



abstract public void process(WatchedEvent event);






    public interface Event {
         * Enumeration of states the ZooKeeper may be at the event
        public enum KeeperState {
            /** Unused, this state is never generated by the server */
            Unknown (-1),

            /** The client is in the disconnected state - it is not connected
             * to any server in the ensemble. */
            Disconnected (0),

            /** Unused, this state is never generated by the server */
            NoSyncConnected (1),

            /** The client is in the connected state - it is connected
             * to a server in the ensemble (one of the servers specified
             * in the host connection parameter during ZooKeeper client
             * creation). */
            SyncConnected (3),

             * Auth failed state
            AuthFailed (4),

             * The client is connected to a read-only server, that is the
             * server which is not currently connected to the majority.
             * The only operations allowed after receiving this state is
             * read operations.
             * This state is generated for read-only clients only since
             * read/write clients aren‘t allowed to connect to r/o servers.
            ConnectedReadOnly (5),

              * SaslAuthenticated: used to notify clients that they are SASL-authenticated,
              * so that they can perform Zookeeper actions with their SASL-authorized permissions.

            /** The serving cluster has expired this session. The ZooKeeper
             * client connection (the session) is no longer valid. You must
             * create a new client connection (instantiate a new ZooKeeper
             * instance) if you with to access the ensemble. */
            Expired (-112),

             * The client has been closed. This state is never generated by
             * the server, but is generated locally when a client calls
             * {@link ZooKeeper#close()} or {@link ZooKeeper#close(int)}
            Closed (7);

            private final int intValue;     // Integer representation of value
                                            // for sending over wire

            KeeperState(int intValue) {
                this.intValue = intValue;

            public int getIntValue() {
                return intValue;
            public static KeeperState fromInt(int intValue) {
                switch(intValue) {
                    case   -1: return KeeperState.Unknown;
                    case    0: return KeeperState.Disconnected;
                    case    1: return KeeperState.NoSyncConnected;
                    case    3: return KeeperState.SyncConnected;
                    case    4: return KeeperState.AuthFailed;
                    case    5: return KeeperState.ConnectedReadOnly;
                    case    6: return KeeperState.SaslAuthenticated;
                    case -112: return KeeperState.Expired;
                    case   7: return KeeperState.Closed;

                        throw new RuntimeException("Invalid integer value for conversion to KeeperState");



        public enum EventType {
            None (-1),
            NodeCreated (1),
            NodeDeleted (2),
            NodeDataChanged (3),
            NodeChildrenChanged (4),
            DataWatchRemoved (5),
            ChildWatchRemoved (6);

            private final int intValue;     // Integer representation of value
                                            // for sending over wire

            EventType(int intValue) {
                this.intValue = intValue;

            public int getIntValue() {
                return intValue;
            public static EventType fromInt(int intValue) {
                switch(intValue) {
                    case -1: return EventType.None;
                    case  1: return EventType.NodeCreated;
                    case  2: return EventType.NodeDeleted;
                    case  3: return EventType.NodeDataChanged;
                    case  4: return EventType.NodeChildrenChanged;
                    case  5: return EventType.DataWatchRemoved;
                    case  6: return EventType.ChildWatchRemoved;

                        throw new RuntimeException("Invalid integer value for conversion to EventType");



    public enum WatcherType {

        // Integer representation of value
        private final int intValue;

        private WatcherType(int intValue) {
            this.intValue = intValue;

        public int getIntValue() {
            return intValue;
        public static WatcherType fromInt(int intValue) {
            switch (intValue) {
            case 1:
                return WatcherType.Children;
            case 2:
                return WatcherType.Data;
            case 3:
                return WatcherType.Any;

                throw new RuntimeException(
                        "Invalid integer value for conversion to WatcherType");


     * Create a WatchedEvent with specified type, state and path
    public WatchedEvent(EventType eventType, KeeperState keeperState, String path) {
        this.keeperState = keeperState;
        this.eventType = eventType;
        this.path = path;



