VMTF(variable move-to-front )strategy学习

文献学习——Evaluating CDCL Variable Scoring Schemes

作者:Armin Biere ( B ) and Andreas Fröhlich    ------大牛,CaDiCal、YalSAT、Lingeling等求解器的研发团队负责人



Ryan, L.: Efficient algorithms for clause-learning SAT solvers. Master’s thesis,
Simon Fraser University (2004)


The VSIDS (variable state independent decaying sum) decision heuristic invented in the context of the CDCL (conflict-driven clause
learning) SAT solver Chaff, is considered crucial for achieving high efficiency of modern SAT solvers on application benchmarks.


This paper proposes ACIDS (average conflict-index decision score), a variant of VSIDS. The ACIDS heuristics is compared to the original implementation of VSIDS, its popular modern implementation EVSIDS (exponential VSIDS), the VMTF (variable move-to-front) scheme, and other related decision heuristics.

译文:本文提出了一种改进的方案——平均冲突指数决策得分。将ACIDS的启发法与vsid的原始实现进行比较,后者是流行的现代实现EVSIDS(指数级) VSIDS)、VMTF(变量前移)方案以及其他相关的决策启发法。

They all share the important principle to select those variables as decisions, which recently participated in conflicts. The main
goal of the paper is to provide an empirical evaluation to serve as a
starting point for trying to understand the reason for the efficiency of these decision heuristics.


In our experiments, it turns out that EVSIDS, VMTF, ACIDS behave very similarly, if implemented carefully.


1 Introduction

VSIDS  ----- variable state independent decaying sum (VSIDS) decision heuristic。    

Moskewicz, M.W., Madigan, C.F., Zhao, Y., Zhang, L., Malik, S.: Chaff: engi-
neering an efficient SAT solver. In: Proceedings of the 38th Design Automation
Conference, DAC 2001, pp. 530–535. ACM, Las Vegas, June 18–22, 2001

EVSIDS  -------    exponential VSIDS (EVSIDS)

Biere, A.: Adaptive restart strategies for conflict driven SAT solvers. In: Kleine
Büning, H., Zhao, X. (eds.) SAT 2008. LNCS, vol. 4996, pp. 28–33. Springer,
Heidelberg (2008)

The EVSIDS heuristic allows fast
selection of decision variables and adds focus to the search, but also is able to pick
up long-term trends due to a “smoothing” component, as argued in [6].


On the practical side, there have been various attempts to improve on the
EVSIDS scheme. These include the variable move-to-front (VMTF) strategy
of the Siege SAT solver [8], the BerkMin strategy [9], which is focusing on
recently learned clauses, and the clause move-to-front (CMTF) strategies of
HaifaSAT [10] and PrecoSAT [11].


VMTF  ------  variable move-to-front (VMTF) strategy

Ryan, L.: Efficient algorithms for clause-learning SAT solvers. Master’s thesis,
Simon Fraser University (2004)。

CMTF  -------  the clause move-to-front (CMTF) strategie

    对应于两类求解器HaifaSAT [10] and PrecoSAT [11]

ACIDS  ------  本文提出的策略 average conflict-index decision score (ACIDS)

2.Decision Heuristics



Modulo initialization, typically based on (one-sided)
Jeroslow-Wang’s heuristic [20], phase saving turns the decision heuristic into a
variable selection heuristic.


Accordingly, we focus on variable selection, which in
turn will be based on selecting a variable with the highest decision score.



The original VSIDS implementation in Chaff
worked as follows:

Variables are stored in an array used to search for a decision
variable. After learning a clause, the score of its variables is incremented. Further,
every 256th conflict, all variable scores are divided by 2, and the array is sorted
w.r.t. decreasing score.


The process of updating scores of variables is also referred to as variable bumping [7].

Note, however, that in modern solvers and also in our experiments
we not only bump variables of the learned clause, but all seen variables occur-
ring in antecedents used to derive the learned clause through a regular input
resolution chain [25] from existing clauses.


An essential optimization in Chaff
is to cache the position of the last found decision variable with maximum score
in the ordered array.




INC (or inc in the experiments)

SUM (or sum in our experiments)

The decide procedure selects the next decision variable, by searching for the
first unassigned variable in the ordered array, starting at the lower end, e.g., the
variable with the highest score during sorting. An essential optimization in Chaff
is to cache the position of the last found decision variable with maximum score
in the ordered array. This position is used as starting point for the next search. If
a variable in the array with a position smaller than the cached maximum score
position becomes unassigned then the maximum score position is updated to
that position. During rescoring, similar updates might be necessary.

The first part of VSIDS, e.g., only incrementing scores, constitutes an approx-
imation of dynamic DLIS. It counts occurrences of variables in clauses, ignor-
ing whether a clause is satisfied or not, or even removed during learned clause
deletions [3] (called clause database reduction in the following). This restricted
version of VSIDS without smoothing is denoted INC (or inc in the experiments).

As an alternative to using frequent rescoring, we propose that the smoothing
part of VSIDS can also be approximated by adding the conflict-index to the score
instead of just incrementing it. The conflict-index is the total number of conflicts
that occurred so far. We call this scheme SUM (or sum in our experiments).





VMTF(variable move-to-front )strategy学习


时间: 2024-08-29 20:53:33

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