dig out secrets beneath AirSig

My sister installed AirSig last week. She is so exciting about this new techknology and she won‘t stop writing strange words in the air. She want me to take a guess about what she wrote in the air...Of course I could not know what she wrote. Even I write exaclty what she wrote in the air, AirSig will only authenicate her motion...That is fantastic..But... I told her not to use AirSig because secrets still could be found somewhere in the filesystem.

Guess what? She does not believe what I said to her. I have to prove it so I take a look at her phone. It‘s ridiculous...everything inside AirSig is plaintext only...I don‘t have to worry about decryption on it.

You guys could see the Facebook info as below. I show this screenshot to my sister...She is so scared and she swear she won‘t save any credentials in AirSig any more...

时间: 2024-10-15 07:16:20

dig out secrets beneath AirSig的相关文章

Secrets of the Furious Five/Transcript

[Po and Shifu are racing each other up the palace stairs.] SHIFU: Are you ready? PO: Ready's my middle name! [Po speeds off ahead, and beats Shifu to their destination: the entrance doors to the Training Hall's courtyard. Po and Shifu put their backs


dig命令 功能说明 dig和nslookup一样,也是域名查询工具,用来测试域名系统是否正常工作.这二个命令都在bind-utils包下,dig用起来比nslookup方便.用法如下: dig [参数] [选项] 常用参数 选项 说明 @server 如果不想以/etc/resolv.conf来作为dns主机,则可以在此填入其他的IP -t(type) 指定查询类型 -x 逆向查询 +short 提供一个简短的回复,默认是长的 示例                     域名解析为IP地址


一.DIG linux下查询域名解析有两种选择,nslookup或者dig.Dig(Domain Information Groper)是一个在类Unix命令行模式下查询DNS包括NS记录,A记录,MX记录等相关信息的工具. <span style="font-size:18px;">[email protected]:~# dig -h Usage: dig [@global-server] [domain] [q-type] [q-class] {q-opt} {glo


一.host指令格式:host [-a] FQDN [server] host -l domain [server]选项:-a :代表列出该主机所有的相关信息,包括 IP.TTL 与除错讯息等等-l :若后面接的那个 domain 设定允许 allow-transfer 时,则列出该domain所管理的所有主机名对应数据! server:这个参数可有可无,当想要利用非 /etc/resolv.conf 内的 DNS 主机来查询主机名与 IP 的对应时,就可以利用这个参数了! # 1. 使用默认值


想用一下 dig 指令来进行域名设置的查询,结果 CentOS 提示没有此指令,然后想当然的以为就需要安装 DIG 软件包,可是查了查才知道实际上 dig.host.nslookup 这几个指令都在 bind-utils 软件包里面. 安装 bind-utils 倒是极简单,直接 yum 安装即可, yum install bind-utils 然后相应的简单查询就可以直接输入指令, dig abc.com host abc.com nslookup abc.com

hdu5067Harry And Dig Machine(TSP旅行商问题)

题目链接: huangjing 题意:给出一幅图,图中有一些点,然后从第1个点出发,然后途径所有有石头的点,最后回到原点,然后求最小距离.当初作比赛的时候不知道这就是旅行商经典问题.回来学了一下. 思路: 状态转移方程 DP[k][i|base[k]]=min(DP[k][i|base[k]],DP[j][i]+dis[j][k]) DP[J][I]表示从起点到j点在i状态下的最小距离...DP[j][i]+dis[j][k]表从j到k的距离...时间复杂度是(n?m+(t2)?(2t)),那么

linux 常用命令 dig scp

dig dig [option] FQDN [@server] @server :如果不以 /etc/resolv.conf 的设定来作为 DNS 查询,可在此填入其他的 IP options:相关的参数很多,主要有 +trace, -t type 以及 -x 三者最常用 +trace :就是从 . 开始追踪,在 19.1.2 里面谈过了!回头瞧瞧去! -t type:查询的数据主要有 mx, ns, soa 等类型 -x :查询反解信息,非常重要的项目!   1 使用默认值查询 centos.


一般来说我们的DNS服务器为了安全不能对所有用户(如通过互联网访问的用户)进行递归,否则DNS服务器容易受到攻击,很不安全 用户请求有以下几种: 有主机通过互联网请求本地NS管理的主机(如ns1.fade.com)的权威答案,应该给予响应(此处不是递归) 有主机从互联网请求本地没有的主机(如请求www.baidu.com 此处是递归 )则不应该给予响应 本地用户通过本地的NS请求www.baidu.com的解析(此处是递归),但应该给予响应 #vim /etc/named.conf option

[Now] Configure secrets and environment variables with Zeit’s Now

Often your project will require some secret keys or tokens - for instance, API keys or database authentication information. Learn how to safely and easily deploy secrets to now, and how to expose them as environment variables that your applications c