Maria Rosa Aguilar and Julio San Roamn) [Elsevier 2016]


Conference committee etc

  1. 2nd International Conference on Advanced Technologies in Design, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering (ATDMAE 2018), Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China,  July 1-3, 2018 (member of technical committee)
  2. Polymers: design, function and application, 22-23 March 2018, Barcelona, Spain (member of scientific committee)
  3. 5th Materials Science, Metal & Manufacturing Conference (M3 2018), 12th-13th March 2018, Singapore (program chair)
  4. International Conference on Bioequivalence & Bioavailability, December 04-06, 2017, San Francisco, USA (organizing committee)
  5. 3rd Annual International Workshop on Materials Science and Engineering (IWMSE 2017), Guangzhou, Guangdong, China, September 8-10, 2017 (member of technical program committee, reviewer)
  6. The 2017 International Conference on Advanced Technologies in Design, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering (ATDMAE 2017), Singapore, July 12-14, 2017 (member of local committee)
  7. 1st Global Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology (Materials Science -2017), June 26-27, 2017, Maryland, USA (organizing committee member)
  8. 2017 International Workshop on Laser and Ion Beams Interactions with Materials (2017 LIBIM), June 16-20, 2017, Chengdu, PR China (session chair)
  9. The Second International Conference on Advances in Sensors, Actuators, Metering and Sensing, ALLSENSORS 2017, March 19-23, 2017, Nice, France (member of technical program committee, reviewer)
  10. 4th Annual International Conference on Materials Science, Metal & Manufacturing (M3 2017), 6 March 2017, Singapore (program chair)
  11. 4th Annual International Conference on Material Science and Environmental Engineering,

December 16-18, 2016, Chengdu, Sichuan, PR China (reviewer)

  1. 2nd International Conference in Sports Science & Technology (ICSST), 12-13 December 2016, Singapore (session chair)
  2. The International Conference of Chemistry and Oxidation Technologies (COT2016), December 9-12, 2016, Guangzhou, China (reviewer)
  3. International Conference on New Material and Chemical Industry (NMCI 2016), November 19-21, Sanya, PR china (reviewer)
  4. BIT’s 14th Annual Congress of International Drug Discovery Science & Technology-2016, November 16-19, 2016, Nanjing, PR China (session chair)
  5. The 5th Global Conference on Materials Science and Engineering, November 8-11, 2016 Taiwan (reviewer)
  6. The 17th International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA 2016), October 20-24, 2016, Qingdao International Convention Center, Qingdao, China (co-organizer of U. Smart Materials, under Symposium of Functional Materials, Session chair)
  7. The International Conference on Material, Power and Energy Engineering (MPEE2016), August 19-21, 2016, Shenzhen, China (member of technical program committee)
  8. The 8th International Conference on Technological Advances of Thin Films & Surface Coatings (ThinFilms2016), 12-15 July, 2016, Singapore (member of organizing cum technical committee); Symposium of Smart Materials and Films (co-chair) (co-chair of sessions)
  9. 5th International Conference on “Smart and Multifunctional Materials, Devices and Structures” Perugia, Italy, June 5-10, 2016. International Advisory Board of Symposium B "State-of-the-Art Research and Application of Shape memory alloys", CIMTEC 2016
  10. 2016 International Conference on Energy Development and Environmental Protection (EDEP

2016), June 11 to June 12, 2016 Beijing, PR China (member of technical program committee)

