Apache Httpd Server 2.2升级2.4

Apache Httpd Server 2.2升级2.4

(2 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)

2,302 views 2012 年 3 月 20 日Web服务器服务器apachehttpdserver升级jsxubar

apache httpd server 2.2升级2.4 时,因为 2.4 相对于 2.2 有一些变动,在配置文件和安装都有变化。本文提出了在 2.2升级2.4 时需要注意的地方和解决升级过程中一些常见问题。

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  • 模块mod_authn_default, mod_authz_default, mod_mem_cache已经移除,如果在2.2版本使用mod_mem_cache模块,在2.4中使用mod_cache_disk. 所有负载均衡实现已经移动到了单独的,自包含的mod_proxy子模块中,如mod_lbmethod_bybusyness.如果在配置文件中使用这 些模块,可能需要进行编译和加载.
  • 对BeOS,TPF和更老的平台,如A/UX,Next和Tandem的支持已经移除.
  • 默认编译动态模块
  • 默认只加载模块的一个基本子集,其它的被注释掉了
  • 默认编译most模块设定
  • the “reallyall” module set adds developer modules to the “all” set
  • apr和apr-util没有打包在httpd 2.4里面.你可以选择已经安装的版本或者下载apr和apr-util,然后解压apr/apr-util到./srclib目录,使用–with-included-apr参数进行编译


  • 包含认证配置方面的显著变化和其它一些小变化,认证配置方面的变化在常见问题中讲.其它小变化包括:
  • MaxRequestsPerChild重命名为MaxConnectionsPerChild,描述更加准确.
  • MaxClients重命名为MaxRequestWorkers,描述更加准确.对于异步MPM,如event,最大客户端数量不等于工作线程数量.旧的名字仍然支持.
  • DefaultType设定项不再产生作用,如果你用了,只会产生一个警告,使用其它设置进行替换.
  • EnableSendfile现在默认关闭.
  • FileETag现在默认为”MTime Size” (without INode).
  • mod_log_config: ${cookie}C matches whole cookie names. Previously any substring would match.
  • mod_dav_fs: The format of the DavLockDB file has changed for systems with inodes. The old DavLockDB file must be deleted on upgrade.
  • KeepAlive only accepts values of On or Off. Previously, any value other than “Off” or “0″ was treated as “On”.
  • Directives AcceptMutex, LockFile, RewriteLock, SSLMutex, SSLStaplingMutex, and WatchdogMutexPath have been replaced with a single Mutex directive. You will need to evaluate any use of these removed directives in your 2.2 configuration to determine if they can just be deleted or will need to be replaced using Mutex.
  • mod_cache: CacheIgnoreURLSessionIdentifiers now does an exact match against the query string instead of a partial match. If your configuration was using partial strings, e.g. using sessionid to match /someapplication/image.gif;jsessionid=123456789, then you will need to change to the full string jsessionid.
  • mod_ldap: LDAPTrustedClientCert is now consistently a per-directory setting only. If you use this directive, review your configuration to make sure it is present in all the necessary directory contexts.
  • mod_filter: FilterProvider syntax has changed and now uses a boolean expression to determine if a filter is applied.
  • mod_include:
  • The #if expr element now uses the new expression parser. The old syntax can be restored with the new directive SSILegacyExprParser.
  • An SSI* config directive in directory scope no longer causes all other per-directory SSI* directives to be reset to their default values.
  • mod_charset_lite: The DebugLevel option has been removed in favour of per-module LogLevel configuration.
  • mod_ext-filter: The DebugLevel option has been removed in favour of per-module LogLevel configuration.
  • mod_ssl: CRL based revocation checking now needs to be explicitly configured through SSLCARevocationCheck.
  • mod_substitute: The maximum line length is now limited to 1MB.
  • mod_reqtimeout: If the module is loaded, it will now set some default timeouts.


  • mod_autoindex: will now extract titles and display descriptions for .xhtml files, which were previously ignored.
  • mod_ssl: The default format of the *_DN variables has changed. The old format can still be used with the new LegacyDNStringFormat argument to SSLOptions. The SSLv2 protocol is no longer supported.
  • htpasswd now uses MD5 hash by default on all platforms.
  • The NameVirtualHost directive no longer has any effect, other than to emit a warning. Any address/port combination appearing in multiple virtual hosts is implicitly treated as a name-based virtual host.
  • mod_deflate will now skip compression if it knows that the size overhead added by the compression is larger than the data to be compressed.
  • Multi-language error documents from 2.2.x may not work unless they are adjusted to the new syntax of mod_include’s #if expr= element or the directive SSILegacyExprParser is enabled for the directory containing the error documents.


  • 所有模块在加载前必须重新编译.



Startup errors(启动错误)

错误提示:  Invalid command ‘User’


Invalid command ‘User‘, perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration

解决办法: 加载模块:mod_unixd,在httpd.conf中添加:


LoadModule unixd_module modules/mod_unixd.so

错误提示:  Invalid command ‘Require’


Invalid command ‘Require‘, perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration



Invalid command ‘Order‘, perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration

第一种:加载兼容模块 mod_access_compat ,在 httpd.conf 中添加:


LoadModule access_compat_module modules/mod_access_compat.so


第一步:加载相应模块,在 httpd.conf 中添加:



LoadModule authz_core_module modules/mod_authz_core.so

LoadModule authz_host_module modules/mod_authz_host.so

2.2 版本:



Order deny,allow

Deny from all

2.4 版本:


Require all denied

2.2 版本:



Order allow,deny

Allow from all

2.4 版本:


Require all granted

2.2 版本:




Order Deny,AllowDeny from allAllow from example.org

2.4 版本:


Require host example.org

错误提示:   Ignoring deprecated use of DefaultType


Ignoring deprecated use of DefaultType in line NN of /path/to/httpd.conf

解决办法:移除 DefaultType ,使用其它配置设置.


错误提示:  configuration error: couldn’t check user: /path


configuration error: couldn‘t check user: /path

解决办法:加载模块: mod_authn_core . 加载方法与上面讲的类似.

时间: 2024-08-05 06:40:20

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