

  • 获取最新版 vim 源码

    • 1 git仓库clone
    • 2, 源码包下载,里面有各个版本的vim压缩包
  • vim 配置选项
  • 配置示例
    • 参考文章
    • tip

获取最新版 vim 源码

1 git仓库clone

git clone https://github.com/vim/vim.git

2, 源码包下载,里面有各个版本的vim压缩包



The best way to install Vim on Unix is to use the sources. This requires a compiler and its support files. Compiling Vim isn‘t difficult at all. You can simply type "make install" when you are happy with the default features. Edit the Makefile in the "src" directory to select specific features.

vim 配置选项

Optional Features:
  --disable-option-checking  ignore unrecognized --enable/--with options
  --disable-FEATURE       do not include FEATURE (same as --enable-FEATURE=no)
  --enable-FEATURE[=ARG]  include FEATURE [ARG=yes]
  --enable-fail-if-missing    Fail if dependencies on additional features
     specified on the command line are missing.
  --disable-darwin        Disable Darwin (Mac OS X) support.
  --disable-smack     Do not check for Smack support.
  --disable-selinux   Do not check for SELinux support.
  --disable-xsmp          Disable XSMP session management
  --disable-xsmp-interact Disable XSMP interaction
  --enable-luainterp=OPTS      Include Lua interpreter.  default=no OPTS=no/yes/dynamic
  --enable-mzschemeinterp      Include MzScheme interpreter.
  --enable-perlinterp=OPTS     Include Perl interpreter.  default=no OPTS=no/yes/dynamic
  --enable-pythoninterp=OPTS   Include Python interpreter. default=no OPTS=no/yes/dynamic
  --enable-python3interp=OPTS  Include Python3 interpreter. default=no OPTS=no/yes/dynamic
  --enable-tclinterp=OPTS      Include Tcl interpreter. default=no OPTS=no/yes/dynamic
  --enable-rubyinterp=OPTS     Include Ruby interpreter.  default=no OPTS=no/yes/dynamic
  --enable-cscope         Include cscope interface.
  --enable-workshop       Include Sun Visual Workshop support.
  --disable-netbeans      Disable NetBeans integration support.
  --disable-channel       Disable process communication support.
  --enable-terminal       Enable terminal emulation support.
  --enable-autoservername Automatically define servername at vim startup.
  --enable-multibyte      Include multibyte editing support.
  --enable-hangulinput    Include Hangul input support.
  --enable-xim            Include XIM input support.
  --enable-fontset        Include X fontset output support.
  --enable-gui=OPTS       X11 GUI. default=auto OPTS=auto/no/gtk2/gnome2/gtk3/motif/athena/neXtaw/photon/carbon
  --enable-gtk2-check     If auto-select GUI, check for GTK+ 2 default=yes
  --enable-gnome-check    If GTK GUI, check for GNOME default=no
  --enable-gtk3-check     If auto-select GUI, check for GTK+ 3 default=yes
  --enable-motif-check    If auto-select GUI, check for Motif default=yes
  --enable-athena-check   If auto-select GUI, check for Athena default=yes
  --enable-nextaw-check   If auto-select GUI, check for neXtaw default=yes
  --enable-carbon-check   If auto-select GUI, check for Carbon default=yes
  --disable-gtktest       Do not try to compile and run a test GTK program
  --disable-icon-cache-update        update disabled
  --disable-desktop-database-update  update disabled
  --disable-largefile     omit support for large files
  --disable-acl           No check for ACL support.
  --disable-gpm           Don‘t use gpm (Linux mouse daemon).
  --disable-sysmouse      Don‘t use sysmouse (mouse in *BSD console).
  --disable-nls           Don‘t support NLS (gettext()).

Optional Packages:
  --with-PACKAGE[=ARG]    use PACKAGE [ARG=yes]
  --without-PACKAGE       do not use PACKAGE (same as --with-PACKAGE=no)
  --with-mac-arch=ARCH    current, intel, ppc or both
  --with-developer-dir=PATH    use PATH as location for Xcode developer tools
  --with-local-dir=PATH   search PATH instead of /usr/local for local libraries.
  --without-local-dir     do not search /usr/local for local libraries.
  --with-vim-name=NAME    what to call the Vim executable
  --with-ex-name=NAME     what to call the Ex executable
  --with-view-name=NAME   what to call the View executable
  --with-global-runtime=DIR    global runtime directory in ‘runtimepath‘
  --with-modified-by=NAME       name of who modified a release version
  --with-features=TYPE    tiny, small, normal, big or huge (default: huge)
  --with-compiledby=NAME  name to show in :version message
  --with-lua-prefix=PFX   Prefix where Lua is installed.
  --with-luajit           Link with LuaJIT instead of Lua.
  --with-plthome=PLTHOME   Use PLTHOME.
  --with-python-command=NAME  name of the Python 2 command (default: python2 or python)
  --with-python-config-dir=PATH  Python‘s config directory (deprecated)
  --with-python3-command=NAME  name of the Python 3 command (default: python3 or python)
  --with-python3-config-dir=PATH  Python‘s config directory (deprecated)
  --with-tclsh=PATH       which tclsh to use (default: tclsh8.0)
  --with-ruby-command=RUBY  name of the Ruby command (default: ruby)
  --with-x                use the X Window System
  --with-gnome-includes=DIR Specify location of GNOME headers
  --with-gnome-libs=DIR   Specify location of GNOME libs
  --with-gnome            Specify prefix for GNOME files
  --with-motif-lib=STRING Library for Motif
  --with-tlib=library     terminal library to be used


sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libgnome2-dev                      libgnomeui-dev libgtk2.0-dev libatk1.0-dev libbonoboui2-dev                      libcairo2-dev libx11-dev libxpm-dev libxt-dev python-dev                      python3-dev ruby-dev lua5.1 lua5.1-dev liblua5.1-dev libperl-dev git
./configure --with-features=huge             --enable-luainterp=yes             --enable-rubyinterp=yes             --enable-perlinterp=yes             --enable-pythoninterp=yes             --with-python-config-dir=/usr/lib/python2.7/config-x86_64-linux-gnu             --enable-python3interp=yes             --with-python3-config-dir=/usr/lib/python3.5/config-3.5m-x86_64-linux-gnu             --enable-fontset=yes             --enable-cscope=yes             --enable-multibyte             --enable-fail-if-missing             --enable-gui=gtk2             --prefix=/usr/local             --with-compiledby=‘Professional operations‘






The latest news about Vim can be found on the Vim home page: http://www.vim.org/

If you have problems, have a look at the Vim documentation or tips: http://www.vim.org/docs.php http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Vim_Tips_Wiki

If you still have problems or any other questions, use one of the mailing lists to discuss them with Vim users and developers: http://www.vim.org/maillist.php

If nothing else works, report bugs directly: Bram Moolenaar [email protected]


时间: 2024-08-30 12:09:47


ubuntu 下源码编译vim的亲测方法

1.前言 本人从ubuntu开始接触vim,在window下开始了解gvim插件的配置,但是在window下有个问题就是想要自己编译vim很困难(鄙人功力不够,在windows下的ycm插件就从未成功过..),造成有很多功能缺失.参考此处比较靠谱的vim配置,这个文章的作者是在linux的基础上进行教学的.受够了windows下功能缺失的vim后,鄙人决定返回新出来的ubuntu16.04,开始配置自己的vim. 然而,事实上,上面这个链接的vim配置还是有一定的问题的,不知道是作者的问题还是本

ubuntu 源码编译安装最新的vim 8.0

为什么要源码编译安装VIM? 因为我要安装ycm,ycm要求vim版本为8.0 教程步骤: 1, 核对系统版本 2, 删除系统自带的vim 3, 编译安装vim 4, 检验vim的安装 1,核对系统版本 [email protected]:~# lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS Release: 14.04 Codename: tr


实战:LAMP源码编译安装 家住海边喜欢浪:zhang789.blog.51cto.com 目录 详解LAMP源码编译安装 LAMP简介 一.准备工作 二.编译安装 Apache 三.编译安装 MySQL 四.编译安装 PHP 测试LAMP搭建开源数据web管理程序phpMyadmin 详解LAMP源码编译安装 LAMP简介 LAMP是当下非常流行的一套Web架构,我们可以在GNU/Linux下通过其他人打包的程序包来进行安装; 但是在生产环境中,很多时候都需要我们自己定制安装AMP,编译安装L


编译步骤: 1.#cd SOURCE_CODE 2../configure 作用: 检测编译环境 提供给用户编译配置(通过脚本选项) --help 帮助信息 --prefix=/usr/local/name 安装路径 二进制 /usr/local/name/bin /usr/local/name/libexec不允许自动执行,只能被其他程序调用执行 配置文件 /usr/local/name/conf 库文件 /usr/local/name/lib 帮助文档 /usr/local/name/sha


一.LAMP构架的安装与经验技巧(源码安装好处.是便于管理,可以选定参数,可以使用新版本) 相关软件列表: # ls /soft/ | grep -E "*.gz|*.zip|*.xz|*.bz2"    apr-1.4.5.tar.gz    apr-util-1.3.12.tar.gz    autoconf-2.61.tar.gz    freetype-2.3.12.tar.gz    httpd-2.4.18.tar.bz2    jpegsrc.v6b.tar.gz    


源码编译搭建LAMP环境  一.将 LAMP 相关软件包上传刡 linux 上 [[email protected] ~]# ls anaconda-ks.cfg      install.log         mysql-5.5.30.tar.gz  公共的  视频  文档  音乐 httpd-2.2.25.tar.gz  install.log.syslog  php-5.4.14.tar.bz2   模板    图片  下载  桌面 1. 安装apache [[email protect


CentOS 6.5安装配置LAMP服务器(Apache+PHP5+MySQL) 学习PHP脚本编程语言之前,必须先搭建并熟悉开发环境,开发环境有很多种,例如LAMP ,WAMP,MAMP等.这里我介绍一下LAMP环境的搭建,即Linux. Apache. MySQL .PHP环境. 一.首先安装操作系统 操作系统:centos6.5 操作系统安装步骤,此处不再详述. 备注:服务器系统采用最小化安装,安装一下GCC编译工具和一个桌面即可.如下图所示: 由于安装系统的时候我是最小化安装,只安装了一

源码编译安装 Git 2.13.1

环境介绍: 系统版本:CentOS 6 软件仓库:yum-Base,yum-epel Git版本:git 2.13.1 安装方式:源码编译 删除原有版本 git yum remove git -y 安装依赖包 yum install curl-devel expat-devel gettext-devel openssl-devel zlib-devel gcc perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker yum install asciidoc xmlto docbook2X -y 下载


#######Redhat6.5源码编译安装Mysql########实验环境:1.IP:磁盘要大于20G先添加一块大于20G的磁盘fdisk /dev/vdb        ##得到/dev/vdb1 8e linuxpvcreate /dev/vdb1    ##把物理分区做成物理卷vgextend vg_server1 /dev/vdb1    ##把新建立的/dev/vdb1添加到vg_server1中lvextend -L 20G /dev/vg_server1