[Arxiv1706] Few-Example Object Detection with Model Communication 论文笔记

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Few-Example Object Detection with Model Communication,Xuanyi Dong, Liang Zheng, Fan Ma, Yi Yang, Deyu Meng


  • 本文仅仅通过每个类别3-4个bounding box标注即可实现物体检测,并与其它使用大量training examples的方法性能可比
  • 主要方法是:multi-modal learning (多模型同时训练) + self-paced learning (curriculum learning)



  • 弱监督物体检测:数据集的标签是不可靠的,如(x,y),y对于x的标记是不可靠的。这里的不可靠可以是标记不正确,多种标记,标记不充分,局部标记等。
    • 标签是图像级别的类别标签[7][8][9][10][11][18][30][31][32][33][34]
  • 半监督物体检测:半监督学习使用大量的未标记数据,以及同时使用标记数据,来进行模式识别工作。
    • 一些训练样本只有类别标签,另外一些样本有详细的物体框和类别标注[4][5][6]
      • 需要大量标注 (e.g., 50% of the full annotations)
    • 每个类别只有几个物体框标注(Few-Example Object Detection with Model Communication)[12][35]
      • 和few-shot learning 的区别:是否使用未标注数据学习
    • 通过视频挖掘位置标注,此类方法主要针对会移动的物体[2][3][29][1]
  • Webly supervised learning for object detection: reduce the annotation cost by leveraging web data


Basic detector: Faster RCNN & RFCN

Object proposal method: selective search & edge boxes

Annotations: when we randomly annotate approximately four images for each class, an image may contain several objects, and we annotate all the object bounding boxes.




更新yuj:为更新yuj我们需要从一组bounding box找到满足以下条件的解,


去除难例:we employ a modified NMS (intersection/max(area1,area2)) to filter out the nested boxes, which usually occurs when there are multiple overlapping objects. If there are too many boxes (≥ 4) for one specific class or too many classes (≥ 4) in the image, this image will be removed. Images in which no reliable pseudo objects are found are filtered out.


Compared with the-state-of-the-art (4.2 images per class is annotated)

  • VOC 2007: -1.1mAP, correct localization +0.9% compared with [21]
  • VOC 2012: -2.5mAP compared with [21], correct localization +9.8%
  • ILSVRC 2013: -2.4mAP compared with [21]
  • COCO 2014: +1.3 mAP compared with [22]

[20] V. Kantorov, M. Oquab, M. Cho, and I. Laptev, “Contextlocnet: Context-aware deep network models for weakly supervised localization,” in European Conference on Computer Vision, 2016.
[21] A. Diba, V. Sharma, A. Pazandeh, H. Pirsiavash, and L. Van Gool, “Weakly supervised cascaded convolutional networks,” 2017
[22] Y. Zhu, Y. Zhou, Q. Ye, Q. Qiu, and J. Jiao, “Soft proposal networks for weakly supervised object localization,” in International Conference on Computer Vision, 2017.

Ablation study

  • VOC 2007: +4.1 mAP compared with model ensemble
  • k number of labeled images per class; w/ image labels: image-level supervision incorporated



虽然localization有一定准确率,但是难例图片漏检比较多(也就是说few example classification效果不好)。


时间: 2024-08-28 20:16:04

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