[OrangePi] If you are using an older image

    • Download scriptbin_kernel.tar.gz from Mega, unpack.
    • Copy uImage_OPI-2 or uImage_OPI-PLUS (depending on your board type) to uImage on SD Card FAT partition
    • Copy one of the script.bin.OPI-XXXX (depending on your board type and desired monitor resolution) to script.bin on SD Card FAT partition
    • Copy lib/modules/3.4.39 directory to SD Card Linux partition (delete old first)
    • Copy all files (without lib directory) to /boot directory on linux partition in case you planing to install to emmc.
    • Backup your old kernel, script.bin and lib/modules/3.4.39 in case something goes wrong.
时间: 2024-07-30 10:17:30

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