洛谷 P2899 [USACO08JAN]手机网络Cell Phone Network(树形动规)


Farmer John has decided to give each of his cows a cell phone in hopes to encourage their social interaction. This, however, requires him to set up cell phone towers on his N (1 ≤ N ≤ 10,000) pastures (conveniently numbered 1..N) so they can all communicate.

Exactly N-1 pairs of pastures are adjacent, and for any two pastures A and B (1 ≤ A ≤ N; 1 ≤ B ≤ N; A ≠ B) there is a sequence of adjacent pastures such that A is the first pasture in the sequence and B is the last. Farmer John can only place cell phone towers in the pastures, and each tower has enough range to provide service to the pasture it is on and all pastures adjacent to the pasture with the cell tower.

Help him determine the minimum number of towers he must install to provide cell phone service to each pasture.




  Line 1: A single integer: N

  Lines 2..N: Each line specifies a pair of adjacent pastures with two space-separated integers: A and B


  •   Line 1: A single integer indicating the minimum number of towers to install



1 3
5 2
4 3
3 5


using namespace std;
#define ll long long
#define man 10050
int n,f[man][4];
struct edge{int next,to;}e[man<<2];
int head[man<<2],num=0;
inline void add(int from,int to)
void treedp(int x,int fa)
{    f[x][0]=f[x][1]=0;f[x][2]=1;int minn=12456789;//当f[][2]时,初始值肯定有他自身的价值
    bool changed=0;//记录是否要更改f[x][0]的值
    for(int i=head[x];i;i=e[i].next)
    {    int to=e[i].to;
        if(f[to][2]<=f[to][0]) changed=1;//如果放了塔的价值比不放塔的价值还小,那么肯定放塔咯,因为放塔了还可以多照看几个地方(并且还可以把他的父亲一起看了)
    if(changed==0) f[x][0]+=minn;//如果他的子树都不放塔,那么当前的节点就不安全了,所以必须把他的子节点中放塔的代价最小的点放塔,这样才能保证他的安全
int main()
{    scanf("%d",&n);
    for(int i=1;i<n;i++)
    {    int u,v;
    return 0;


时间: 2024-11-09 22:31:38

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