People Tools catalog tables.


  • PSPROJECTDEFN — Project header table
  • PSPROJECTITEM — Definitions in the project


  • PSDBFIELD — Fields in the system
  • PSXLATITEM — Translate Values


  • PSRECDEFN — Record header table (record types)
  • PSRECFIELD — Fields in the record (subrecords not expanded)
  • PSRECFIELDALL — Fields in the record (subrecords expanded)
  • PSKEYDEFN — Indexes
  • PSTBLSPCCAT — Tablespaces
  • PSRECTBLSPC — Records’ tablespace assignments


(Note: Pages still have the name panels in the PeopleTools table names)

  • PSPNLDEFN — Page header table
  • PSPNLFIELD — Page controls (field types/FIELDTYPE)
  • PSPNLHTMLAREA — Static HTML Areas on Pages
  • PSPNLCNTRLDATA — stores additional attributes for Page controls
  • PSPNLFIELDEXT — stores additional attributes for Page controls
  • PSPTPNLRTEDITOR — new PeopleTools 8.50 table that stores attributes relating to the rich-text editor for long character fields.


(Note: Components still have the name panel group in the PeopleTools table names)

  • PSPNLGRPDEFN — Component header table
  • PSPNLGROUP — Pages in the components

Component Interface

  • PSBCDEFN — header record; one row for each component interface
  • PSBCITEM — one row for each property


  • PSMENUDEFN — Menu header table
  • PSMENUITEM — Items (components) on the menu


  • PSCLASSDEFN — Permission List header table
  • PSAUTHITEM — Menu items granted security by permission lists
  • PSROLEDEFN — Role header table
  • PSROLECLASS — Permission Lists in roles
  • PSOPRDEFN — User ID header table
  • PSROLEUSER — Roles granted to users
  • PSAUTHBUSCOMP — Access to Component Interfaces

Process Scheduler

  • PS_PRCSDEFN — Process Definition Header
  • PS_PRCSDEFNGRP — Process Group
  • PS_PRCSDEFNPNL — Component
  • PS_PRCSJOBDEFN — Job Header
  • PSPRCSRQST — Process Request Instances
  • PS_PRCSJOBITEM — Job Processes


  • PSPRSMDEFN — Content References and Folders
  • PSPRUHTABPGLT — Portal User HP Tab Pagelet
  • PSPRUHDEFN — Homepage definition (from here)
  • PSPRUHTAB — Homepage Tab (from here)
  • PSWEBPROFNVP — Web Profile Settings

Change Control

  • PSCHGCTLHIST — shows history of locked definitions with project name, incident, and description
  • PSCHGCTLLOCK — shows definitions that are currently locked

Application Engine

  • PSAEAPPLDEFN — header record; 1 row per app engine
  • PSAEAPPLSTATE — state records assigned to app engines
  • PSAEAPPLTEMPTBL — temp tables assigned to app engines
  • PSAESECTDEFN — sections
  • PSAESTEPDEFN — steps
  • PSAESTMTDEFN — actions (action types)

List Log Messages

HTML Definitions

  • PSCONTDEFN — header record; last update time, etc.
  • PSCONTENT — stores actual text in the HTML definition

SQL Definitions

  • PSSQLDEFN — header record; last update time, etc.
  • PSSQLTEXTDEFN — stores actual text in the SQL definition

File Layout Definitions

  • PSFLDDEFN — header record; last update time, etc.
  • PSFLDSEGDEFN — stores the segments for each layout
  • PSFLDFIELDDEFN — stores the fields for each layout

(thanks to jasper–see the comments)

  • APPR_RULE_DETL – Approval Rule Defn Details
  • APPR_RULE_FIELD – Approval Rule Defn Route Cntl
  • APPR_RULE_AMT – Approval Rule Amounts
  • RTE_CNTL_LN – Route Control Profile Line
  • RTE_CNTL_RUSER – RoleUser Route Cntl Profiles
  • RTE_CNTL_TYPE – Route Control Type
  • RTE_CNTL_HDR – Routing Control Type
  • PSWORKLIST — list of work items for each user
  • PS_WF_INSTSTATUS — description of the status

(thanks to PeopleSoft Tipster –see his blog)