时间: 2024-08-10 20:44:35



接着上一篇文章,继续分析和Watcher相关的类的源码. ClientWatchManager public Set<Watcher> materialize(Watcher.Event.KeeperState state, Watcher.Event.EventType type, String path); 该接口,只有一个方法,需要实现.该方法表示事件发生时,返回需要被通知的Watcher集合,可能为空集合. ZKWatchManager 1.ZKWatchManager是ZooKeep


今天继续源码分析,分析一下org.apache.zookeeper.server下的WatchManager类. WatcherManager类用于管理watchers和相应的触发器. 类的属性 //watchTable表示从节点路径到watcher集合的映射 private final HashMap<String, HashSet<Watcher>> watchTable = new HashMap<String, HashSet<Watcher>>()


Zookeeper源码分析目录如下 1. [Zookeeper]源码分析之序列化 2. [Zookeeper]源码分析之持久化(一)之FileTxnLog 3. [Zookeeper]源码分析之持久化(二)之FileSnap 4. [Zookeeper]源码分析之持久化(三)之FileTxnSnapLog 5. [Zookeeper]源码分析之Watcher机制(一) 6. [Zookeeper]源码分析之Watcher机制(二)之WatchManager 7. [Zookeeper]源码分析之


阅读提示:阅读本文前,最好先阅读<Spark2.1.0之源码分析--事件总线>.<Spark2.1.0事件总线分析--ListenerBus的继承体系>及<Spark2.1.0事件总线分析--SparkListenerBus详解>几篇文章的内容. LiveListenerBus继承了SparkListenerBus,并实现了将事件异步投递给监听器,达到实时刷新UI界面数据的效果.LiveListenerBus主要由以下部分组成: eventQueue:是SparkLis

jQuery 2.0.3 源码分析 事件绑定 - bind/live/delegate/on

转:http://www.cnblogs.com/aaronjs/p/3440647.html?winzoom=1 事件(Event)是JavaScript应用跳动的心脏,通过使用JavaScript ,你可以监听特定事件的发生,并规定让某些事件发生以对这些事件做出响应 事件的基础就不重复讲解了,本来是定位源码分析实现的, 所以需要有一定的基础才行 为了下一步更好的理解内部的实现,所以首先得清楚的认识到事件接口的划分 网上资料遍地都是,但是作为一个jQuery系列的源码分析,我还是很有必要在重新


前言 转载请注明,转自[https://www.cnblogs.com/andy-songwei/p/11039252.html]谢谢! 在上一篇文章[[朝花夕拾]Android自定义View篇之(五)Android事件分发机制(上)Touch三个重要方法的处理逻辑][下文简称(五),请先阅读完(五)再阅读本文],我们通过示例和log来分析了Android的事件分发机制.这些,我们只是看到了现象,如果要进一步了解事件分发机制,这是不够的,我们还需要透过现象看本质,去研究研究源码.本文将从源码(基


一.前言 前面已经分析了Zookeeper持久话相关的类,下面接着分析Zookeeper中的Watcher机制所涉及到的类. 二.总体框图 对于Watcher机制而言,主要涉及的类主要如下. 说明: Watcher,接口类型,其定义了process方法,需子类实现. Event,接口类型,Watcher的内部类,无任何方法. KeeperState,枚举类型,Event的内部类,表示Zookeeper所处的状态. EventType,枚举类型,Event的内部类,表示Zookeeper中发生的事


一.前言 前面分析了FileSnap,接着继续分析FileTxnSnapLog源码,其封装了TxnLog和SnapShot,其在持久化过程中是一个帮助类. 二.FileTxnSnapLog源码分析 2.1 类的属性 public class FileTxnSnapLog { //the direcotry containing the //the transaction logs // 日志文件目录 private final File dataDir; //the directory cont


一.前言 前面阐述了服务器的总体框架,下面来分析服务器的所有父类ZooKeeperServer. 二.ZooKeeperServer源码分析 2.1 类的继承关系 public class ZooKeeperServer implements SessionExpirer, ServerStats.Provider {} 说明:ZooKeeperServer是ZooKeeper中所有服务器的父类,其实现了Session.Expirer和ServerStats.Provider接口,Session