  1. The First International Conference on Advances in Sensors, Actuators, Metering and Sensing (ALLSENSORS 2016),   April 24 - 28, 2016 - Venice, Italy (one of advisory chairs, and member of technical program committee, reviewer)
  2. 2016 International Conference on Advanced Material Science and Mechanical Engineering (AMSME2016), March 20-21, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand (member of technical program committee)
  3. 2016 International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering (ICACE 2016), March 19-20, 2016, Changsha, PR China (member of technical program committee)
  4. Second International Conference of Advances in Materials Science and Engineering (MAT2016), January 23-24, 2016, Dubai, UAE (member of program committee/reviewer)
  5. International Conference on Sensors Engineering and Electronics Instrumental Advances (SEIA‘ 2015), in conjunction with: 1st International Workshop on Recent Advances on Electrical, Sensors and Transducers Equipments, 22-23 November 2015, Dubai, UAE (international program committee member)
  6. The 4th Global Conference on Materials Science and Engineering (CMSE 2015), August 3-6 2015, Macau (reviewer)
  7. The Third International Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering (RTME 2015), Dubai, UAE, April 24-25, 2015 (program committee member))
  8. International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (MEN 2015),  March 28-29, 2015, Bangalore, India (program committee member)
  9. International Conference of Advances in Materials Science and Engineering (MAT 2015), January 23-24, 2015, Dubai, UAE (reviewer)
  10. 1st International Conference in Sports Science &Technology, December 11-12, 2014, Singapore (session chair)
  11. BIT’s 4th Annual World Congress of Nano Science & Technology 2014, Oct 29-31, 2014, Qingdao, China (session chair)
  12. 26th International Conference of the Society for Medical Innovation and Technology, Sep. 18-

20, 2014, Shanghai, PR China (technical committee, session chair)

  1. International Workshop on Aerospace Engineering (IWAE-2014), August 8-9, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey (reviewer)
  2. The 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology (iCBEB2014), September 19-21, 2014, Beijing, PR China (reviewer)
  3. The 3rd Global Conference on Materials Science and Engineering (CMSE 2014), Shanghai, PR China, Oct. 20-22th, 2014 (Technical Program Committee)
  4. 7th International Conference on Technological Advances of Thin Films & Surface Coatings (Thinfilm 2014, 15-18th July 2014, Chongqing, PR China). Committee member of symposium on “Shape memory, piezoelectric and responsive materials/polymers/films. Surface modifications, self-assembly and biomemetics of smart surfaces, nanoscale devices and chips (Smart Materials and Films, SMF)”
  5. 1st International Electronic Conference on Polymers, 16-30 June 2014 (Scientific Advisory Committee) [E-conference]
  6. The 2nd Global Conference on Materials Science and Engineering (CMSE 2013), Xianning, Hubei Province, PR China, November 20-22, 2013 (Technical Program Committee)
  7. The International Conference on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies(SMST) 2013, May 21-24, 2013, Prague, Czech Republic (International Advisory Committee); Special session: Shape Memory Polymers and Hybrids (organizer)
  8. Eleventh Asia-Pacific Conference on Engineering Plasticity and Its Applications (AEPA2012), Singapore, 5-7 December, 2012 (Reviewer)
  9. 2012 International Symposium on Electronical Engineering and Information Processing (ISEEIP 2012), Shenyang, China, May 25-27, 2012 (Reviewer)
  10. The 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Transducers and Micro/Nano Technologies (APCOT 2012) July 8-11, 2012, Nanjing, China (Technical Program Committee)
  11. 6th International conference on Technological Advances of Thin Films & Surface Coatings (Thinfilm 2012, 14-17th July 2012, Singapore). Organizing cum technical committee member. Co-chair of special symposium on “Shape memory/change materials/films and surface modification”
  12. 4th International Conference on “Smart Materials, Structures and Systems” Montecatini Terme, Italy, June 10-15, 2012. International Advisory Board of Symposium B "State-of-theArt Research and Application of SMAs Technologies", CIMTEC 2012
  13. The International Conference on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies (SMST) 201,1 Hong Kong (6-9 Nov 2011) (Technical Program Committee)
  14. 3rd International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in Engineering (SMN2011), 5th to 8th December, 2011, Shenzhen, China (Scientific Committee)
  15. The 6th Biennial International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2011), Symposium U: Composites and Nanocomposites, 26 June to 1 July, 2011, Singapore (session chair)
  16. 2011 International Conference on Electronic & Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology (EMEIT 2011), 12-14 August, 2011, Harbin, Heilongjiang, PR China (reviewer)
  17. International Symposium on Optical Engineering and Photonic Technology: OEPT 2010, in the context of The 3rd International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation: IMETI 2010, June 29th –July 2nd, 2010, Orlando, Florida, USA (reviewer)
  18. Symposium of Thin Film Shape Memory Materials and Surface Modification of Shape Memory Materials, under Thinfilm 2010, July 11-14, 2010, Harbin, China, (committee member)
  19. Polymers in Defence and Aerospace Applications 2010, 10-11 February 2010, Hamburg, Germany (sessions chair)
  20. Asia Pacific Defence & Security Technology Conference (DSTC), 6 to 7 of October 2009 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (technical reviewer)
  21. International Symposium on Optical Engineering and Photonic Technology: OEPT 2009, in the context of The 2nd International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation: IMETI 2009, July 10th -13th, 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA (reviewer)
  22. 2nd International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in Engineering, July 911, 2009, Weihai, PR China (member of international scientific committee, sessions chair, reviewer)
  23. The 6th International Forum on Advanced Material Science and Technology (IFAMST 2008), June 12-14, 2008, Hong Kong (session chairperson)
  24. 4th Conference Mechatronic Systems and Materials 2008 (MSM 2008),Bialystok, Poland (reviewer)
  25. IEEE Joint International Conference on Power System Technology and IEEE Power India Conference (PowerCon 2008), October 12-15, 2008, New Delhi, India (honorable reviewer)
  26. Third Asian Conference on Computer Aided Surgery (ACCAS 2007), December 1-2, 2007, Singapore (session chair)
  27. 2007 IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics (ICAL 2007), August 18– 21, 2007, Jinan, Shandong, PR China (member of program committee)
  28. International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in Engineering, 1st -4th July, 2007, Harbin, China (member of international scientific committee, sessions chair)
  29. 1st International Symposium on Shape Memory and Related Technologies (Smart 2004), 24-

