解决使用MathJax时弹出框显示MathJax no longer loads a default configuration file的问题~

解决使用MathJax时弹出框显示MathJax no longer loads a default configuration file的问题~

no longer loads a default configuration file


I have been getting this error message on Maths and Physics network

MathJax no longer loads a default configuration file; you must specify such files explicitly. This page seems to use the older default config/MathJax.js file, and so needs to be updated. This is explained further at


bug status-norepro mathjax

this question

edited Nov
28 ‘11 at 17:58



asked Nov 28 ‘11 at 17:48

Aqeel Zafar




meta.math.stackexchange.com/questions/2182/… –  balpha? Nov
28 ‘11 at 17:57

I‘ve seen this a few time in the last two months or so. No ability to reproduce it on demand, and it‘s been a while so perhaps it is finally gone. –  dmckee Nov
28 ‘11 at 19:15

I‘ve never seen this message on Electrical Engineering, where it‘s also enabled. –  Kevin
28 ‘11 at 20:53

I agree it does not seem reproducible, I have visited both networks again a few times but haven‘t seen the error again. –  Aqeel
30 ‘11 at 8:27

@balpha: I saw this problem recently on Electronics SE when viewing it on HTC Desire S Android device. – sharptooth Feb
15 ‘12 at 8:26

a comment


dpvc commented on
Aug 24 2011

Thanks for the details. I‘m glad you have gotten MathJax to work in CHM files.

It is possible to slim the MathJax directory down to reduce the size in this case. For example, since all versions of IE that MathJax supports can handle web-based fonts, there is no need for the image fonts (the
largest part of the distribution), so you can remove the MathJax/fonts/HTML-CSS/TeX/png directory, as you have already done.
In fact, you can remove the otf and svgdirectories
as well, since IE will only use the EOT fonts. Then you can remove the MathJax/unpackeddirectory entirely, since you will be
running the compressed versions of the files, and you can delete the MathJax/test and MathJax/docs directories
completely. If you are only using TeX input (not MathML), then I would recommend using the TeX-AMS_HTML-full configuration file.
In that case, you can remove the MathJax/jax/input/MathML and MathJax/jax/output/NativeMML directories,
and the MathJax/extensions/mml2jax.js and MathJax/extensions/jsMath2jax.js extensions.
You can remove theFontWarnings.js and v1.0-warnings,js extensions
as well, and you can delete all the configuration files except the one you are using. If you want to remove every possible file, then you can open the configuration file that you are using and remove the files listed in the MathJax.Ajax.Preloading() call
at the top of the file, as those will all be included in the configuration file itself. So you should be able to get things down to a pretty small footprint if you want to.



时间: 2024-10-15 12:37:14

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