SPOJ 4487 Splay 基本操作




//Problem Specific Function
void PushUp(int x )
int ll = sp[x].child[0], rr = sp[x].child[1];
// sz, lsum , rsum , msum, sum
sp[x].sz = 1 + sp[sp[x].child[0]].sz + sp[sp[x].child[1]].sz;
sp[x].sum = sp[x].val + sp[sp[x].child[0]].sum + sp[sp[x].child[1]].sum;
sp[x].lsum = max(sp[ll].lsum, sp[ll].sum + sp[x].val + max(sp[rr].lsum, 0));
sp[x].rsum = max(sp[rr].rsum, sp[rr].sum + sp[x].val + max(sp[ll].rsum , 0));
// 这里类似于线段树的
sp[x].msum = max(max(sp[ll].msum, sp[rr].msum), sp[x].val + max(sp[ll].rsum, 0) + max(sp[rr].lsum, 0));

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   2:  #include <cstdio>
   3:  #include <iostream>
   5:  using namespace std;
   6:  #define INF 10009
   7:  #define MaxL 222222
   8:  #define keyTree   sp[sp[root].child[1]].child[0]
  10:  struct SplayTreeNode
  11:  {
  12:      int parent, child[2];   // parent and child[0] left child[1] right
  13:      int sz, val;  // sz 表示当前节点为根的子树总节点个数.  val表示当前节点的键值。
  14:      int sum;    // 以x为根节点的子树的所有的和
  15:      int lsum;   // 以该点为根的子树的左子树最大的连续和 [left, x)
  16:      int rsum;   // 以该点为根的子树的右子树 最大的连续和 (x, right]
  17:      int msum;   // 以该点为根的子树中的连续最大字段和
  18:  };
  20:  int num[MaxL];
  21:  struct SpalyTree
  22:  {
  23:      SplayTreeNode sp[MaxL];   // save space
  24:      int gc[MaxL];   // Garbage Collection idx
  25:      int root;  // root idx
  26:      int idx;   // Forward allocate tree
  27:      int idxrev; // garbage allocated nodes used for next allocation priority
  29:      /*
  30:           A                        B
  31:         /   \    R(B,RR)->       /   \
  32:        B     C    <-R(A,LL)     D     A
  33:       / \                            /  \
  34:      D   E                          E    C
  35:      */
  36:      void Rotate(int x,int f)   // f ==0 l rot,1 r rot
  37:      {
  38:          int y = sp[x].parent;
  39:          //PushDown(y);
  40:          //PushDown(x);
  41:          sp[y].child[!f] = sp[x].child[f];
  42:          sp[sp[x].child[f]].parent = y;
  43:          sp[x].parent = sp[y].parent;
  44:          if(sp[x].parent)
  45:              sp[sp[y].parent].child[ sp[sp[y].parent].child[1] == y]= x;
  46:          sp[x].child[f] = y;
  47:          sp[y].parent = x;
  48:          PushUp(y);
  49:      }
  51:      void Splay(int x, int goal)
  52:      {
  53:          //PushDown(x);
  54:          while(sp[x].parent != goal)
  55:          {
  56:              if(sp[sp[x].parent].parent == goal)
  57:                  Rotate(x, sp[sp[x].parent].child[0] == x);
  58:              else
  59:              {
  60:                  int y = sp[x].parent, z = sp[y].parent;
  61:                  int f = sp[z].child[0] == y;
  62:                  if(sp[y].child[f] == x)
  63:                      Rotate(x,!f), Rotate(x,f);
  64:                  else
  65:                      Rotate(y,f), Rotate(x,f);
  67:              }
  68:          }
  69:          PushUp(x);
  70:          if(goal == 0) root = x;
  71:      }
  72:      //  把第k个的数转到goal下边,一般用来调整区间
  73:      int RotateTo(int k, int goal)
  74:      {
  75:          int x = root;
  76:          //PushDown(x);
  77:          while(sp[sp[x].child[0]].sz !=k)
  78:          {
  79:              if( k< sp [ sp[x].child[0] ].sz)
  80:                  x = sp[x].child[0];
  81:              else
  82:              {
  83:                  k -= sp[sp[x].child[0]].sz +1;
  84:                  x = sp[x].child[1];
  85:              }
  86:  //            PushDown(x);
  87:          }
  88:  //        cout<<"Rotate "<<x<<" goal "<<goal<<endl;
  89:          Splay(x, goal);
  90:          return x;
  91:      }
  93:      void NewNode(int &x, int c)
  94:      {
  95:          if( idxrev) x = gc[--idxrev];
  96:          else  x = ++idx;
  97:          sp[x].child[1] = 0, sp[x].child[0] = 0, sp[x].parent = 0;
  98:          sp[x].sz = 1;
  99:          sp[x].val = sp[x].sum = sp[x].lsum = sp[x].rsum  = sp[x].msum = c;
 100:          //sp[x].lazy = 0;
 101:      }
 103:      //把以x为祖先结点(x 也算)删掉放进内存池,回收内存
 104:      void eraseSubTree(int x)
 105:      {
 106:          int father = sp[x].parent;
 107:          int head = idxrev , tail = idxrev;
 108:          for (gc[tail++] = x ; head < tail ; head ++)
 109:          {
 110:              idxrev++;
 111:              if( sp[gc[head]].child[0]) gc[tail++] = sp[gc[head]].child[0];
 112:              if( sp[gc[head]].child[1]) gc[tail++] = sp[gc[head]].child[1];