26 November 2004, Singapore (member of organizing committee)

  1. Nanotech 2004, 13-17 July 2004, Singapore (session chairman)
  2. Thinfilms 2004, 13-17 July 2004, Singapore (reviewer)
  3. Symposium K: Theory, Modelling and Simulation, 2nd International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2003), 7-12 December 2003, Singapore




时间: 2024-07-31 10:55:38

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hdu4081 Qin Shi Huang's National Road System 次小生成树

先发发牢骚:图论500题上说这题是最小生成树+DFS,网上搜题解也有人这么做.但是其实就是次小生成树.次小生成树完全当模版题.其中有一个小细节没注意,导致我几个小时一直在找错.有了模版要会用模版,然后慢慢融会贯通.我要走的路还长着啊. 讲讲次小生成树的思想吧.首先,在prim算法中做一些改变,求出任意两点(u,v)路径之间的最大权值,并记录,记为maxe[u][v].运行遍prim算法.枚举每一条边,如果该边是属于最小生成树的边,则ratio=(value(u) +value(v) ) /( a

HDU4081 Qin Shi Huang's National Road System 【次小生成树】

Qin Shi Huang's National Road System Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 3395    Accepted Submission(s): 1189 Problem Description During the Warring States Period of ancient China(4

HDU4081Qin Shi Huang's National Road System(最小生成树+DFS)

Qin Shi Huang's National Road System Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 4227    Accepted Submission(s): 1465 Problem Description During the Warring States Period of ancient China(4

HDU 4081 Qin Shi Huang's National Road System(最小生成树+暴力枚举边)

题目大意:给你1000个点,每个点上有一个数目代表这个城市有多少人,让你把这N个点构成一颗生成树,你可以删除其中的任意一条边.让你求出一个比例A/B是的这个比例最大,A表示你删除那条边上两个城市的人口数之和,B表示的是去掉这条变这可生成树上其他的边的总长度. 解体思路:先求出来最小生成树,然后暴力枚举生成树的边,B=总数-这条边的长度.A = 将这条连断开之后左右集合中权值最大的两个数的和. 这样保证了B最小的情况下,去找最大的A,所以是可行的解.生成树的同时建边,然后dfs找最大值. PS:这