Prepared SQL Statement Syntax

2 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (4), (8), (11), (32), (80);
3 SET @table = ‘t1‘;
4 SET @s = CONCAT(‘SELECT * FROM ‘, @table);
5 PREPARE stmt3 FROM @s;
6 EXECUTE stmt3;
1 SET @s = ‘SELECT SQRT(POW(?,2) + POW(?,2)) AS hypotenuse‘;
2 PREPARE stmt2 FROM @s;
3 SET @a = 6;
4 SET @b = 8;
5 EXECUTE stmt2 USING @a, @b;
1 PREPARE stmt1 FROM ‘SELECT SQRT(POW(?,2) + POW(?,2)) AS hypotenuse‘;
2 SET @a = 3;
3 SET @b = 4;
4 EXECUTE stmt1 USING @a, @b;
时间: 2024-10-08 00:48:20

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