GH001 on github

remote: warning: GH001: Large files detected. You may want to try Git Large File Storage -
remote: warning: See for more information.
remote: warning:  is 51.93 MB; this is larger than GitHub‘s recommended maximum file size of 50.00 MB

Working with large files

A Git repository contains every version of every file. But for some file types, this is not practical. Multiple revisions of large files increase the clone and fetch times for other users of a repository.

Conditions for large files

GitHub will warn you when pushing files larger than 50 MB. You will not be allowed to push files larger than 100 MB.

Removing files from a repository‘s history

To remove a large file from your repository, you must completely remove it from your local repository and from GitHub.

Distributing large binaries

Some projects require distributing large files, such as binaries or installers, in addition to distributing source code.

What is my disk quota?

GitHub doesn‘t have any set user disk quotas. We try to provide abundant storage for all Git repositories, although there are hard limits for file and repository sizes. Keeping repositories small ensures that our servers are fast and downloads are quick for our users.


时间: 2024-11-18 22:41:22

GH001 on github的相关文章


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如何上传代码到github? 首先你需要一个github账号,所有还没有的话先去注册吧! 我们使用git需要先安装git工具,这里给出下载地址,下载后一路直接安装即可: 1.进入Github首页,点击New repository新建一个项目  2.填写相应信息后点击create即可 Repository name: 仓库名称 Description(可选): 仓库描述介绍 Public,


可以通过这个网站实现 在地址栏中直接输入***.html

Windows下使用Git Bash提交代码到GitHub

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