HackerRank - "Stars"

Not hard, but with some amount of coding. Brutal-force would work: iterate each unique pair of points. And I used "y=ax+b" to check each point which side it resides.

import math

EPSI = 0.00000001

# y = ax + b
def calcAB(p0, p1):
    if (p0[1] == p1[1]):
        return 0, p0[1]
    a = (p0[1] - p1[1])/(p0[0] - p1[0])
    b = p0[1] - a * (p0[0])
    return a, b

def splitPV(coords, ws, xs, wpp, ni, nj):
    left = right = 0
    for i in range(len(ws)):
        if (i == ni or i == nj): continue
        p = coords[i]
        w = ws[i]
        if (p[0] < xs):
            left += w
        elif (p[0] > xs):
            right += w

    if (left < right):
        left += wpp
        right += wpp
    return abs(left - right), min(left, right)    

def splitP(coords, vs, ca, cb, wpp, ni, nj):
    left = right = 0
    for i in range(len(ws)):
        if (i == ni or i == nj): continue
        p = coords[i]
        w = ws[i]
        func_v = p[0] * ca + cb
        if (func_v < p[1]):
            left += w
        elif (func_v > p[1]):
            right += w

    if (left < right):
        left += wpp
        right += wpp
    return abs(left - right), min(left, right)

# Get Input
coords = []
ws = []
n = int(input())
for _ in range(n):
    x, y, w = map(int, input().split())
    coords.append([x, y])

# Brutal Force
diff = 99999999999999
minw = 0
plen = len(ws)
for i in range(plen):
    for j in range(i + 1, plen):
        p0 = coords[i]
        p1 = coords[j]
        wpp = ws[i] + ws[j]

        min_diff = minw = 0
        # Case 1: vertical
        if (abs(p0[0]-p1[0]) <= EPSI):
            xs = p0[0]
            min_diff, minw = splitPV(coords, ws, xs, wpp, i, j)
        # Case 2: any other
            a, b = calcAB(p0, p1)
            min_diff, minw = splitP(coords, ws, a, b, wpp, i, j)

        if (min_diff < diff):
            diff = min_diff
            grp = minw

print (grp)
时间: 2024-12-17 07:29:56

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