Applet Mode



以签名Applet模式运行Getdown,并下载和运行应用是可能的,这样可以提供一种”in the web browser“的体验。甚至可以让Getdown在同一个JVM(Getdown运行的JVM)中运行应用,允许应用占据Getdown窗口,这样可以提供一个非常像applet的体验。


因为Getdown必须以签名applet运行,这样它才有权限写入用户的文件系统并运行一个单独的JVM,所以你必须使用一个code signing certificate来签名getdown-client.jar文件。


注意Getdown的签名必须是RSA,而不是DSA,用keytool生成签名时默认是DSA,确保传入-keyalg rsa参数。

Applet tag



<object height="253" width="424" type="application/x-java-applet;version=1.5"
  <param name="archive" value=""/>
  <param name="code" value="com.threerings.getdown.launcher.GetdownApplet"/>
  <param name="appname" value="myapp"/>
  <param name="appbase" value=""/>
  <param name="bgimage" value=""/>
  <param name="errorbgimage" value=""/>
  <param name="ui.status" value="30, 60, 364, 80"/>
  <param name="ui.status_text" value="FFEC48"/>
  <div class="nojava">You must first install Java to play this game in your browser!</div>

大部分applet标签是标准的,包括属性width, height, type, archive, code等,Getdown特有的参数如下:



  • Windows Vista: %HOME%\AppData\LocalLow\myapp\
  • Windows XP, etc.: %HOME%\Application Data\myapp\
  • Mac OS: $HOME/Library/Application Support/myapp/
  • Linux: $HOME/.getdown/myapp/



bgimage, errorbgimage

These should be fully qualified URLs that reference the same images in the ui.background and ui.error_background configuration values from the getdown.txt file. They are duplicated here so that the applet can immediately display a branded user interface without having to first download the getdown.txt file.

ui.status, ui.status_text

These should contain the same values as those specified in the getdown.txt file. These values are only used if there is a problem downloading the getdown.txt file, at which point Getdown needs to display feedback to the user and needs to know where on the errorbgimage to render that feedback.

jvmargN and appargN

You can augment the jvmarg and apparg configuration in getdown.txt with applet parameters (which can be dynamically generated when the user requests the page that contains the <applet> tag).

To do so, simply add jvmargN or appargN <param> tags with increasing values for N. For example:

<object ...>
  <param name="jvmarg0" value="-Xmx256M"/>
  <param name="jvmarg1" value="-Dsun.java2d.opengl=true"/>
  <param name="apparg0" value="--username"/>
  <param name="apparg1" value="someusername"/>

Note that the jvmarg and apparg configuration specified in the applet tag will appear after the jvmarg and apparg configuration from the getdown.txt file, on the command line.

Signature File


<taskdef name="digest" classname=""
<property file=""/>
<digest appdir="${app_dir}" keystore="${sign.keystore}" storepass="${sign.storepass}"


sign.keystore = /path/to/keystore.dat
sign.storepass = s3cr3t
sign.alias = mycompanyalias




Signing getdown-client.jar

Signing the getdown-client.jar file is easily accomplished using the signjar Ant task (which is included with the standard Ant distribution). Here is an example:

<property file=""/>
<signjar keystore="${sign.keystore}" alias="${sign.alias}" storepass="${sign.storepass}">
  <fileset dir="${app_dir}" includes="getdown-client.jar"/>

We assume you have a file configured as described above.

Ensuring User Has Java Plugin

Running Getdown as an applet is predicated on the user having at least Java 1.5 installed on their computer and properly configured as a browser plugin. The applet tag we have shown above should trigger the process of installing the Java plugin if the user does not already have it installed.

Note that we only require JDK 1.5 in our <object> tag above, you may wish to require JDK 1.6, or you may want to use Getdown‘s support for running intself in a 1.5 JDK and then automatically downloading and installing a 1.6 (or newer) JDK as a part of the application download process. See the documentation on getdown.txt for details.

时间: 2024-11-10 15:20:29

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我搜索了网上很多方案,都没有解决弹警告框的问题.自己摸索出以下方案: 1. 按自签名步骤生成keystore文件和cert证书 keytool -genkey -keystore hp.keystore -alias hp -validity 3650 keytool -export -keystore hp.keystore -alias hp -file hp.cer 2. 对Applet进行签名 jarsigner -keystore hp.keystore xxxApplet.jar h