Which is the best opencv or matlab for image processing?


Annette Morales-González · Centro de Aplicaciones de Tecnologias de Avanzada

It depends on your purpose:

Matlab --> Faster programming, less efficient
OpenCV -->Slower programming, more efficient

I have used both for a long time and I switch from one to the other depending on what I‘m doing. If you‘re doing research (for instance, if you‘re testing different algorithms, different representations, etc) I recommend Matlab, since you will be able to program faster. If you already had a result of your research, and wan‘t to make an application with it, I recommend OpenCV, it will take longer to program, but you can make more time and memory optimizations. If you are doing research but you‘re working with very large datasets, features, etc, maybe you‘ll have to use OpenCV instead of Matlab in order to play with memory optimization, since with large data Matlab tends to crash frequently. According to the image processing functionalities they provide, I think both are well equipped, but I would say that Matlab is better in this case, and you can find more Matlab source code in internet than OpenCV‘s.

Carles Fernández · Herta Security

In the past I have worked extensively with both Matlab and OpenCV.

Matlab allows you to prototype faster, for instance in order to test a method, compare the accuracy of different techniques, estimate which implementation runs faster, or learn the best parameters for a model. It is especially interesting for fast debugging and fast visual plotting of results, in particular for research in image processing. It is also fairly easy to find public source code shared by users.

OpenCV allows you to efficiently encode algorithms for computer vision. It will run much faster than Matlab code, but it will take longer to implement and to debug. You will be able to incorporate external libraries, and is a great help for serious solution coding. There are several tutorials and nice documentation out there, and it is well maintained.

Unlike some users have suggested above, I completely discourage to use any utilities that convert Matlab to C/C++, nor to port any OpenCV functions to Matlab. That makes little sense. Your code will be more efficient by carefully coding it from scratch using the proper libraries, and most times you will go faster by implementing something from scratch in Matlab over some base code. Both Matlab and OpenCV contain a great deal of image processing utilities, from basic to advanced requirements, so they are mostly interchangeable depending on your goal.

时间: 2024-12-08 19:40:45

Which is the best opencv or matlab for image processing?的相关文章

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[转] Matlab与C++混合编程(依赖OpenCV)

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最近在做运动医学软件优化工作,此款软件框架及算法语言全由matlab实现,虽然matlab矩阵运算.数值计算能力强大,但速度让人难以忍受.软件立刻移植到C++上又不太实际,故采用联合编程的方式,速度难以容忍的算法交给C++实现,C++在实现代码的过程中某些数值计算及图像处理算法调opencv库函数. 在网上有很多matlab编写mex函数调用opencv库的方法,但都不能直接拿来.经过一步步试验,修改,最终完成,现将过程及内容记录下来留给后来人参考. 第一步: (参考参考资料1,但其写的不够详细


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opencv 学习方法

1. 学习方法: http://www.opencv.org.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=7055&extra=&page=1 首先还是说说如何学Opencv吧,记得最开始进实验室的时候师兄让看Opencv,当时的学术基础很差,编程能力也很一般,所以学Opencv时感到很无助,像是陷入了一个死循环.想通过算法看代码,发现算法不会:通过代码学算法,又发现自己读代码的能力很弱.后来通过不断的读文章(下面会推荐几篇文章供算法入门)和加强实际的编程能力,


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为期三周的数学建模国赛培训昨天正式结束了,还是有一定的收获的,尤其是在MATLAB的使用上. 1. 一些MATLAB的基础性东西: 元胞数组的使用:http://blog.csdn.net/z1137730824/article/details/39206823 对于任意文件夹的同一格式的图片的批量读取:http://blog.csdn.net/haizimin/article/details/39646595 关于MATLAB在微分/偏微分方程以及其他高等数学问题中的应用. 关于MATLAB在