 113:          }
 114:          sp[father].child[ sp[father].child[1] == x] = 0;
 115:          PushUp(father);
 116:      }
 119:      void makeTree(int &x, int l, int r, int parent)
 120:      {
 121:          if(l > r) return ;
 122:          int m = (l+r)>>1;
 123:          NewNode(x,num[m]);
 124:          makeTree(sp[x].child[0], l, m-1, x);
 125:          makeTree(sp[x].child[1], m+1, r, x);
 126:          sp[x].parent = parent;
 127:          PushUp(x);
 128:      }
 129:      void Init(int n)
 130:      {
 131:          idx = idxrev =  0;
 132:          root = 0;
 133:          sp[0].child[0] = sp[0].child[1] = sp[0].parent  = 0;
 134:          sp[0].sz = sp[0].sum = 0;
 135:          sp[0].val = sp[0].lsum = sp[0].rsum = sp[0].msum = -INF;
 136:          NewNode(root, -INF);
 137:          NewNode(sp[root].child[1], -INF);
 138:          sp[idx].parent = root;
 139:          sp[root].sz = 2;
 140:          makeTree( sp [sp[root].child[1] ].child[0] , 1, n, sp[root].child[1]);
 141:          PushUp(sp[root].child[1]);
 142:          PushUp(root);
 143:      }
 145:      void Travel(int x)
 146:      {
 147:          if(x)
 148:          {
 149:              Travel( sp[x].child[0]);
 150:              printf("结点%2d:左儿子 %2d 右儿子 %2d 父结点 %2d size = %2d ,val = %2d  sum = %2d\n",x, sp[x].child[0],sp[x].child[1],sp[x].parent,sp[x].sz,sp[x].val, sp[x].sum);
 151:              Travel( sp[x].child[1]);
 152:          }
 153:      }
 155:      //Problem Specific Function
 156:      void PushUp(int x )
 157:      {
 158:          int ll = sp[x].child[0], rr = sp[x].child[1];
 159:          // sz, lsum , rsum , msum, sum
 160:          sp[x].sz = 1 + sp[sp[x].child[0]].sz + sp[sp[x].child[1]].sz;
 161:          sp[x].sum =  sp[x].val + sp[sp[x].child[0]].sum + sp[sp[x].child[1]].sum;
 162:          sp[x].lsum = max(sp[ll].lsum, sp[ll].sum + sp[x].val + max(sp[rr].lsum, 0));
 163:          sp[x].rsum = max(sp[rr].rsum, sp[rr].sum + sp[x].val + max(sp[ll].rsum , 0));
 164:          // 这里类似于线段树的
 165:          sp[x].msum = max(max(sp[ll].msum, sp[rr].msum), sp[x].val + max(sp[ll].rsum, 0) + max(sp[rr].lsum, 0));
 166:      }
 168:      void Insert(int pos, int m)
 169:      {
 170:          RotateTo(pos - 1, 0);
 171:          RotateTo(pos, root);
 172:          int p = 0;
 173:          NewNode(p, m);
 174:          keyTree = p;
 175:          sp[p].parent = sp[root].child[1];
 176:          Splay(p,0);
 177:      }
 179:      void Delete(int pos)
 180:      {
 181:          RotateTo(pos-1, 0);
 182:          RotateTo(pos+1, root);
 183:          eraseSubTree(keyTree);
 184:          Splay(sp[root].child[1], 0);
 185:      }
 187:      void Replace(int pos, int m)
 188:      {
 189:          RotateTo(pos-1, 0);
 190:          RotateTo(pos+1, root);
 191:          int x = keyTree;
 192:          sp[x].val = sp[x].sum = sp[x].lsum = sp[x].rsum  = sp[x].msum = m;
 193:          Splay(keyTree,0);
 194:      }
 196:      int Query(int l, int r)
 197:      {
 198:          RotateTo(l -1, 0);
 199:          RotateTo(r+1, root);
 201:          int ret =  sp[keyTree].msum;
 202:          Splay(keyTree,0);
 203:          return ret;
 204:      }
 205:  } spt;
 208:  int main()
 209:  {
 210:  //    freopen("1.txt","r",stdin);
 211:      int n;
 212:      while(scanf("%d",&n)!=EOF)
 213:      {
 214:          for(int i=1; i<=n; i++)
 215:              scanf("%d",&num[i]);
 216:          spt.Init(n);
 217:          int q;
 218:          scanf("%d", &q);
 219:          while(q--)
 220:          {
 221:              char op[2];
 222:              scanf("%s",op);
 223:              int pos,m;
 224:              if(op[0]==‘I‘)
 225:              {
 226:                  n++;
 227:                  scanf("%d%d",&pos, &m);
 228:                  spt.Insert(pos,m);
 229:              }
 230:              else if(op[0]==‘D‘)
 231:              {
 232:                  n--;
 233:  //                scanf_(pos);
 234:                  scanf("%d", & pos);
 235:                  spt.Delete(pos);
 236:              }
 237:              else if(op[0]==‘R‘)
 238:              {
 239:                  scanf("%d%d",&pos, &m);
 240:                  spt.Replace(pos,m);
 241:              }
 242:              else if(op[0]==‘Q‘)
 243:              {
 244:                  scanf("%d%d", &pos, &m);
 245:                  printf("%d\n", spt.Query(pos,m));
 246:              }
 247:          }
 248:      }
 249:      return 0;
 250:  }