时间: 2024-08-05 14:27:23

People Tools catalog tables.的相关文章

数据库 schema与catalog

数据库schema与catalog简介 按照SQL标准的解释,在SQL环境下Catalog和Schema都属于抽象概念,可以把它们理解为一个容器或者数据库对象命名空间中的一个层次,主要 用来解决命名冲突问题.从概念上说,一个数据库系统包含多个Catalog,每个Catalog又包含多个Schema,而每个Schema又包含多个数 据库对象(表.视图.字段等),反过来讲一个数据库对象必然属于一个Schema,而该Schema又必然属于一个Catalog,这样我们就可以得到该 数据库对象的完全限定名


PS:执行命令前需要进入DB2的账户下:su db2inst1 修改密码:更改相应的操作系统密码即可,windows上可以更改db2admin的密码,linux上更改db2inst1的密码即可,db2 的数据库密码是和操作系统绑定的,就像大家说的只需要修改操作系统上用户的密码就可以了.你想改那个用户的密码你就在操作系统上改那个用户的密码. DB2 linux 下安装配置教程 ===============================经验最宝贵=========================


最近一直在做数据库优化这一块业务,发现自己好多db2命令都忘了,甚至没用过,有时会成为工作中效率的瓶颈,工欲善其事,必先利其器,所以做了以下总结: 1. 打开命令行窗口 #db2cmd 2. 打开控制中心 # db2cmd db2cc 3. 打开命令编辑器 db2cmd db2ce =====操作数据库命令===== 4. 启动数据库实例 #db2start 5. 停止数据库实例 #db2stop 如果你不能停止数据库由于激活的连接,在运行db2stop前执行db2 force applicat


Apache HBase™ 参考指南  HBase 官方文档中文版 Copyright © 2012 Apache Software Foundation.保留所有权利. Apache Hadoop, Hadoop, MapReduce, HDFS, Zookeeper, HBase 及 HBase项目 logo 是Apache Software Foundation的商标. Revision History Revision 0.95-SNAPSHOT 2012-12-03T13:38 中文版

Avoiding PostgreSQL database corruption

TL;DR: Don't ever set fsync=off, don't kill -9 the postmaster then, don't run PostgreSQL on network file systems. Reports of database corruption on the PostgreSQL mailing list are uncommon, but hardly rare. While a few data corru

【转】DB2 常用命令

1. 打开命令行窗口  #db2cmd 2. 打开控制中心  # db2cmd db2cc 3. 打开命令编辑器  db2cmd db2ce =====操作数据库命令===== 4. 启动数据库实例  #db2start 5. 停止数据库实例  #db2stop 如果你不能停止数据库由于激活的连接,在运行db2stop前执行db2 force application all就可以了 /db2stop force 6. 创建数据库  #db2 create db [dbname] 7. 连接到数据

DB2 常用命令小结

1. 打开命令行窗口 #db2cmd 2. 打开控制中心 # db2cmd db2cc 3. 打开命令编辑器 db2cmd db2ce =====操作数据库命令===== 4. 启动数据库实例 #db2start 5. 停止数据库实例 #db2stop 如果你不能停止数据库由于激活的连接,在运行db2stop前执行db2 force application all就可以了 /db2stop force 6. 创建数据库 #db2 create db [dbname] 7. 连接到数据库 #db2

DB2 常用命令

1. 打开命令行窗口 #db2cmd 2. 打开控制中心 # db2cmd db2cc 3. 打开命令编辑器 db2cmd db2ce =====操作数据库命令===== 4. 启动数据库实例 #db2start 5. 停止数据库实例 #db2stop 如果你不能停止数据库由于激活的连接,在运行db2stop前执行db2 force application all就可以了 /db2stop force 6. 创建数据库 #db2 create db [dbname] 7. 连接到数据库 #db2


本文详细汇总了DB2的常用操作命令,分享给大家.对于使用db2的朋友可以参考下. DB2数据库管理客户端从v9.7版本之后就不再带有控制中心了,而是使用 Data Studio Client.安装 DB2 数据库产品期间不会应用许可证密钥.但是,下列产品没有激活 CD,因此会在安装这些产品的过程中自动应用其许可证:DB2 Express-C 和 DB2 Connect 个人版.此外,DB2 个人版也是一个特殊案例.虽然 DB2 个人版具有激活 CD,但是会在安装该产品的过程中自动应用其许可证.