Lightoj 1054 - Efficient Pseudo Code








  3:除法取余:(a/b)%p == a%(b%p)/b%p;

        a/b%p == a*b^(p-2)%p;(当p是素数)   证明:有费马小定理可知:p是素数,(b,p) = 1, b^(p-1)%p == 1,a/b%p == a/b*1%p == a/b*b^(p-1)% == a*b^(p-2)%p.

 1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
 2 using namespace std;
 4 const int mod = 1000000007;
 5 const int maxn = 7000;
 6 typedef long long LL;
 7 int isprime[maxn], prime[maxn*10];
 8 LL sum, k;
10 void Isprime ()
11 {//筛选出需要的素数
12     int i, j;
13     for (i=2, k=0; i<70000; i++)
14         if (!prime[i])
15         {
16             isprime[k ++] = i;
17             for (j=i; j<70000; j+=i)
18                 prime[j] = 1;
19         }
20        // printf ("%d\n", k);
21 }
23 LL Pow (LL x, LL y)
24 {//快速幂求x^y
25     LL num = 1;
26     while (y)
27     {
28         if (y % 2)
29             num = (num * x) % mod;
30         x = (x * x) % mod;
31         y /= 2;
32     }
33     return num;
34 }
35 LL solve (LL x, LL y)
36 {
37     LL num;
38     num = (Pow(x, y) - 1);
39     num = (num * Pow(x-1, mod-2)) % mod;
40     return (num + mod) % mod;
41 }
43 int main ()
44 {
45     LL t, n, m, l = 0;
46     Isprime ();
47     scanf ("%lld", &t);
48     while (t --)
49     {
50         scanf ("%lld %lld", &n, &m);
51         LL a, b, i;
52         i = 0;
53         sum = 1;
54         while (i < k)
55         {
56             if (1 == n)
57                 break;
58             a = b = 0;//统计还有的素数因子和因子的个数
59             if (n % isprime[i] == 0)
60             {
61                 a = isprime[i];
62                 while (n % isprime[i] == 0)
63                     {
64                         b ++;
65                         n /= isprime[i];
66                     }
67                 sum = (sum * solve(a, b*m+1) ) % mod;
68             }
69             i ++;
71         }
72         if (n != 1)
73             sum = (sum * solve(n, m+1)) % mod;
74             printf ("Case %lld: %lld\n", ++l, sum);
75     }
76     return 0;
77 }
时间: 2024-10-01 05:25:38

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