Visual Studio 控件命名规范(很详细)

VS 控件命名规范

Type Prefix Example

Array arr arrShoppingList

Boolean bln blnIsPostBack

Byte byt bytPixelValue

Char chr chrDelimiter

DateTime dtm dtmStartDate

Decimal dec decAverageHeight

Double dbl dblSizeofUniverse

Integer int intRowCounter

Long lng lngBillGatesIncome

Object obj objReturnValue

Short shr shrAverage

Single sng sngMaximum

String str strFirstName


Type Prefix Example

AdRotator adrt adrtTopAd

Button btn btnSubmit

Calendar cal calMettingDates

CheckBox chk chkBlue

CheckBoxList chkl chklFavColors

CompareValidator valc valcValidAge

CustomValidator valx valxDBCheck

DataGrid grd dgrdTitles

DataList dlst dlstTitles

DropDownList drop dropCountries

HyperLink lnk lnkDetails

Image img imgAuntBetty

ImageButton ibtn ibtnSubmit

Label lbl lblResults

LinkButton lbtn lbtnSubmit

ListBox lst lstCountries

Panel pnl pnlForm2

PlaceHolder plh plhFormContents

RadioButton rad radFemale

RadioButtonList radl radlGender

RangeValidator valg valgAge

RegularExpression vale valeEmail_Validator

Repeater rpt rptQueryResults

RequiredFieldValidator valr valrFirstName

Table tbl tblCountryCodes

TableCell tblc tblcGermany

TableRow tblr tblrCountry

TextBox txt txtFirstName

ValidationSummary vals valsFormErrors

XML xmlc xmlc ransformResults


Type Prefix Example

Connection con conNorthwind

Command cmd cmdReturnProducts

Parameter parm parmProductID

DataAdapter dad dadProducts

DataReader dtr dtrProducts

DataSet dst dstNorthWind

DataTable dtbl dtblProduct

DataRow drow drowRow98

DataColumn dcol dcolProductID

DataRelation drel drelMasterDetail

DataView dvw dvwFilteredProducts

Event-Handling Subroutines
The name of an event-handling subroutine will consist of the ID of the control that rasied the event followed by the type of event being handled. For example, a subroutine named btnSubmit_Click handles the Click event of a Button control named btnSubmit.
When a control that raises an event is not assigned an ID, the type of the control is used instead of the ID. For example, the subroutine named Button_Click handles the Click event of a Button control without an ID.

时间: 2024-10-12 15:36:34

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