March 21 2017 Week 12 Tuesday

Sometimes ever, sometimes never.


Maybe love is something we can‘t touch but we can feel with heart.

Five year ago, I met my ex-girlfriend and we have lived together for about three years.

In the beginning, she loved me very much and always wanted to change me into the type she loved.

But I was very stubborn then, I only changed a little, far less than what she had expected.

And sometimes I even felt antipathy against her and her behaviours. Little by little, all the trival things piled up and finally we separated.

In fact, she is a very good girl, smart and capable.

But all is past. There‘s no possiblity that we can get back together.

Sometimes ever, sometimes never.

It is time to start something new.

There is no substitute for hard work. First in, last out.


Since I joined this company, because of the flexible work time, I am often late for work.

Although I continue my work after the required office hours, I think it is really a bad habit.

Maybe I must get up a little earlier and go for work a little earlier, if I can develop such strict time-discipline into a life-habit, I think I can be rewarded more.

Finish it before the deadline.

If we can get through this difficult time in recession, I think we will in a good shape in the future.

时间: 2024-12-24 07:22:36

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