Kotlin实现LeetCode算法题之String to Integer (atoi)

题目String to Integer (atoi)(难度Medium)



 1 class Solution {
 2     fun myAtoi(str: String): Int {
 3         val maxInt = "2147483647"
 4         val maxIntS = "+2147483647"
 5         val minIntS = "-2147483648"
 6         val lengthMI = maxInt.length
 7         val lengthMIS = maxIntS.length
 8         var result = ""
 9         var strR = str.trim()
11         //strR为空
12         if (strR.isEmpty()) {
13             return 0
14         }
16         //strR不为空,且不以+/-开头
17         if (‘+‘ != strR[0] && ‘-‘ != strR[0]) {
18             //不以数字开头
19             if (!strR[0].isDigit()) {
20                 return 0
21             }
23             //以数字开头
24             for (c in strR) {
25                 if (c.isDigit()) {
26                     result += c
27                 } else {
28                     break
29                 }
30             }
31             if (result.length > lengthMI ||
32                     (result.length == lengthMI && result > maxInt)) {
33                 result = maxInt
34             }
35             return result.toInt()
36         }
38         //strR以+/-开头
39         //后不是跟数字
40         if (strR.length == 1 || (strR.length > 1 && !strR[1].isDigit())) {
41             return 0
42         }
44         //后跟数字
45         result += strR[0]
46         for (c in strR.subSequence(1, strR.length)) {
47             if (c.isDigit()) {
48                 result += c
49             } else {
50                 break
51             }
52         }
53         if (result[0] == ‘+‘ && (result.length > lengthMIS ||
54                 (result.length == lengthMIS && result > maxIntS))) {
55             result = maxIntS
56         } else if (result[0] == ‘-‘ && (result.length > lengthMIS ||
57                 (result.length == lengthMIS && result > minIntS))) {
58             result = minIntS
59         }
60         return result.toInt()
61     }
62 }







1 fun main(args: Array<String>) {
2     val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
3     println(Solution().myAtoi("-0000000000000000006666666bb6aa"))
4     val end = System.currentTimeMillis()
5     println(end - start)
6 }





"   +0aa",0,返回正确的数值0

"   +066bb6aa",66

"   -06 6bb6aa",-6

"   -06666666666666666666bb6aa",-2147483648,数值向下越界




"- 0000000066bb6aa",0,符号后跟的不是数字,直接返回0





 1 class Solution {
 2     fun myAtoi(str: String): Int {
 3         val maxInt = "2147483647"
 4         val maxIntS = "+2147483647"
 5         val minIntS = "-2147483648"
 6         val lengthMI = maxInt.length
 7         val lengthMIS = maxIntS.length
 8         var result = ""
 9         var strR = str.trim()
11         //strR为空
12         if (strR.isEmpty()) {
13             return 0
14         }
16         //strR不为空,且不以+/-开头
17         if (‘+‘ != strR[0] && ‘-‘ != strR[0]) {
18             //不以数字开头
19             if (!strR[0].isDigit()) {
20                 return 0
21             }
23             //以数字开头
24             for (c in strR) {
25                 if (c.isDigit()) {
26                     result += c
27                 } else {
28                     break
29                 }
30             }
31             while (result.length > 1 && result[0] == ‘0‘) {
32                 result = result.removeRange(0, 1)
33             }
34             if (result.length > lengthMI ||
35                     (result.length == lengthMI && result > maxInt)) {
36                 result = maxInt
37             }
38             return result.toInt()
39         }
41         //strR以+/-开头
42         //后不是跟数字
43         if (strR.length == 1 || (strR.length > 1 && !strR[1].isDigit())) {
44             return 0
45         }
47         //后跟数字
48         result += strR[0]
49         for (c in strR.subSequence(1, strR.length)) {
50             if (c.isDigit()) {
51                 result += c
52             } else {
53                 break
54             }
55         }
56         while (result.length > 2 && result[1] == ‘0‘) {
57             result = result.removeRange(1, 2)
58         }
59         if (result[0] == ‘+‘ && (result.length > lengthMIS ||
60                 (result.length == lengthMIS && result > maxIntS))) {
61             result = maxIntS
62         } else if (result[0] == ‘-‘ && (result.length > lengthMIS ||
63                 (result.length == lengthMIS && result > minIntS))) {
64             result = minIntS
65         }
66         return result.toInt()
67     }
68 }



时间: 2024-12-15 19:08:11

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