Jupyter运行时出现下面的错误:Unexpected error while saving file: arma/Untitled.ipynb [Errno 13] Permission denied:


发现了notebook 项下面  只支持python2,,使用pip3安装,,

我们接下来点击 python3 创建notebook,报错,没有保存权限,


提示:running as root is  not recommended。。。。。。。。。。。


sudo chmod 777 ~/.local/share/jupyter/
cd ~/.local/share/jupyter/
sudo chmod 777 runtime/
cd runtime/
时间: 2024-11-08 20:46:40

Jupyter运行时出现下面的错误:Unexpected error while saving file: arma/Untitled.ipynb [Errno 13] Permission denied:的相关文章

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