iPhone:4.7 5.5 4 3.5 对应的各个设备屏幕尺寸对应的像素及App上线信息

Shared App Information

You can access these properties from the App Details page in the App Information section. This information is shared across any platform added to the app.




Primary Language

The language you use to enter app details in iTunes Connect. Information provided in this language is used for any store territory for which there isn’t information localized in the territory’s primary language.

The primary language applies only to store information. The languages your app supports are set in your build.

Can be changed at any time to other languages for which you’ve provided localized metadata.

Bundle ID

An identifier used by iOS and OS X to recognize any future updates to your app. Your bundle ID must be registered with Apple and unique to your app. The same bundle ID can’t be used for both iOS and Mac apps.

This property may be an explicit App ID or a wildcard App ID. If it’s a wildcard App ID, you also need to specify a bundle ID suffix. The bundle ID (combined with the bundle ID suffix) must exactly match the bundle identifier in your Xcode project Info.plist file (found under the target’s General > Identity section).

Can’t be edited after a build has been uploaded.

Bundle ID Suffix

A string that is appended to the bundle ID property if the bundle ID is a wildcard App ID. The bundle ID and bundle ID suffix must form a bundle identifier that exactly matches the bundle identifier in your Xcode project Info.plist file.

Can’t be edited after a build has been uploaded.

Apple ID

A unique number that Apple assigns to the app.

Can’t be edited.

SKU Number

A unique ID for your app in the Apple system that is not seen by users. You can use letters, numbers, hyphens, periods, and underscores. The SKU can’t start with a hyphen, period, or underscore.

Use a value that is meaningful to your organization.

Can’t be edited after saving the iTunes Connect record.


The localized name of your app as it appears on the store. The app name must be at least two characters and no more than 75 bytes.

Note: After you submit an app, you can change its name only the next time you update the app build with a new version. Otherwise, to change the name you must reject the app and resubmit it.


Privacy Policy URL (optional)

A URL that links to your company’s privacy policy. Privacy policy URLs are required for all apps that offer auto-renewable or free subscriptions, apps that are set to Made for Kids, and apps that contain Research Kit. Customers see this URL on their invoice and on the subscription confirmation email they receive. The URL can specify a localized site.

Include the entire URL, including the protocol.

Note that if your app is set to Made for Kids, you need to specify a Privacy policy URL for each localization provided for the app.


Primary Category(required) / Secondary Category(optional)

The categories that best describe the app you’re adding.

For a list of categories and their descriptions, click the App Store Category Definitions link in the Category section of the Version Information.

For Mac apps, you must define a category in the Info.plist file of your app build using theLSApplicationCategoryType key. The list of categories you can choose to define in your property list is the same as the available categories for Mac apps in iTunes Connect. The primary category selected in iTunes Connect should match the category defined in the app build property list.

Note that if you select the primary or secondary category of Magazines & Newspapers, in order to submit your app for review you will be required to have at least one auto-renewable or free In-App Purchase subscription, and your app must use the Newsstand SDK.



Subcategories for games. If you select Games or Magazines & Newspapers as the Primary or Secondary Category, you can also select one or two subcategories to help more accurately define your app or game.


License Agreement

License agreement details are described in License Agreement.


Platform Version Information

The following properties contain the text and images that appear for the app in stores for each territory in which the app is available for sale or download. For information about setting the initial values, see Creating an iTunes Connect Record for an App. For information about updating these values, seeViewing and Changing Your App’s Metadata.





The language of this metadata.



One screenshot per localization is required and up to 4 more are optional. For specifications of screenshots, readScreenshot Properties.


App Preview

An app preview is an optional short video demonstrating your app. Your app may have one app preview per device. For specifications of app previews, read App Preview Properties.



A localized description of the app, detailing the features and functionality. Descriptions are limited to 4000 bytes. The description should be in plain text, with line breaks as needed. HTML formatting isn’t recognized. Make sure to check your text for spelling or grammar errors.


What’s New in this Version(required)

Localized release notes detailing the changes in this version of your app. For example, you might want to list new features, UI improvements, or bug fixes. This text can be as long as 4000 bytes.

This field isn’t available for the first version of an app.



