Setting up Arch's i3 desktop in VBox..

alright, it is a bit miserable..

first install i3.. and xorg-init.. of course xorg-utils, xorg-server-utils, xorg-server-x11.. and some pkts I donot remember..

then modify ~/.xinitrc , chmod a+rw ~/.Xauthority

  • shouldnot use the .xinitrc given in /etc/X11/xinit/.xinitrc or whatever else.. use the empty file might work, just add exec i3.. done
  • or maybe .. the following setting ..

    #! /bin/sh
    exec i3

no use at all..

because Vbox needs dkms..

install it by pacman -Syy virtualbox-guest-utils..

and of course that is not all..

instsall the newest linux headers by pacman..


Setting up Arch's i3 desktop in VBox..

时间: 2024-10-14 14:53:08

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