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SPOJ 4487 Splay 基本操作,布布扣,bubuko.com

时间: 2024-11-03 03:47:48

SPOJ 4487 Splay 基本操作的相关文章

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万年不更的blog主更新啦!主要是最近实在忙,好不容易才从划水做题的时间中抽出一段时间来写这篇blog 首先声明:这篇blog写的肯定会很基础...因为身为一个蒟蒻深知在茫茫大海中找到一个自己完全能够看懂的blog有多么的难..(说多了都是泪.)所以当然希望所有初学者都能看懂这篇博文啦~ 说实话在学这个算法之前有跟强大的巨神zxyer学过treap和fhq_treap,所以对平衡树有一定的了解.当然都是理论阶段,虽然都打过一两题,但是忘得快..所以几乎等于没打. 认真重学了一遍平衡树(尤其是sp

【学术篇】NOIP2017 d2t3 列队phalanx splay做法

我可去他的吧.... ==============先胡扯些什么的分割线================== 一道NOIP题我调了一晚上...(其实是因为昨晚没有找到调试的好方法来的说...) 曾经我以为我写完了然后全WA 0分 发现 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 这组数据能把我卡掉(我都不知道怎么过样例的)... 然后就开始调就精神崩溃就放弃治疗就划水就过去了一下午和一晚上... 今天我立(砾)志要完成这道题. 上luogu打卡 两个号(不要问我为啥两个号)分别: 然后说我调不出WA的题我就很绝望


1 #include<cstdio> 2 #define abs(a,b) (a>b?a-b:b-a) 3 #define MOD 1000000 4 #define MXN 450000+5 5 int read(){ 6 int x=0,w=1; 7 char c=getchar(); 8 while(c<'0'||c>'9'){ 9 if(c=='-') w=-1; 10 c=getchar(); 11 } 12 while(c>='0'&&c&l

SPOJ GSS6 4487. Can you answer these queries VI (SPLAY)

题目大意: 四个操作: I X Y 在x位置插入y D x 删除x位置的数 R x y 用y替换x位置上的数字 Q x y 求出[x,y]上的最大子序列的和. 思路分析: 对于动态维护序列肯定是splay了. 现在就考虑以下几个问题. 之前我们知道线段树处理连续的子序列的和是用区间合并的.那splay上怎么做. 考虑边界,如儿子为 0 或者是冗余节点怎么办? 初始化的时候将值赋成什么. 仔细考虑这些就能减少代码量. 注意replace的时候,要去找到然后直接修改,如果先旋转的话就会造成超时. #

SPOJ GSS6 Can you answer these queries VI ——Splay

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