Windows nexus 启动失败


nexus Windows系统服务安装成功,但启动失败


Usage: nexus.bat { console : start : stop : restart : install : uninstall }

请按任意键继续. . .

D:\nexus-2.10.0-02-bundle\nexus-2.10.0-02\bin>nexus.bat install

wrapper  | nexus installed.

D:\nexus-2.10.0-02-bundle\nexus-2.10.0-02\bin>nexus.bat start

wrapper  | Starting the nexus service...

wrapper  | The nexus service was launched, but failed to start.

请按任意键继续. . .


wrapper  | Unable to execute Java command.  系统找不到指定的文件。 (0x2)

wrapper  |     "java"

wrapper  | Critical error: wait for JVM process failed

wrapper  | The nexus service was launched, but failed to start.



# Set the JVM executable

# (modify this to absolute path if you need a Java that is not on the OS path)\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_67\jre\bin\java.exe

时间: 2024-10-23 23:30:48

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