系统是debian wheezy
http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dDJhu5j 连接失效请Q我
用~crack压缩包里的install.jar 替换iso文件内java/jar/ 目录下的install.jar 文件并保存。
上传修改好的iso文件和其他两个压缩包。具体方法自寻,本次上传至/data 目录
mount -o loop R2014b_glnxa64.iso /mnt
使用unrar和unzip 命令解压
unzip filename.zip unrar e filename.rar
apt-get install libxtst6 apt-get install libglu1 apt-get install libxxf86vm1
license.lic 都在拷进来的三个压缩包里:这里的路径是/data/matlb
[email protected]:/mnt#./install -mode silent -fileInstallationKey29797-39064-48306-32452 -agreeToLicense yes -activationPropertiesFile/data/matlab/MATLAB_R2014B_MAC_LINUX_crack/license.lic destinationFolder /usr/local/matlab2014b
执行过程: Preparinginstallation files ... Installing... (Oct 15,2015 14:30:12)################################################################## (Oct 15,2015 14:30:12) # (Oct 15,2015 14:30:12) # Today‘s Date: (Oct 15,2015 14:30:12) Thu Oct 15 14:30:12 CST 2015 (Oct 15,2015 14:30:12) (Oct 15,2015 14:30:12) System Info (Oct 15,2015 14:30:12) OS: Linux 3.2.0-4-amd64 (Oct 15,2015 14:30:12) Arch: amd64 (Oct 15,2015 14:30:12) Data Model: 64 (Oct 15,2015 14:30:12) Language: en (Oct 15,2015 14:30:12) Java Vendor: Oracle Corporation (Oct 15,2015 14:30:12) Java Home: /tmp/mathworks_1395/sys/java/jre/glnxa64/jre (Oct 15,2015 14:30:12) Java Version: 1.7.0_11 (Oct 15,2015 14:30:12) Java VM Name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (Oct 15,2015 14:30:12) Java Class Path: . (Oct 15,2015 14:30:12) User Name: root (Oct 15,2015 14:30:12) Current Directory: /mnt/bin (Oct 15,2015 14:30:12) Input arguments: (Oct 15,2015 14:30:12) root /mnt (Oct 15,2015 14:30:12) libdir /tmp/mathworks_1395 (Oct 15,2015 14:30:12) mode silent (Oct 15,2015 14:30:12) fileInstallationKey 29797-39064-48306-32452 (Oct 15,2015 14:30:12) agreeToLicense yes (Oct 15,2015 14:30:12) activationPropertiesFile/data/matlab/MATLAB_R2014B_MAC_LINUX_crack/license.lic (Oct 15,2015 14:30:12) standalone true (Oct 15,2015 14:30:13) Starting local product/component search (Oct 15,2015 14:30:13) Reading /mnt/archives (Oct 15,2015 14:30:13) Assembling product list... (Oct 15,2015 14:30:13) Reading /mnt (Oct 15,2015 14:30:13) Reading /root/Downloads/MathWorks/R2014b/archives (Oct 15,2015 14:30:26) Completed local product/component search (Oct 15,2015 14:30:27) Installing Product: MATLAB Distributed Computing Server 6.5 (Oct 15,2015 14:30:42) Installing Product: MATLAB 8.4 (Oct 15,2015 14:30:55) Installing Product: Simulink 8.4 (Oct 15,2015 14:31:14) Installing Product: Aerospace Blockset 3.14 (Oct 15,2015 14:31:14) Installing Product: Aerospace Toolbox 2.14 (Oct 15,2015 14:31:15) Installing Product: Bioinformatics Toolbox 4.5 (Oct 15,2015 14:31:19) Installing Product: Communications System Toolbox 5.7 (Oct 15,2015 14:31:23) Installing Product: Computer Vision System Toolbox 6.1 (Oct 15,2015 14:31:43) Installing Product: Control System Toolbox 9.8 (Oct 15,2015 14:31:45) Installing Product: Curve Fitting Toolbox 3.5 (Oct 15,2015 14:31:45) Installing Product: Database Toolbox 5.2 (Oct 15,2015 14:31:45) Installing Product: Datafeed Toolbox 5.0 (Oct 15,2015 14:31:46) Installing Product: DO Qualification Kit 2.4 (Oct 15,2015 14:31:49) Installing Product: DSP System Toolbox 8.7 (Oct 15,2015 14:31:53) Installing Product: Econometrics Toolbox 3.1 (Oct 15,2015 14:31:54) Installing Product: Embedded Coder 6.7 (Oct 15,2015 14:31:55) Installing Product: Filter Design HDL Coder 2.9.6 (Oct 15,2015 14:31:55) Installing Product: Financial Instruments Toolbox 2.0 (Oct 15,2015 14:31:56) Installing Product: Financial Toolbox 5.4 (Oct 15,2015 14:31:57) Installing Product: Fixed-Point Designer 4.3 (Oct 15,2015 14:31:58) Installing Product: Fuzzy Logic Toolbox 2.2.20 (Oct 15,2015 14:31:58) Installing Product: Global Optimization Toolbox 3.3 (Oct 15,2015 14:31:58) Installing Product: HDL Coder 3.5 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:00) Installing Product: HDL Verifier 4.5 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:02) Installing Product: IEC Certification Kit 3.4 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:04) Installing Product: Image Acquisition Toolbox 4.8 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:05) Installing Product: Image Processing Toolbox 9.1 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:10) Installing Product: Instrument Control Toolbox 3.6 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:11) Installing Product: LTE System Toolbox 1.2 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:11) Installing Product: Mapping Toolbox 4.0.2 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:15) Installing Product: MATLAB Builder JA 2.3.2 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:15) Installing Product: MATLAB Coder 2.7 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:17) Installing Product: MATLAB Compiler 5.2 