January 11th, 2018 Week 02nd Thursday

Live, travel, adventure, bless, and don‘t be sorry.


Everything we do is a kind of achievement. The question is, where are those achievements taking us?

Are these constant achievements bringing us closer to the life we ulitmately desire to live, or are they holding us back?

Are these achievements satisfying and fulfilling, or are they are just getting us through the day and passing the time?

With our own attitudes, our own focus and our own actions, we can choose our achievements.

And by choosing our achievements, we are choosing the kind of life that we will experience.

So, please live every moment meaningfully, try to make some positive and beneficial achievements that can help promote ourselves.

Hide not your talents, they for use were made. What‘s a sun-dial in the shade?


From Benjamin Franklin.

I am not willing to hide my talents, if there are any.

I always try to show off my knowledges, even though I just know a little about the topics I am talking about.

But when it goes into details, people will know I just have superficial knowlede on the topics.

How to build up my own system of knowledge, I know that would be very helpful when using them and try to learn something new based on them.

Feeling so anxious, could you give me some suggestions?


时间: 2024-08-30 17:43:32

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