IntelliJ IDEA Action System


交互系统允许插件向IDEA的菜单和工具栏插入它们自己的元素。一个交互是一个继承了AnAction类的子类型,其actionPerformed方法将在(插入的)菜单项或工具栏按钮被点选时调用。例如,一个交互类负责”File | Open File…”菜单项和”Open File”工具栏按钮。











<!-- Actions -->
    <!-- The <action> element defines an action to register.
        The mandatory "id" attribute specifies an unique identifier for the action.
        The mandatory "class" attribute specifies the full-qualified name of the class implementing the action.
        The mandatory "text" attribute specifies the text of the action (tooltip for toolbar button or text for menu item).
        The optional "use-shortcut-of" attribute specifies the ID of the action whose keyboard shortcut this action will use.
        The optional "description" attribute specifies the text which is displayed in the status bar when the action is focused.
        The optional "icon" attribute specifies the icon which is displayed on the toolbar button or next to the menu item. -->
        <action id="VssIntegration.GarbageCollection" class="" text="Collect _Garbage" description="Run garbage collector"
            <!-- The <add-to-group> node specifies that the action should be added to an existing group. An action can be added to several groups.
                The mandatory "group-id" attribute specifies the ID of the group to which the action is added.
                The group must be implemented by an instance of the DefaultActionGroup class.
                The mandatory "anchor" attribute specifies the position of the action in the group relative to other actions. It can have the values
                "first", "last", "before" and "after".
                The "relative-to-action" attribute is mandatory if the anchor is set to "before" and "after", and specifies the action before or after which
                the current action is inserted. -->
            <add-to-group group-id="ToolsMenu" relative-to-action="GenerateJavadoc" anchor="after"/>
            <!-- The <keyboard-shortcut> node specifies the keyboard shortcut for the action. An action can have several keyboard shortcuts.
                The mandatory "first-keystroke" attribute specifies the first keystroke of the action. The key strokes are specified according to the regular Swing rules.
                The optional "second-keystroke" attribute specifies the second keystroke of the action.
                The mandatory "keymap" attribute specifies the keymap for which the action is active. IDs of the standard keymaps are defined as
                constants in the com.intellij.openapi.keymap.KeymapManager class. -->
            <keyboard-shortcut first-keystroke="control alt G" second-keystroke="C" keymap="$default"/>
            <!-- The <mouse-shortcut> node specifies the mouse shortcut for the action. An action can have several mouse shortcuts.
                The mandatory "keystroke" attribute specifies the clicks and modifiers for the action. It is defined as a sequence of words separated by spaces:
                "button1", "button2", "button3" for the mouse buttons; "shift", "control", "meta", "alt", "altGraph" for the modifier keys;
                "doubleClick" if the action is activated by a double-click of the button.
                The mandatory "keymap" attribute specifies the keymap for which the action is active. IDs of the standard keymaps are defined as
                constants in the com.intellij.openapi.keymap.KeymapManager class. -->
            <mouse-shortcut keystroke="control button3 doubleClick" keymap="$default"/>
        <!-- The <group> element defines an action group. <action>, <group> and <separator> elements defined within it are automatically included in the group.
            The mandatory "id" attribute specifies an unique identifier for the action.
            The optional "class" attribute specifies the full-qualified name of the class implementing the group. If not specified,
            com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.DefaultActionGroup is used.
            The optional "text" attribute specifies the text of the group (text for the menu item showing the submenu).
            The optional "description" attribute specifies the text which is displayed in the status bar when the group is focused.
            The optional "icon" attribute specifies the icon which is displayed on the toolbar button or next to the group.
            The optional "popup" attribute specifies how the group is presented in the menu. If a group has popup="true", actions in it
            are placed in a submenu; for popup="false", actions are displayed as a section of the same menu delimited by separators. -->
        <group class="" id="TestActionGroup" text="Test Group" description="Group with test actions"
            icon="icons/testgroup.png" popup="true">
            <action id="VssIntegration.TestAction" class="" text="My Test Action" description="My test action"/>
            <!-- The <separator> element defines a separator between actions. It can also have an <add-to-group> child element. -->
            <group id="TestActionSubGroup"/>
            <!-- The <reference> element allows to add an existing action to the group. The mandatory "ref" attribute specifies the ID of the action to add. -->
            <reference ref="EditorCopy"/>
            <add-to-group group-id="MainMenu" relative-to-action="HelpMenu" anchor="before"/>





  1. 创建一个实现ApplicationComponent接口的类。
  2. 在这个类中,重写getComponentName、initComponent和disposeComponent方法。
  3. 在plugin.xml文件的<application-components>小节注册这个类。


public class MyPluginRegistration implements ApplicationComponent {
    // Returns the component name (any unique string value).
    @NotNull public String getComponentName() {
        return "MyPlugin";

    // If you register the MyPluginRegistration class in the <application-components> section of
    // the plugin.xml file, this method is called on IDEA start-up.
    public void initComponent() {
        ActionManager am = ActionManager.getInstance();
        TextBoxes action = new TextBoxes();
        // Passes an instance of your custom TextBoxes class to the registerAction method of the ActionManager class.
        am.registerAction("MyPluginAction", action);
        // Gets an instance of the WindowMenu action group.
        DefaultActionGroup windowM = (DefaultActionGroup) am.getAction("WindowMenu");
        // Adds a separator and a new menu command to the WindowMenu group on the main menu.

    // Disposes system resources.
    public void disposeComponent() {



    <!-- Add your application components here -->




原文链接:IntelliJ IDEA Action System

时间: 2024-10-20 10:26:42

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