One or more localized keywords that describe your app. Separate search terms with commas. At least one keyword of greater than two characters is required. You can provide up to 100 bytes of content. Your app is searchable by app name and company name, so you do not need to duplicate these values in the keyword list. Names of other apps or companies are not allowed.


Support URL(required)

The support website you plan to provide for users who have questions regarding the app. The support URL must lead to actual contact information so that your users can contact you regarding app issues, general feedback, and feature enhancement requests. The URL can specify a localized site.

Include the entire URL, including the protocol. For example, http://support.example.com .


Marketing URL(optional)

The website where users get more information about the app. The URL can specify a localized site.

Include the entire URL, including the protocol.


App Icon(required for iOS apps)

The large app icon is displayed for your app on the App Store and, if needed, is used to feature your app on the App Store.

iOS app icons need to meet the following requirements:

  • 1024 x 1024 pixels (don’t scale up smaller artwork, because this could appear pixelated and blurry)
  • 72 dpi, RGB, flattened, no transparency, no rounded corners
  • High-quality JPEG or PNG image file format.

Note: The small icon (57 x 57 pixels for iPhone and iPod touch, 50 x 50 pixels and 72 x 72 pixels for iPad) that you include inside the build is used on the device Home screen when installed.


Version Number(required)

The version number of the app you’re adding. This is the version number that will display on the App Store for customers. Numbering should follow typical software versioning conventions (for example, 1.0 1.0.1 1.1 ).

When you create a new app or platform the version number will always default to 1.0, but this can be changed before you submit the app for review.

Important: Make sure this App Store version number matches the version number set in the bundle. If these don’t match, upload errors for later updates might occur.



The rating for your app for the purpose of parental controls on the store. For more information, read Set App Ratings. Note that while the rating is set for each platform version individually, the final app rating will be determined by the highest rated platform version for the app and will be displayed in the App Information section.


Made for Kids(optional)

An indication that the app appears in the Kids category on the store; this property includes the age range set for the app.

If the app rating changes after enabling Made for Kids and the app no longer qualifies for the category, you’ll see an error when you save the options on the page. Note that the app will only be listed as Made for Kids if all of the platform versions are enabled as Made for Kids.

For more information, read Made for Kids: Target Kid-Friendly Apps.

After the app is approved as “Made for Kids,” all future versions of the app must also be “Made for Kids” and conform to Section 24. Kids Category in the App Store Review Guidelines. The app can’t be removed from the “Kids” category once it’s available for sale on the App Store.



The name of the person or entity that owns the exclusive rights to the app, preceded by the year the rights were obtained (for example, 2014 Example, Inc.). The copyright symbol is added automatically.


Trade Representative Contact information

Details are explained in Trade Representative Contact Information.


Routing App Coverage File(optional)

Routing app coverage files are .geojson files that specify the geographic regions supported by your app. The file can have only one MultiPolygon element. MultiPolygon elements consist of at least one Polygon. Polygons contain at least four coordinate points. The start and end coordinate points for a polygon must be the same.

For information about the requirements of this file, read Specifying the Geographic Coverage File Contents in Location and Maps Programming Guide.


Version Release Settings

See Specifying When App Versions Are Released. The following settings are allowed:

  • Manual: The app goes into Pending Developer Release after approval and must be released by clicking Make App Available button in iTunes Connect.
  • Automatic: The app goes live automatically after approved by App Review.
  • Automatic, no earlier than: If the date has not passed when the app is approved, it goes into Pending Developer release, but is automatically released at the date specified


App File Size

When a build is uploaded to iTunes Connect it goes through a process of thinning, encryption, and recompression. During this process, the file size of the build can change. More information on App Thinning can be found in the App Distribution Guide.

When you click the App Store File Sizes link, you will see a table of the different device variant sizes of the build, including the universal variant, as follows:

  • Download Size is the compressed size of the app that is downloaded over the air, using cellular bandwidth or Wi-Fi.
  • Install Size is the amount of disk space the app will consume on the customer’s device. The Installed Size value also appears on your app’s product page in the Information section.
  • The universal device type variant will be downloaded only by customers using iOS earlier than iOS 9.0.

If any of the device variant sizes exceed the 100 MB over-the-air download limit, a yellow warning will display next to the variant size in the table. Apple will also send you an email with this information.

