[ GIT ] GIT tip : A simple .gitconfig file

reference : http://fle.github.io/git-tip-a-simple-gitconfig-file.html

As several friends have asked me this, here is my ~/.gitconfig base file.

Nothing special, just a few aliases and some syntax highlighting :).

        name = Florent Lebreton
        email = [email protected]
        ui = auto

[color "branch"]
        current = yellow reverse
        local = yellow
        remote = green

[color "diff"]
        meta = yellow bold
        frag = magenta bold
        old = red bold
        new = green bold
        whitespace = red reverse

[color "status"]
        added = yellow
        changed = green
        untracked = cyan


        st = status
        ci = commit
        br = branch
        co = checkout
        df = diff
        dc = diff --cached
        lg = log -p
        pr = pull --rebase
        gr = log --all --graph --decorate --oneline
时间: 2024-07-31 12:23:30

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