CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_UserFriendsOrder] @s varchar(MAX) as --如果临时表存在则先删除 if exists(select * from dbo.sysobjects where object_id(‘tempdb.dbo.#temp‘) is not null) delete from #temp else create table #temp(F_ID int,F_UserID char(36),F_FatherID int,F_Code varchar(18),F_UserName varchar(20),F_Phone varchar(11),F_CreateUser char(36),F_CreateDate datetime, F_State int,F_Uplevel varchar(8000),F_DownLevel varchar(8000),F_Level int) --执行存储过程usp_TUserRelationByFID 放入临时表 insert into #temp exec usp_TUserRelationByFID @s --查询临时表 -- select * from #temp BEGIN -- A.Currentcount 本月消费条数 -- B.Lastcount 上月消费条数 declare @sqlf_id varchar(MAX) set @sqlf_id=‘SELECT ltrim(Convert(numeric(9,2),case when B.Lastcount=0 then 0 else A.Currentcount*100.0/B.Lastcount end))+‘‘%‘‘ As Percentage, A.Currentcount,B.Lastcount FROM (SELECT count(*) as Currentcount FROM #temp INNER JOIN dbo.T_Order ON #temp.F_UserID = dbo.T_Order.F_CreateUser where dbo.T_Order.F_Remark!=‘‘商家收银‘‘ and datediff(month,dbo.T_Order.f_createdate,getdate())=0)as A,(SELECT count(*) as Lastcount FROM #temp INNER JOIN dbo.T_Order ON #temp.F_UserID = dbo.T_Order.F_CreateUser where dbo.T_Order.F_Remark!=‘‘商家收银‘‘ and datediff(month,dbo.T_Order.f_createdate,getdate())=1)as B‘ exec (@sqlf_id) end
时间: 2024-10-21 08:03:56