Note that until the app is approved by App Review, the sizes displayed are only estimates of what the final App Store size will be. After the app has been approved, the sizes will be updated to reflect the final values.

Read Only

Screenshot Properties




3.5-Inch Retina Display Screenshots(required)

One screenshot is required. Up to four additional screenshots can be uploaded. You can rearrange the screenshots when you create or edit the iTunes Connect record.

Screenshot requirements are:

  • 72 dpi, RGB, flattened, no transparency
  • High-quality JPEG or PNG image file format
  • Any of the following sizes:
    • 640 x 920 pixels for hi-res portrait (without status bar) minimum
    • 640 x 960 pixels for hi-res portrait (full screen) maximum
    • 960 x 600 pixels for hi-res landscape (without status bar) minimum
    • 960 x 640 pixels for hi-res landscape (full screen) maximum


4-Inch Retina Display Screenshots (Required)

You’re required to upload at least one of these screenshots.

Up to four additional optional screenshots can be uploaded. You can rearrange the screenshots when you create or edit the iTunes Connect record.

Screenshot requirements are:

  • 72 dpi, RGB, flattened, no transparency
  • High-quality JPEG or PNG image file format
  • Any of the following sizes:
    • 640 x 1096 pixels for portrait (without status bar) minimum
    • 640 x 1136 pixels for portrait (full screen) maximum
    • 1136 x 600 pixels for landscape (without status bar) minimum
    • 1136 x 640 pixels for landscape (full screen) minimum


4.7-inch Retina screenshot

If your app indicates that it is optimized for the iPhone 6, at least one 4.7-inch screenshot is required. Up to four additional screenshots can be uploaded. You can rearrange the screenshots when you create or edit the iTunes Connect record.

Screenshot requirements are:

  • 72 dpi, RGB, flattened, no transparency
  • High-quality JPEG or PNG image file format
  • 750 x 1334 pixels for hi-res portrait
  • 1334 x 750 pixels for hi-res landscape


5.5-inch Retina screenshot

Screenshot requirements are:

  • 72 dpi, RGB, flattened, no transparency
  • High-quality JPEG or PNG image file format
  • 1242 x 2208 pixels for hi-res portrait
  • 2208 x 1242 pixels for hi-res landscape


iPad Screenshots(required if app runs on iPad)

If your build indicates that your app runs on iPad, you’re required to upload at least one iPad screenshot.

Up to four additional screenshots can be uploaded. You can rearrange the screenshots when you create or edit the iTunes Connect record.

Screenshot requirements are:

  • 72 dpi, RGB, flattened, no transparency
  • High-quality JPEG or PNG image file format
  • Any of the following sizes:
    • 1024 x 748 pixels for landscape (without status bar) minimum
    • 1024 x 768 pixels for landscape (full screen) maximum
    • 2048 x 1496 pixels for hi-res (without status bar) minimum
    • 2048 x 1536 pixels for hi-res landscape (full screen) maximum
    • 768 x 1004 pixels for portrait (without status bar) minimum
    • 768 x 1024 pixels for portrait (full screen) maximum
    • 1536 x 2008 pixels for hi-res portrait (without status bar) minimum
    • 1536 x 2048 pixels for hi-res portrait (full screen) maximum


iPad Pro Screenshots

If your build indicates that your app runs on iPad, you’re required to upload at least one iPad Pro screenshot.

Up to four additional screenshots can be uploaded. You can rearrange the screenshots when you create or edit the iTunes Connect record.

Screenshot requirements are:

  • 72 dpi, RGB, flattened, no transparency
  • High-quality JPEG or PNG image file format
  • 2048 x 2732 pixels for hi-res portrait
  • 2732 x 2048 pixels for hi-res landscape


Mac (OS X) Screenshots

One OS X screenshot is required for Mac apps; up to four additional screenshots can be uploaded. Screenshots appear on the store in the order they were uploaded in iTunes Connect.




