Project management and planning


Wx D3

As an engineering student,  I often have to deal with projects. Today, I will make some conclusion from what I’ve experienced.

Task definition manual

Task and purpose are  foremost at the whole project. A clear description of project, will make every step easy to go and realize.

Gantt chart

Gantt chart, is the whole schedule, and used for progress record.


Do the job according to the gantt chart,  and update changes to it.

Log after every progress

A good and fruitful record after every progress will useful for collecting materials for demostration or the conclusion after projects.

Problem description and track

When we come across problems, a clear description of problem is a must, if you want to let others understand it  so that they could offer some help if they got any idea. Meanwhile, it‘s a good idea to write down what‘s in your mind for sorting out those messy ideas and find a solution.

Communication with technical support of product

For projects use products from other company, feel free to  contact with those technical support and email them.

Multi-task and result-driven

Projects is different than learning. It‘s a result-driven progress. If we meet an "impossible" problem,  we do other pro job first, and make yourself with multi-task to increase the efficiency of projects.


The performance of demonstration is an important issue, because it reflects all of the projects. A cool demo will win a lot of reputations.


From Shanghai

时间: 2024-10-31 11:55:24

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