Python_if语句。 Learn python the hard way_扩展练习。习题29

students = int(raw_input("students number"))  
fees_per_person = 80
cost = students * 3
total_income =  students * fees_per_person
total_profit = total_income - cost

print "Our total_income is : %d." % total_income
print "Our total_profit is : %d." % total_profit

if total_profit > 1000:
 print "\tWe are making big money now."
if total_profit > 5000:
 print "\tWe are making super money now."
if total_profit <= 10000:
 print "\tWe still need to work harder, to make more money."
if total_profit >= 10000:
 print "We don‘t need to work for the rest of the life."

时间: 2024-12-18 16:47:19

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