Mac Screenshots OS X only (required)

Screenshot requirements are:

  • 72 dpi, RGB, flattened, no transparency
  • High-quality JPEG or PNG image file format in the RGB color space
  • 16:10 aspect ratio
  • One of the following sizes:
    • 1280 x 800 pixels
    • 1440 x 900 pixels
    • 2560 x 1600 pixels
    • 2880 x 1800 pixels


tvOS Screenshots

If your app is a tvOS app, at least one screenshot is required. Up to four additional screenshots can be uploaded. You can rearrange the screenshots when you create or edit the iTunes Connect record.




tvOS Screenshots

Screenshot requirements are:

  • 72 dpi, RGB, flattened, no transparency
  • High-quality JPEG or PNG image file format
  • 1920 X 1080


Apple Watch Properties

If you upload an app with a WatchKit extension, the Apple Watch properties appear below the Version Information properties on the Version Summary page. (To view version information, read Viewing and Changing Your App’s Metadata.) There isn’t a separate WatchKit extension description but the version description, described in Platform Version Information, can mention the WatchKit extension functionality.

You need to provide these additional properties for apps with WatchKit extensions:




Displays on Apple Watch product page and Apple Watch badge for the iOS app product page. Apple applies a circular mask to the icon. Icon should look good with the mask and be similar to the app icon.

The icon needs to meet the following requirements:

  • 1024 x 1024 pixels
  • 72 dpi, RGB, flattened, no transparency, no rounded corners
  • High-quality JPEG or PNG image file format


One screenshot is required. Up to four additional screenshots can be uploaded. Screenshots should suggest what the WatchKit extension does. Screenshot requirements are:

  • 72 dpi, RGB, flattened, no transparency
  • High-quality JPEG or PNG image file format
  • 312 x 390 pixels (only one orientation)

App Preview Properties

The resolutions for app previews for the supported displays are specified in App Sandbox Information.

Uploads must be done using Safari and OS X 10.10, and only one localization is accepted. App previews must disclose In-App Purchases and may contain no ads, no platform logos, no pricing, and no timelines.

App preview properties are locked, and so they can only be edited when the app is in an editable state.

The app preview feature is not available for 3.5 inch display.

App Preview Resolutions

Native Resolution

Accepted Landscape Resolutions

Accepted Portrait Resolutions

5 Series

1136 x 640 (16:9)

1920 x 1080 or 1136 x 640

1080 x 1920 or 640 x 1136

iPad and iPad Pro

2048 x 1536 (4:3)

1200 x 900 or 1600 x 1200

900 x 1200 or 1200 x 1600

iPhone 6

1334 x 750

1334 x 750

750 x 1334

iPhone 6 Plus

2208 x 1242 (Rendered Pixels)

1920 x 1080 (Physical Pixels)

1920 x 1080

1080 x 1920


1920 x 1080 (16:9)

1920 x 1080


App Preview Specifications


ProRes 422 HQ only


Target Bit Rate

10-12 Mbps

VBR ~220 Mbps


Video Characteristics

Progressive, up to High Profile Level 4.0

Progressive, no external references


Max Frame Rate

30 fps

30 fps



  • Stereo
  • Codec: 256kbps AAC
  • Sample Rate: 44.1kHz or 48kHz
  • All tracks should be enabled
  • Stereo
  • Codec: PCM or 256kbps AAC
  • Bit Depth (for PCM): 16-, 24-, or 32-bit
  • Sample Rate: 44.1 or 48kHz
  • All tracks should be enabled

Stereo configuration:

  • 1 track with 2-channel stereo (1st channel L and 2nd channel R)
  • 2 tracks with 1-channel stereo (1st track L and 2nd track R)

Supported Extensions

.mov, .m4v, .mp4



Max File Size




Min Length

15 seconds

15 seconds


Max Length

30 sec

30 sec


Poster Frame

5 sec default

5 sec default

5 sec default will be set at upload time. The developer can change the poster frame until the app is in review. Poster frame changes post on approved previews will require a new build version.


Portrait or Landscape

Portrait or Landscape

Preview will play in the orientation provided by the developer. The product page will show previews in portrait. Once it played the preview will rotate to native orientation.

