merge 实现


要求: listA = (1, 3, 5, 10); listB = (4, 6, 12);listA 和listB都是排序由小到大的列表,元素个数不限。

写代码将listA 按照由小到大的顺序合并,不去重。


def merge(A, B):
    if len(A)==0:
        return B
    if len(B)==0:
        return A

    result = []
    for itemA in A:
        for itemB in B:
            if itemA < itemB:
                print itemA, "<", itemB,  ‘--------->insert itemA:‘, itemA

                print itemA, ">", itemB, ‘--------->insert itemB:‘, itemB

    return result

Alist = [1, 2, 3, 7, 8]
Blist = [4, 6]

print merge(Alist, Blist)


问题呢? 很显然,break 跳出了循环后,再进入的时候,还会从B的开始查起,这样有的元素就会多次被查到,而在insertB的时候,也会丢掉A的循环。最终的数据结果是,A的元素丢失,B的元素多次被插入。



def merge(A, B):
    if len(A)==0:
        return B
    if len(B)==0:
        return A

    result = []
    lenA = len(A)
    lenB = len(B)
    currentAIndex = 0
    currentBIndex = 0

    for i in range(currentAIndex, lenA):
        for j in range(currentBIndex, lenB):
            if A[i] < B[j]:
                print A[i], "<", B[j],  ‘--------->insert itemA:‘, A[i]
                currentAIndex = currentAIndex+ 1
                print A[i], ">", B[j], ‘--------->insert itemB:‘, B[j]
                currentBIndex = currentBIndex+ 1

    while currentAIndex <lenA:
        currentAIndex = currentAIndex+ 1

    while currentBIndex <lenB:
        currentBIndex = currentBIndex+ 1

    return result

Alist = [1, 7, 8]
Blist = [4, 6, 9, 10]
print merge(Alist, Blist)
时间: 2024-10-10 12:25:39

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