Get back Typing Break in Ubuntu 12.04 & 11.10(转载)


Since Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric, the typing break has gone away from “System Settings -> Keyboard”. It’s been split out into an app called DrWright. This tutorial shows how to install DrWright and re-enable typing break in Ubuntu 12.04 & 11.10.

Install Drwright and enable Typing Break:

  • 1. Install Drwright

    Drwright got a stable ppa for Ubuntu 12.04 & 11.10, you can use this graphical way adding ppa:drwright/stable and install drwright.

    Or, launch terminal from the dash home (or press Ctrl+Alt+T) and execute following commands to add ppa, update source and install drwright:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:drwright/stable
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install drwright
  • 2. re-enable typing break

    Once drwright installed in Ubuntu, head to System Settings -> Typing Break.
  • Then re-enable typing break in this configuration page
  • That’s it, enjoy!
时间: 2024-12-18 08:07:26

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