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:29) Installing Product: MATLAB Report Generator 4.0 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:30) Installing Product: Model Predictive Control Toolbox 5.0 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:30) Installing Product: Neural Network Toolbox 8.2.1 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:31) Installing Product: Optimization Toolbox 7.1 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:32) Installing Product: Parallel Computing Toolbox 6.5 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:32) Installing Product: Partial Differential Equation Toolbox 1.5 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:33) Installing Product: Phased Array System Toolbox 2.3 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:34) Installing Product: Polyspace Bug Finder 1.2 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:37) Installing Product: Polyspace Code Prover 9.2 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:37) Installing Product: RF Toolbox 2.15 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:38) Installing Product: Robust Control Toolbox 5.2 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:39) Installing Product: Signal Processing Toolbox 6.22 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:42) Installing Product: SimBiology 5.1 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:43) Installing Product: SimDriveline 2.7 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:43) Installing Product: SimElectronics 2.6 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:44) Installing Product: SimEvents 4.3.3 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:45) Installing Product: SimHydraulics 1.15 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:45) Installing Product: SimMechanics 4.5 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:50) Installing Product: SimPowerSystems 6.2 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:52) Installing Product: SimRF 4.3 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:52) Installing Product: Simscape 3.12 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:54) Installing Product: Simulink 3D Animation 7.2 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:55) Installing Product: Simulink Code Inspector 2.2 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:55) Installing Product: Simulink Coder 8.7 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:56) Installing Product: Simulink Control Design 4.1 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:57) Installing Product: Simulink Design Optimization 2.6 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:58) Installing Product: Simulink Design Verifier 2.7 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:59) Installing Product: Simulink Report Generator 4.0 (Oct 15,2015 14:32:59) Installing Product: Simulink Verification and Validation 3.8 (Oct 15,2015 14:33:00) Installing Product: Stateflow 8.4 (Oct 15,2015 14:33:01) Installing Product: Statistics Toolbox 9.1 (Oct 15,2015 14:33:03) Installing Product: Symbolic Math Toolbox 6.1 (Oct 15,2015 14:33:11) Installing Product: System Identification Toolbox 9.1 (Oct 15,2015 14:33:13) Installing Product: SystemTest 2.6.8 (Oct 15,2015 14:33:14) Installing Product: Wavelet Toolbox 4.14 (Oct 15,2015 14:33:36) Notes: Yourinstallation may require additional configuration steps. 1. Thefollowing products require a supported compiler: MATLABCompiler 5.2 MATLABBuilder JA 2.3.2 Stateflow8.4 SimulinkCoder 8.7 MATLABCoder 2.7 2.Simulink requires a C compiler for simulation acceleration, model reference,and MATLAB Function Block capabilities. It is recommended that you install asupported compiler on your machine. 3. Toaccelerate computations with the following products, a supported compiler isrequired: SimBiology5.1 Fixed-PointDesigner 4.3 4. Afterthis installation is complete, you should continue with your configuration ofthe MATLAB Distributed Computing Server as outlined in the instructionsobtained from www.mathworks.com/distconfig. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Error:Activation cannot proceed. You may either: 1. Set anX11 display, and restart the activation process 2. Usethe silent activation feature 3.Activate using the license center --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Oct 15,2015 14:33:39) Exiting with status 0 (Oct 15,2015 14:33:39) End - Successful. Finished [email protected]:/mnt#
cd /usr/local/MATLAB/R2014b/bin/glnxa64 mv libmwservices.so libmwservices.so.bak cp /data/matlab/libmwservices.so .
./activate_matlab.sh -propertiesFile /usr/local/MATLAB/R2014b/etc/activate.ini
可以加到/etc/profile 文件里,直接使用matlab即可使用matlab程序:
vim /etc/profile exportPATH=/usr/local/MATLAB/R2014b/bin:$PATH source /etc/profile
时间: 2024-10-24 23:00:08