Only landscape orientation app previews can be provided for tvOS binaries.


iOS 8

iOS 8


Upload and Playback in iTunes Connect

Safari 8 and OS X 10.10

Safari 8 and OS X 10.10


View/Play on Device

iOS 8

iOS 8

时间: 2024-07-28 22:01:58

iPhone:4.7 5.5 4 3.5 对应的各个设备屏幕尺寸对应的像素及App上线信息的相关文章


目录(?)[+] 1.iPhone尺寸规格 设备 iPhone 宽 Width 高 Height 对角线 Diagonal 逻辑分辨率(point) Scale Factor 设备分辨率(pixel) PPI 3GS 2.4 inches (62.1 mm) 4.5 inches (115.5 mm) 3.5-inch 320x480 @1x 320x480 163 4(s) 2.31 inches (58.6 mm) 4.5 inches (115.2 mm) 3.5-inch 320x480


原文网址:http://blog.csdn.net/phunxm/article/details/42174937 1.iPhone尺寸规格 设备 iPhone 宽 Width 高 Height 对角线 Diagonal 逻辑分辨率(point) Scale Factor 设备分辨率(pixel) PPI 3GS 2.4 inches (62.1 mm) 4.5 inches (115.5 mm) 3.5-inch 320x480 @1x 320x480 163 4(s) 2.31 inches

转: iPhone屏幕尺寸、分辨率及适配

1.iPhone尺寸规格 设备 iPhone 宽 Width 高 Height 对角线 Diagonal 逻辑分辨率(point) Scale Factor 设备分辨率(pixel) PPI 3GS 2.4 inches (62.1 mm) 4.5 inches (115.5 mm) 3.5-inch 320x480 @1x 320x480 163 4(s) 2.31 inches (58.6 mm) 4.5 inches (115.2 mm) 3.5-inch 320x480 @2x 640x

iPhone屏幕尺寸、分辨率及适配 (转)

1.iPhone尺寸规格 设备 iPhone 宽 Width 高 Height 对角线 Diagonal 逻辑分辨率(point) Scale Factor 设备分辨率(pixel) PPI 3GS 2.4 inches (62.1 mm) 4.5 inches (115.5 mm) 3.5-inch 320x480 @1x 320x480 163 4(s) 2.31 inches (58.6 mm) 4.5 inches (115.2 mm) 3.5-inch 320x480 @2x 640x


初代iPhone 2007年,初代iPhone发布,屏幕的宽高是 320 x 480 像素.下文也是按照宽度,高度的顺序排列.这个分辨率一直到iPhone 3GS也保持不变.那时编写iOS的App(应用程序),只支持绝对定位.比如一个按钮(x, y, width, height) = (20, 30, 40, 50),就表示它的宽度是40像素,高度是50像素,放在(20, 20)像素的位置. iPhone 4 2010年,iPhone 4发布,率先采用Retina显示屏,在屏幕的物理尺寸不变的情


纯代码适配iphone6,6+ : http://my.oschian.net/u/615517/blog/377953. 都推荐使用AutoLayout.SizeClass来适配不同屏幕尺寸的iphone和ipad,可是我实在没看懂这两个东西,求简单易懂的教程.


对于不同苹果设备,各个参数查看<iOS:机型参数.sdk.xcode各版本>.        机型变化 坐标:表示屏幕物理尺寸大小,坐标变大了,表示机器屏幕尺寸变大了: 像素:表示屏幕图片的大小,跟坐标之间有个对应关系,比如1:1或1:2等: ppi:代表屏幕物理大小到图片大小的比例值,如果ppi不变,则坐标和像素的比例不会变: iPhone 4以前 iPhone.iPhone3/3G机型未采用retina,坐标是320 x 480,屏幕像素320 x 480 ,他们一一对应,1:1关系.即一


iPhone4:      320 * 480   960 *640       3.5寸        4:3ipone5:        320 *568    640 *1136         4        16:9ipone6:        375 * 667   640 * 1334      4.7      16:9iphone6Plus:414 * 736  1080 * 1920    5.5       16:9

IOS 适应各种iphone屏幕尺寸

随着苹果产品的增多,屏幕尺寸的分类也越来越多,我们在编写程序时如何让自己的app适应苹果的不同类型的屏幕尺寸呢? 苹果公司给出的一个解决方案时,提出了一个点(point)的概念.在3gs中一个点对应一个像素,4(s)中一个点对应两个像素.在ios开发中以点作为单位更加方便,如下表中@1x就是一个点对应一个像素,@2x就是一个点对应两个像素,以此类推.每英寸有多少个像素,成为ppi.由于文字和颜色是矢量数据,将像素放大后不会出现变形,但是当图片会发生畸变,因此,我们在设计app时需要放入不同尺寸的