my python script (1) ---------create model script file

# my  python script

#  to create script file

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

import os,subprocess

child = subprocess.Popen(‘which python‘,stdout = subprocess.PIPE,shell=True)
(pypath,error) = child.communicate()
pypath = pypath.strip(‘\n‘)

myfile = raw_input(‘please input file name (like home/‘)
(path,filename) = os.path.split(myfile)
if path:
    print ‘check dir path ...‘
    if os.path.exists(path):
        print ‘dir already exists!‘
        print ‘dir: %s does not exist!‘ % path
        print ‘create dir: %s ...‘ % path
            print ‘dir: %s is created successfully!‘ % path
        except Exception ,e:
            print ‘exception occur while try to create dirs %s‘ % path
            print e

print ‘create script file: %s ...‘ % filename
    f = open(myfile,‘w‘)
    f.write(‘#!‘+ pypath + ‘\n‘)
    f.write(‘#! -*- coding:utf-8 -*-‘)
    f.write(‘if __name__ == ‘+ "‘__main__‘:\n")
    f.write(‘    print "hello world!"\n‘)
    print ‘script is created successfully!‘
except Exception,e:
    print ‘exception occur while try to write file: %s ‘ % filename
    print e

# victor

时间: 2024-12-23 14:11:24

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