lesson 15 Fifty pence worth of trouble

lesson 15 Fifty pence worth of trouble

    1. appreciate
    • =be grateful for

      • We really appreciate all the help you gave us last month.
      • I appreciate your making the effort to come.
    • 比thank you强点的谢谢
      • It‘s very nice of you.
      • I really appreciate it.
      • I would appreciate it if you could ... = can you ...
  1. provide
    • provide sb with sth 提供某人某物
    • provide sth for sb 提供某物给某人
      • The hotel provides a shoe-cleaning service for guests.
  2. rattle 叮当作响
    • The window rattled in the wind.
    • There is something rattling in the washing machine.

      rattle along ...

    • The train is rattling along the track.
    • An old car is rattling along the road.
    • 一辆破旧的汽车在路上颠簸行进.
  3. thrifty 勤俭的 extravagant 铺张浪费的
  4. fill up A (with) B 装满
    • The boy‘s eyes filled with tears. = cry
  5. advise
    • advise sb to do
    • advise doing
  6. worth
    • be worth + money 值...钱
    • be worth + n 值得
      • It‘s not worth the effort/the trouble.
    • money‘s worth of +n
      • The fire caused thousands of pounds‘ worth of damage.
      • 5 dollars‘ worth of petrol
  7. pavement sidewalk 行人道
  8. roll n.卷
    • a roll of film toilet roll
    • roll sth up 把sth卷起来
    • roll up a carpet
    • roll up the string
    • roll up the sleeve
  9. and what‘s more 此外,再者
    • =beside,also,in addtion
    • The prisoner has a gun, and what‘s the more, he‘s prepared to use it.
    • The rent is reasonable and what is more, the location is perfect.
  10. stick stuck stuck n.棍
    • be stuck in 被卡住,被困住

      • This door seems to be stuck.
      • The car was stuck in the mud.
      • I have got something suck in my throat.
      • Seven of us were stuck in the lift for over an hour.
      • We were stuck in a traffic jam for an hour.
  11. fire-brigade 消防员
  12. grease 油脂 greasy 油腻的
  13. upset v.打翻
    • be upset 不开心,心烦意乱的
    • be upset about sth
      • He was upset about not being invited.
    • be upset with sb
      • I think she may be a bit upset with you.
  14. reward
    • reward sb with sth 用某物奖励某人

      • The boss rewarded him with a free film ticket.
      • She rewarded him with a smile.
    • reward sb for sth 因为做了某事而奖励
      • He gave the children some chocolate to reward them for behaving well at school.


时间: 2024-08-30 15:24:33

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